On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> bloviated:
>> Lord, man, look at all the hubbub about "we need God back in government!", 
>> etc..
> You misrepresent this all the time, they want people to stop attacking
> religion and allow people to say Merry Christmas. They're not trying
> to add the ten commandmants to buildings, they trying to stop you from
> removing them from buildings. See the difference?

So you have no objections to shoving the Christian religion down the
throats of those who are not Christian? Also by having the 10
commandments up its an implication that non-Christians will be
disfavoured. Nice concept of equal justice for all.

Larry C. Lyons
web: http://www.lyonsmorris.com/lyons
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/larryclyons
People need to realize that the plural of anecdote is not data.

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