@@ -184,14 +184,30 @@ GetAffectingModuleMaps(const Preprocessor &PP, Module 
*RootModule) {
   const SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
   const ModuleMap &MM = HS.getModuleMap();
-  llvm::DenseSet<FileID> ModuleMaps;
-  llvm::DenseSet<const Module *> ProcessedModules;
-  auto CollectModuleMapsForHierarchy = [&](const Module *M) {
+  // Module maps used only by textual headers are special. Their FileID is
+  // non-affecting, but their FileEntry is (i.e. must be written as InputFile).
+  enum AffectedReason : bool {
+    ARTextualHeader = 0,
+    ARImportOrTextualHeader = 1,
+  };
+  auto AssignMostImportant = [](AffectedReason &L, AffectedReason R) {
+    L = std::max(L, R);
+  };
+  llvm::DenseMap<FileID, AffectedReason> ModuleMaps;
+  llvm::DenseMap<const Module *, AffectedReason> ProcessedModules;
+  auto CollectModuleMapsForHierarchy = [&](const Module *M,
+                                           AffectedReason Reason) {
     M = M->getTopLevelModule();
-    if (!ProcessedModules.insert(M).second)
+    // We need to process the header either when it was not present of when we
+    // previously flagged module map as textual headers and now we found a
+    // proper import.
+    if (auto [It, Inserted] = ProcessedModules.insert({M, Reason});
+        !Inserted && Reason <= It->second) {
+    } else {
+      It->second = Reason;
+    }
ilya-biryukov wrote:

I cannot in that case, because `It` is only valid for the scope of the `if`.
Increasing the visibility scope of `It` seems like a worse trade-off. But let 
me know if you have other suggestions how to rewrite the code better, I might 
be missing some ideas.

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