TIFitis created this revision.
TIFitis added reviewers: kiranchandramohan, clementval, jdoerfert.
Herald added subscribers: Moerafaat, zero9178, bzcheeseman, awarzynski, 
sdasgup3, wenzhicui, wrengr, cota, teijeong, rdzhabarov, tatianashp, msifontes, 
jurahul, Kayjukh, grosul1, Joonsoo, liufengdb, aartbik, mgester, arpith-jacob, 
antiagainst, shauheen, rriddle, mehdi_amini, thopre, guansong, hiraditya, 
Herald added a reviewer: ftynse.
Herald added a project: All.
TIFitis requested review of this revision.
Herald added a reviewer: nicolasvasilache.
Herald added subscribers: llvm-commits, cfe-commits, sstefan1, 
stephenneuendorffer, nicolasvasilache.
Herald added a reviewer: dcaballe.
Herald added projects: clang, MLIR, LLVM.

This patch adds OpenMP IRBuilder support for the Target Data directives to 
allow lowering to LLVM IR.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
--- mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
+++ mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"
 #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
@@ -1338,6 +1339,230 @@
   return success();
+/// Create a constant string location from the MLIR Location information.
+static llvm::Constant *
+createSourceLocStrFromLocation(Location loc, llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder &builder,
+                               StringRef name, uint32_t &strLen) {
+  if (auto fileLoc = loc.dyn_cast<FileLineColLoc>()) {
+    StringRef fileName = fileLoc.getFilename();
+    unsigned lineNo = fileLoc.getLine();
+    unsigned colNo = fileLoc.getColumn();
+    return builder.getOrCreateSrcLocStr(name, fileName, lineNo, colNo, strLen);
+  }
+  std::string locStr;
+  llvm::raw_string_ostream locOS(locStr);
+  locOS << loc;
+  return builder.getOrCreateSrcLocStr(locOS.str(), strLen);
+/// Create a constant string representing the mapping information extracted from
+/// the MLIR location information.
+static llvm::Constant *
+createMappingInformation(Location loc, llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder &builder) {
+  uint32_t strLen;
+  if (auto nameLoc = loc.dyn_cast<NameLoc>()) {
+    StringRef name = nameLoc.getName();
+    return createSourceLocStrFromLocation(nameLoc.getChildLoc(), builder, name,
+                                          strLen);
+  }
+  return createSourceLocStrFromLocation(loc, builder, "unknown", strLen);
+/// Computes the size of type in bytes.
+static llvm::Value *getSizeInBytes(llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
+                                   llvm::Value *basePtr) {
+  llvm::LLVMContext &ctx = builder.getContext();
+  llvm::Value *null =
+      llvm::Constant::getNullValue(basePtr->getType()->getPointerTo());
+  llvm::Value *sizeGep =
+      builder.CreateGEP(basePtr->getType(), null, builder.getInt32(1));
+  llvm::Value *sizePtrToInt =
+      builder.CreatePtrToInt(sizeGep, llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(ctx));
+  return sizePtrToInt;
+/// Process MapOperands for Target Data directives.
+static LogicalResult processMapOperand(
+    llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder, LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation,
+    const SmallVector<Value> &mapOperands, const ArrayAttr &mapTypes,
+    SmallVector<uint64_t> &mapTypeFlags,
+    SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Constant *> &mapNames,
+    struct llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::MapperAllocas &mapperAllocas) {
+  auto numMapOperands = mapOperands.size();
+  llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder *ompBuilder = moduleTranslation.getOpenMPBuilder();
+  llvm::PointerType *i8PtrTy = builder.getInt8PtrTy();
+  llvm::ArrayType *arrI8PtrTy = llvm::ArrayType::get(i8PtrTy, numMapOperands);
+  llvm::IntegerType *i64Ty = builder.getInt64Ty();
+  llvm::ArrayType *arrI64Ty = llvm::ArrayType::get(i64Ty, numMapOperands);
+  unsigned index = 0;
+  for (const auto &mapOp : mapOperands) {
+    const auto &mapTypeOp = mapTypes[index];
+    llvm::Value *mapOpValue = moduleTranslation.lookupValue(mapOp);
+    llvm::Value *mapOpPtrBase;
+    llvm::Value *mapOpPtr;
+    llvm::Value *mapOpSize;
+    if (mapOp.getType().isa<LLVM::LLVMPointerType>()) {
+      mapOpPtrBase = mapOpValue;
+      mapOpPtr = mapOpValue;
+      mapOpSize = getSizeInBytes(builder, mapOpValue);
+    } else {
+      return failure();
+    }
+    // Store base pointer extracted from operand into the i-th position of
+    // argBase.
