OK so I wrote a cfc that was going to be exposed for remote call by
.net websites. So I tested the heck out of it.

Unfortunately I forgot to change package to remote the first time I
called it and got an error.

Then I changed the code tested and noticed a caching issue. I tried to
clear it and it seemed stuck on the same error. Then I changed the
name of the cfc and everything started working.

I kept changing the name on the dev server to finish my work and would
deal with the caching issues.

Now I'm trying to do that and I can change all the webservices that
actually registered on the CF server except the original that has the
name I want. And that one I can't get to clear.

Call it and I get this error.

    10. public class CertificationLocator extends
org.apache.axis.client.Service implements
certification_pkg.Certification {

*** Semantic Error: The checked exception "RemoteException" is not
assignable to any exception in the throws clause of the accessible
method "javax.xml.rpc.Call createCall() throws
javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;" declared in type

    10. public class CertificationLocator extends
org.apache.axis.client.Service implements
certification_pkg.Certification {

*** Semantic Error: The method "org.apache.axis.client.Call
createCall() throws java.rmi.RemoteExce....
server-error: true
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Change no code and rename it and it works fine.

Restarted means restarted CF Application server only

Here's what I've done. Turn On Trusted Cache, restarted, Turned off
Trusted Cache, Restarted, Turned off Save Class Files, Hit the button
Clear Cached Templates Now, checked webservices, tried to register the
webservice on the CFserver and refresh but I get this error too.

"Error creating web service. Please ensure that you have entered a
correct Web Service name or URL."

again rename the same code I can change refresh and alter the
webservice all I want I just can't name it to the original name.

-Joshua O'Connor-Rose
-All is Good

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