I like this piece of information I got from some show on Modern Weight loss research.  "The human body was designed to store extra food in-order to survive drought years that historically happened approximately every 7 years on average."  In other words, most of us are descendants of the survivors that could put on enough weight to survive a year or more of under nutrition.  Now that modern agriculture prevents these kinds of famines in industrial countries, we just keep putting on the weight for bad years that never arrive.

Another part of the show talked about food marketing, and that was VERY enlightening.  Something approaching 90% of new package foods that come on the market each year are little more then starches, sugars and fats with a sprinkling of flavor, preservatives and vitamin additives.  It also indicated that if agri-business where to start growing foods in relationship to the food pyramid, something like 300 to 500% more farm land would need to be planted to vegetables and fruits then currently are and a lot less should be planted to the very profitable wheat, corn and soybeans that are used as the raw materials of the starches, sugars and fats making up 90% of the packaged foods.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Braver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:47 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re:Cardio (was Atkins)

/Benny looks down, says "yup yup yup, Benny and Eri*K*a sure are different,isn't that great?, scampers away...
<hee hee hee>

>Well I know that, that's what the whole point of this post. That
>everyone's mileage varies. Everyone's body is different. There is no
>"miracle" set of guidlelines that ALL of us can follow.
>We are all too different.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ben Braver
>YMMV :-)
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