+    llvm::Value *ptrBaseGEP = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
+        arrI8PtrTy, mapperAllocas.ArgsBase,
+        {builder.getInt32(0), builder.getInt32(index)});
+    llvm::Value *ptrBaseCast = builder.CreateBitCast(
+        ptrBaseGEP, mapOpPtrBase->getType()->getPointerTo());
+    builder.CreateStore(mapOpPtrBase, ptrBaseCast);
+    // Store pointer extracted from operand into the i-th position of args.
+    llvm::Value *ptrGEP = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
+        arrI8PtrTy, mapperAllocas.Args,
+        {builder.getInt32(0), builder.getInt32(index)});
+    llvm::Value *ptrCast =
+        builder.CreateBitCast(ptrGEP, mapOpPtr->getType()->getPointerTo());
+    builder.CreateStore(mapOpPtr, ptrCast);
+    // Store size extracted from operand into the i-th position of argSizes.
+    llvm::Value *sizeGEP = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
+        arrI64Ty, mapperAllocas.ArgSizes,
+        {builder.getInt32(0), builder.getInt32(index)});
+    builder.CreateStore(mapOpSize, sizeGEP);
+    mapTypeFlags.push_back(mapTypeOp.dyn_cast<mlir::IntegerAttr>().getInt());
+    llvm::Constant *mapName =
+        createMappingInformation(mapOp.getLoc(), *ompBuilder);
+    mapNames.push_back(mapName);
+    ++index;
+  }
+  return success();
+static LogicalResult
+convertOmpTargetData(Operation *op, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
+                     LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation) {
+  unsigned numMapOperands;
+  llvm::Function *mapperFunc;
+  llvm::Value *ifCond = nullptr;
+  int64_t deviceID = llvm::omp::OMP_DEVICEID_UNDEF;
+  SmallVector<Value> mapOperands;
+  ArrayAttr mapTypes;
+  llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder *ompBuilder = moduleTranslation.getOpenMPBuilder();
+  LogicalResult result =
+      llvm::TypeSwitch<Operation *, LogicalResult>(op)
+          .Case([&](omp::DataOp dataOp) {
+            if (auto ifExprVar = dataOp.getIfExpr())
+              ifCond = moduleTranslation.lookupValue(ifExprVar);
+            if (auto devId = dataOp.getDevice())
+              if (auto constOp = mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+                      devId.getDefiningOp()))
+                if (auto intAttr =
+                        constOp.getValue().dyn_cast<mlir::IntegerAttr>())
+                  deviceID = intAttr.getInt();
+            numMapOperands = dataOp.getMapOperands().size();
+            mapOperands = dataOp.getMapOperands();
+            mapTypes = dataOp.getMapTypes();
+            return success();
+          })
+          .Case([&](omp::EnterDataOp enterDataOp) {
+            if (enterDataOp.getNowait())
+              return failure();
+            if (auto ifExprVar = enterDataOp.getIfExpr())
+              ifCond = moduleTranslation.lookupValue(ifExprVar);
+            if (auto devId = enterDataOp.getDevice())
+              if (auto constOp = mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+                      devId.getDefiningOp()))
+                if (auto intAttr =
+                        constOp.getValue().dyn_cast<mlir::IntegerAttr>())
+                  deviceID = intAttr.getInt();
+            numMapOperands = enterDataOp.getMapOperands().size();
+            mapOperands = enterDataOp.getMapOperands();
+            mapTypes = enterDataOp.getMapTypes();
+            mapperFunc = ompBuilder->getOrCreateRuntimeFunctionPtr(
+                llvm::omp::OMPRTL___tgt_target_data_begin_mapper);
+            return success();
+          })
+          .Case([&](omp::ExitDataOp exitDataOp) {
+            if (exitDataOp.getNowait())
+              return failure();
+            if (auto ifExprVar = exitDataOp.getIfExpr())
+              ifCond = moduleTranslation.lookupValue(ifExprVar);
+            if (auto devId = exitDataOp.getDevice())
