
as unlikely a scenario as this is...maybe we're not all inbred from one human couple.  maybe we descended from... primates?  

hmm...dunno if thinking about descending from inbred primates (c' they wouldn't) is all that much better.

/me puts head back in sand and waits for the theological stuff to pass.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Philip Arnold
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 2:52 PM
  Subject: RE: Generational Math

  > You're thinking that they had to lay with their mother.  Adam
  > and Eve had children over the course of about 900 years, and
  > these children also had children.  It was more likely it was
  > brother-sister or uncle-niece rather than son-mother.  It
  > also says that Cain had a wife, so it could not have been Eve
  > since she was already Adam's wife.
  > That would have made Cain a Mother-****er.

  But it's still brother/sister relationships, before they start having
  other children

  Which means we're all HEAVILY in-bred

  Makes you wonder what humans are MEANT to look like, if we're the
  in-bred results <g>
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