One you don't need the CFOUTPUT's because you are in a CF tag.

<cfset datetime="#CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#">

Also, this is making a TimeStamp which some DB's will recognize, some take a
normal DateTime format.  I'm not sure which DB you are using, but you could
also try:

<CFSET dtvalue="#DateFormat(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")# #TimeFormat(now(),

I used dtvalue because datetime could possible be a reserved word somewhere.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Steve Kahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 1:42 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Problem with CreateODBCDateTime(Now())

  I'm trying to set the date when a user logs in, but it keeps showing up in
the database as:
  <cfoutput>{ts '2004-09-20 13:21:00'}</cfoutput>

  on my action page I have
  <cfset datetime="<cfoutput>#CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#</cfoutput>">

  <cfquery datasource="dsn">
    UPDATE trackusers
    SET Logindate='#datetime#', IP='#remote_addr#',
browser='#http_user_agent#', remote_host='#remote_host#',
    WHERE username = '#username#'
    AND pwd = '#pwd#'

  What am I doing wrong?

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