+              if (auto constOp = mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+                      devId.getDefiningOp()))
+                if (auto intAttr =
+                        constOp.getValue().dyn_cast<mlir::IntegerAttr>())
+                  deviceID = intAttr.getInt();
+            numMapOperands = exitDataOp.getMapOperands().size();
+            mapOperands = exitDataOp.getMapOperands();
+            mapTypes = exitDataOp.getMapTypes();
+            mapperFunc = ompBuilder->getOrCreateRuntimeFunctionPtr(
+                llvm::omp::OMPRTL___tgt_target_data_end_mapper);
+            return success();
+          })
+          .Default([&](Operation *op) {
+            return op->emitError("unsupported OpenMP operation: ")
+                   << op->getName();
+          });
+  if (failed(result))
+    return failure();
+  llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::LocationDescription ompLoc(builder);
+  llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy allocaIP =
+      findAllocaInsertPoint(builder, moduleTranslation);
+  struct llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::MapperAllocas mapperAllocas;
+  SmallVector<uint64_t> mapTypeFlags;
+  SmallVector<llvm::Constant *> mapNames;
+  ompBuilder->createMapperAllocas(builder.saveIP(), allocaIP, numMapOperands,
+                                  mapperAllocas);
+  using InsertPointTy = llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy;
+  LogicalResult processMapOpStatus = success();
+  auto processMapOpCB = [&](InsertPointTy allocaIP, InsertPointTy codeGenIP) {
+    builder.restoreIP(codeGenIP);
+    processMapOpStatus =
+        processMapOperand(builder, moduleTranslation, mapOperands, mapTypes,
+                          mapTypeFlags, mapNames, mapperAllocas);
+  };
+  LogicalResult bodyGenStatus = success();
+  auto bodyCB = [&](InsertPointTy allocaIP, InsertPointTy codeGenIP) {
+    // DataOp has only one region associated with it.
+    auto &region = cast<omp::DataOp>(op).getRegion();
+    builder.restoreIP(codeGenIP);
+    convertOmpOpRegions(region, "omp.data.region", builder, moduleTranslation,
+                        bodyGenStatus);
+  };
+  builder.restoreIP(ompBuilder->createTargetData(
+      ompLoc, builder.saveIP(), isa<omp::DataOp>(op), mapTypeFlags, mapNames,
+      mapperAllocas, mapperFunc, deviceID, ifCond, processMapOpCB, bodyCB));
+  if (failed(processMapOpStatus))
+    return processMapOpStatus;
+  return bodyGenStatus;
 namespace {
 /// Implementation of the dialect interface that converts operations belonging
@@ -1452,6 +1677,9 @@
       .Case([&](omp::ThreadprivateOp) {
         return convertOmpThreadprivate(*op, builder, moduleTranslation);
+      .Case<omp::DataOp, omp::EnterDataOp, omp::ExitDataOp>([&](auto op) {
+        return convertOmpTargetData(op, builder, moduleTranslation);
+      })
       .Default([&](Operation *inst) {
         return inst->emitError("unsupported OpenMP operation: ")
                << inst->getName();
Index: llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPIRBuilderTest.cpp
--- llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPIRBuilderTest.cpp
+++ llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPIRBuilderTest.cpp
@@ -4912,6 +4912,84 @@
+TEST_F(OpenMPIRBuilderTest, TargetEnterData) {
+  OpenMPIRBuilder OMPBuilder(*M);
+  OMPBuilder.initialize();
+  F->setName("func");
+  IRBuilder<> Builder(BB);
+  OpenMPIRBuilder::LocationDescription Loc({Builder.saveIP(), DL});
+  unsigned numDataOperands = 1;
+  int64_t deviceID = 2;
+  struct OpenMPIRBuilder::MapperAllocas mapperAllocas;
+  SmallVector<uint64_t> mapTypeflags = {5};
+  SmallVector<Constant *> mapNames;
+  auto *i8PtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy();
+  auto *arrI8PtrTy = ArrayType::get(i8PtrTy, numDataOperands);
+  auto *i64Ty = Builder.getInt64Ty();
+  auto *arrI64Ty = ArrayType::get(i64Ty, numDataOperands);
