Another Option is to use an embedded Java applet or flash FTP client. I have
used them in the past. It makes a direct connection from the browser window
to the FTP server. The one I used was jftp by that was
like 5 years ago. Looks like they are the same folk behind BluApple CMS.


On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Robert Schimmel <>wrote:

> So, here is my problem. I need to be able to get a file from a client
> browser to a remote FTP server without storing the file on the CF server.
> It's a government project that won't allow cffile to upload a file from the
> client onto the webserver, but they gave me access to an ftp server
> (requiring authentication of course). So basically, I want to be able to use
> cfftp but that appears to only be able to transfer files that are already on
> the local server. Anyone have a solution that allows the user to get a
> simple browse interface, i.e. cffile, but can put the file on a remote FTP
> server?

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