At 10:40 25/09/2003 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>yes, exactly

Looks like your thread got hijacked with some inane list-admin nonsense...
So I cc'd you just in case signal drowns in noise...

I'm building a new framework, and we build the page content up into a
variable, request.pageOutput, so it can be manipulated however, then output
when all processing is done. I've got some custom whitespace management:

<!--- Strip out all tabs --->
<cfset request.pageOutput = Trim(Replace(request.pageOutput, Chr(9), "",
<!--- Strip out all multiple newlines --->
<cfset request.pageOutput = REReplace(request.pageOutput,
"#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#[#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#]+", "#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#", "ALL")>
<!--- Strip out all multiple spaces --->
<cfset request.pageOutput = REReplace(request.pageOutput, " [ ]+", " ", "ALL")>

This just makes the browser source easier to scan when debugging. You could
use this for newlines if you just want to reduce whitespace to a minimum
for bandwidth reasons:

<cfset request.pageOutput = REReplace(request.pageOutput,
"#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#", "", "ALL")>

However, I've no idea if this is what you're after or not.

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