A few thoughts...
Access is "query-based" so you want to look closely at the queries.
Look at the tables and see how the data design can be improved, but be
Look at the forms for things like input masks and validation and add these
to your written specs, these are part of you BRs, as are any enforcements in
the tables.
The catch-22 of these kind of jobs is that most people dont; want to be
bothered with figuring out and telling you what they need.
And you can't afford to put too much work into it, but you may have to.
Look in the code for Form Modules, and look in Modules for code. The
application may have neither of these. Also look for Macros.
Look at the reports for logic as well. You talk of functions and you will
need to understand these as well, whether user-defined or built-in.
I would do a thorough written audit and specs.
Then check out your understanding with the customer.
You may need to say something like - I just wanted to clarify a few
points...BUT do your homework first and try to understand as much as
possible ahead of time.
Make sure you are talking to the person who actually uses the application.
If the secretary/admin person is the one who usually used the app then you
want to talk to them and not their boss or business owner. They may also be
giving of their time.
If the client will not provide you with details about requirements then do
not take it on. Never take on a project where they won't provide what you
The best resource for Access coding on the web is www.mvps.org/access
<http://www.mvps.org/access> .
good luck,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chunshen Li


Client does not have any doc on the BRs etc for the FORM app, I thought if
there's some way to find out BRs etc. from the existing Access FORM, it
would help for the new app's functions.  Are you suggesting to "sqeeze" the
client for the BRs etc. for the web app?



>-----Original Message-----
>From: brobborb
>You dont look at the code at all.  You just figure out what the app is
>supposed to do, how it's supposed to function, stuff like that, and write
>your cold in CF (or whatever server langauage you're supposed to write it
>in) to work the same way
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