+  AllocaInst *Val1 =
+      Builder.CreateAlloca(Builder.getInt32Ty(), Builder.getInt64(1));
+  ASSERT_NE(Val1, nullptr);
+  IRBuilder<>::InsertPoint allocaIP(&F->getEntryBlock(),
+                                    F->getEntryBlock().getFirstInsertionPt());
+  OMPBuilder.createMapperAllocas(Builder.saveIP(), allocaIP, numDataOperands,
+                                 mapperAllocas);
+  using InsertPointTy = llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy;
+  auto processMapOpCB = [&](InsertPointTy allocaIP, InsertPointTy codeGenIP) {
+    Value *dataValue = Val1;
+    Value *dataPtrBase;
+    Value *dataPtr;
+    dataPtrBase = dataValue;
+    dataPtr = dataValue;
+    Builder.restoreIP(codeGenIP);
+    Value *null = Constant::getNullValue(dataValue->getType()->getPointerTo());
+    Value *sizeGep =
+        Builder.CreateGEP(dataValue->getType(), null, Builder.getInt32(1));
+    Value *sizePtrToInt = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(sizeGep, i64Ty);
+    Value *ptrBaseGEP =
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(arrI8PtrTy, mapperAllocas.ArgsBase,
+                                  {Builder.getInt32(0), Builder.getInt32(0)});
+    Value *ptrBaseCast = Builder.CreateBitCast(
+        ptrBaseGEP, dataPtrBase->getType()->getPointerTo());
+    Builder.CreateStore(dataPtrBase, ptrBaseCast);
+    Value *ptrGEP =
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(arrI8PtrTy, mapperAllocas.Args,
+                                  {Builder.getInt32(0), Builder.getInt32(0)});
+    Value *ptrCast =
+        Builder.CreateBitCast(ptrGEP, dataPtr->getType()->getPointerTo());
+    Builder.CreateStore(dataPtr, ptrCast);
+    Value *sizeGEP =
+        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(arrI64Ty, mapperAllocas.ArgSizes,
+                                  {Builder.getInt32(0), Builder.getInt32(0)});
+    Builder.CreateStore(sizePtrToInt, sizeGEP);
+  };
+  auto bodyCB = [&](InsertPointTy allocaIP, InsertPointTy codeGenIP) {};
+  Builder.restoreIP(OMPBuilder.createTargetData(
+      Loc, Builder.saveIP(), /*hasRegion=*/false, mapTypeflags, mapNames,
+      mapperAllocas,
+      OMPBuilder.getOrCreateRuntimeFunctionPtr(
+          OMPRTL___tgt_target_data_begin_mapper),
+      deviceID, /*ifCond=*/nullptr, processMapOpCB, bodyCB));
+  CallInst *targetDataCall = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&BB->back());
+  BB->dump();
+  EXPECT_NE(targetDataCall, nullptr);
+  EXPECT_EQ(targetDataCall->arg_size(), 9U);
+  EXPECT_EQ(targetDataCall->getCalledFunction()->getName(),
+            "__tgt_target_data_begin_mapper");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(targetDataCall->getOperand(1)->getType()->isIntegerTy(64));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(targetDataCall->getOperand(2)->getType()->isIntegerTy(32));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(targetDataCall->getOperand(8)->getType()->isPointerTy());
 TEST_F(OpenMPIRBuilderTest, CreateTask) {
   using InsertPointTy = OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy;
   OpenMPIRBuilder OMPBuilder(*M);
Index: llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp
@@ -4038,6 +4038,77 @@
   return OutlinedFnID;
+OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy OpenMPIRBuilder::createTargetData(
+    const LocationDescription &Loc,
+    llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy codeGenIP, bool hasRegion,
+    SmallVector<uint64_t> &mapTypeFlags,
+    SmallVector<llvm::Constant *> &mapNames,
+    struct MapperAllocas &mapperAllocas, llvm::Function *mapperFunc,
+    int64_t deviceID, llvm::Value *ifCond, BodyGenCallbackTy processMapOpCB,
+    BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB) {
+  if (!updateToLocation(Loc))
+    return InsertPointTy();
+  Builder.restoreIP(codeGenIP);
+  // LLVM utilities like blocks with terminators.
