----- Original Message -----
From: "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] MSKs "//" breaks lots of software

> The problem could be solved **SO** simply.
> Let's assign two meanings to the single slash.
> 1) After 'SSK@blah', the '/' means 'a ssk subspace identifier follows,
> terminated by another slash or by end of uri'

Meaning I can't have SSK@audio/mp3/artist//album/track/bitrate - the most
compace in requests format one can think of to get all of the necessary
information with as few requests as possible.

> 2) Anywhere else, the '/' means 'msk' - telling the requesting client to
> look up the matching document in the map.
> This is (i) Unambiguous, (ii) Deterministic, (iii) Easy to parse, (iv)
> Consistent, (v) Compatible with much more software than '//'.
> To call a piece of third-party 'broken' for not transparently dealing with
> '//' is ludicrous - would anyone say that 'ht://dig', perhaps the most
> popular search engine in Linux, is therefore 'broken'??

Sorry. I call 'em as I see them. The special '//' parsing is for broken
html, but sometimes it is required and they should have had the foresight to
allow it with a switch or something.

> Example:
> SSK@blahblah/name1/name2/name3.html - retrieves key 'SSK@blahblah/name1'
> looks up a document called 'name2/name3.html' in the map.
> The only price to pay is very modest - that '/' be disallowed within
> subspace identifiers. Not too tragic surely?

Quite, actaully. For a search in freenet by traversing multiple catalogs you
can incur an extra whopping 300% requests. Wow, I must say you are doing
REALLY good. If you'd like I can explain in IRC why I came up with such a

Again, I repeat, '//' is good.

> David


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