Another part of the show talked about food marketing, and that was VERY enlightening. Something approaching 90% of new package foods that come on the market each year are little more then starches, sugars and fats with a sprinkling of flavor, preservatives and vitamin additives. It also indicated that if agri-business where to start growing foods in relationship to the food pyramid, something like 300 to 500% more farm land would need to be planted to vegetables and fruits then currently are and a lot less should be planted to the very profitable wheat, corn and soybeans that are used as the raw materials of the starches, sugars and fats making up 90% of the packaged foods.
Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Braver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:47 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re:Cardio (was Atkins)
/Benny looks down, says "yup yup yup, Benny and Eri*K*a sure are different,isn't that great?, scampers away...
<hee hee hee>
>Well I know that, that's what the whole point of this post. That
>everyone's mileage varies. Everyone's body is different. There is no
>"miracle" set of guidlelines that ALL of us can follow.
>We are all too different.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ben Braver
>YMMV :-)
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