+  auto *UI = Builder.CreateUnreachable();
+  Instruction *ThenTI = UI, *ElseTI = nullptr;
+  if (ifCond) {
+    SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse(ifCond, UI, &ThenTI, &ElseTI);
+    ThenTI->getParent()->setName("omp_if.then");
+    ElseTI->getParent()->setName("omp_if.else");
+  }
+  Builder.SetInsertPoint(ThenTI);
+  processMapOpCB(Builder.saveIP(), Builder.saveIP());
+  uint32_t SrcLocStrSize;
+  llvm::Constant *SrcLocStr = getOrCreateSrcLocStr(Loc, SrcLocStrSize);
+  llvm::Value *srcLocInfo = getOrCreateIdent(SrcLocStr, SrcLocStrSize);
+  llvm::GlobalVariable *mapTypesGV =
+      createOffloadMaptypes(mapTypeFlags, ".offload_maptypes");
+  llvm::Value *mapTypesArg = Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32(
+      llvm::ArrayType::get(Builder.getInt64Ty(), mapTypeFlags.size()),
+      mapTypesGV,
+      /*Idx0=*/0, /*Idx1=*/0);
+  llvm::GlobalVariable *mapNamesGV =
+      createOffloadMapnames(mapNames, ".offload_mapnames");
+  llvm::Value *mapNamesArg = Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32(
+      llvm::ArrayType::get(Builder.getInt8PtrTy(), mapNames.size()), mapNamesGV,
+      /*Idx0=*/0, /*Idx1=*/0);
+  if (hasRegion) {
+    llvm::Function *beginMapperFunc = getOrCreateRuntimeFunctionPtr(
+        llvm::omp::OMPRTL___tgt_target_data_begin_mapper);
+    llvm::Function *endMapperFunc = getOrCreateRuntimeFunctionPtr(
+        llvm::omp::OMPRTL___tgt_target_data_end_mapper);
+    // Create call to start the data region.
+    emitMapperCall(Builder.saveIP(), beginMapperFunc, srcLocInfo, mapTypesArg,
+                   mapNamesArg, mapperAllocas, deviceID, mapTypeFlags.size());
+    processMapOpCB(Builder.saveIP(), Builder.saveIP());
+    // Create call to end the data region.
+    emitMapperCall(Builder.saveIP(), endMapperFunc, srcLocInfo, mapTypesArg,
+                   mapNamesArg, mapperAllocas, deviceID, mapTypeFlags.size());
+  } else {
+    emitMapperCall(Builder.saveIP(), mapperFunc, srcLocInfo, mapTypesArg,
+                   mapNamesArg, mapperAllocas, deviceID, mapTypeFlags.size());
+  }
+  // Update the insertion point and remove the terminator we introduced.
+  Builder.SetInsertPoint(UI->getParent());
+  if (ifCond)
+    UI->getParent()->setName("omp_if.end");
+  UI->eraseFromParent();
+  return Builder.saveIP();
 std::string OpenMPIRBuilder::getNameWithSeparators(ArrayRef<StringRef> Parts,
                                                    StringRef FirstSeparator,
                                                    StringRef Separator) {
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h
@@ -1550,6 +1550,32 @@
                                          StringRef EntryFnIDName,
                                          int32_t NumTeams, int32_t NumThreads);
+  /// Generator for '#omp target data'
+  ///
+  /// \param Loc The location where the target data construct was encountered.
+  /// \param CodeGenIP The insertion point at which the target directive code
+  /// should be placed.
+  /// \param hasRegion True if the op has a region associated with it, false
+  /// otherwise
+  /// \param mapTypeFlags BitVector storing the mapType flags for the
+  /// mapOperands
+  /// \param mapNames Names for the mapOperands
+  /// \param mapperAllocas Pointers to the AllocInsts for the map clause
+  /// \param mapperFunc Mapper Fucntion to be called for the Target Data op
+  /// \param mapperFunc Stores the deviceId from the device clause
+  /// \param IfCond Value which corresponds to the if clause condition.
+  /// \param processMapOpCB Callback that will generate the mapOperand code.
+  /// \param BodyGenCB Callback that will generate the region code.
+  OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy
+  createTargetData(const LocationDescription &Loc,
+                   llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy codeGenIP,
+                   bool hasRegion, SmallVector<uint64_t> &mapTypeFlags,
+                   SmallVector<llvm::Constant *> &mapNames,
+                   struct MapperAllocas &mapperAllocas,
+                   llvm::Function *mapperFunc, int64_t deviceID,
+                   llvm::Value *ifCond, BodyGenCallbackTy processMapOpCB,
+                   BodyGenCallbackTy BodyGenCB);
   /// Declarations for LLVM-IR types (simple, array, function and structure) are
   /// generated below. Their names are defined and used in OpenMPKinds.def. Here
   /// we provide the declarations, the initializeTypes function will provide the
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h
@@ -241,6 +241,12 @@
+enum OpenMPOffloadingReservedDeviceIDs {
+  /// Device ID if the device was not defined, runtime should get it
+  /// from environment variables in the spec.
 enum class AddressSpace : unsigned {
   Generic = 0,
   Global = 1,
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
@@ -497,12 +497,6 @@
-enum OpenMPOffloadingReservedDeviceIDs {
-  /// Device ID if the device was not defined, runtime should get it
-  /// from environment variables in the spec.
 } // anonymous namespace
 /// Describes ident structure that describes a source location.
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