Hello list,

I request your support with this NAT-szenario, which I'm facing in a 
migration szenario from one IP-range to another.

Szenario: On the "inside" we have a "node1". "node1" formerly had the 
IL-address "". During a migration the node gets moved to a 
new location with a new IL-address "".

I now want this node to be reachable over both the ip-addresses. So I 
set up a hostroute for the old IL "" to point to the new IL 
"". (or a gateway to the segment, where the node resides...)

My first approach was to define a static mapping:

"ip nat inside source static"

But that solution is not feasible. When trying to reach the "old" IL 
"" the translation is correct and the node is reachable, as 
it should: (1-to-1 mapping)

*Feb  8 08:55:55.223: NAT: s=, d=> [8]
*Feb  8 08:55:55.243: NAT*: s=>, d= [8]

When trying to reach the "new" IL "" the outside-to-inside 
packet passes without NATting, but the inside-to-outside packet gets 
translated according the static mapping. So the initiating host gets an 
answer packet from a different ip.

*Feb  8 08:58:30.271: NAT: s=>, d= [9]

-> What would be the correct instrument, to just map multiple 
inside-global IP's to one inside-local for outside-to-inside conversations?

Thank you very much in advance, regards,

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