Upgrade the 72xx's to 12.4(20)T latest on Cisco.com to get the
packet capture feature and prove where the packets are getting
lost via a capture:


We could go in to the long discussion about how to make sure all the
packets are being CEF switched, performance with features, etc...

But it's easier to just prove via a trace where the packets are not being
delivered via a trace and focus there.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 04:28:30PM +1100, Sam Tilders wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been experiencing some packet loss between a switch and a
> router directly connected to each other and are having some difficulty
> finding the problem.
> The problem showed up when a customer complained that there were
> moments of silence on their voip calls. They did some pings and found
> that there was packet loss at the same time as the silence on the calls.
> With some further help from the customer, I was able to narrow the
> problem down to loss between two ciscos in our rack.
> The network layout is like this:
> carrier peer port
>       |
>       |
>       | 100% ping success.
>       |
>       | iofe
> border router (7200vxr w/npe-400 12.2(18)S4)
>       | pa-fe-tx
>       |
>       | 99.994 - 99.999% ping success
>       |
>       |
> switch (2924 xl en)
>       |
>       |
>       | 100% ping success
>       |
>       | iofe
> l2tp termination router (7200vxr w/npe-300 12.4(4)T1)
>       | gige
>       |
>       |
> downstream to customers
> The ping percentages are from repeated 100000 ping samples.
> The interfaces are all forced duplex full, the switch interfaces are
> forced speed 100.
> When the link between the router and the switch has loss it can be
> seen in the ping as a slow down then a single timeout.
> The ping output goes something like:
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!! !  !   !    !     !      !         .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> where I've used spacing to indicate the time between markers.
> So it appears that the ping and reply begins to slow, then it slows
> enough that a single 2 second timeout occurs and then it picks up
> again at full speed.
> A 100000 ping takes a few minutes to run and during this time it may
> lose one or half a dozen pings, each lost ping spaced apart,
> apparently with no regular period.
> The router and switch are typically running around 30% cpu.
> When I run these ping tests the switch gets to 80% cpu, however it can
> be shown with cases like a customer's voip call that the problem
> occurs even when the util is lower.
> I have correlated the ping loss with the customer's voip silence,
> having them on a call while running the ping and they experience a
> couple of seconds of silence at the same time as the router misses a
> ping.
> I've been on site and replaced the pa-fe-tx in the 7200 to no
> improvement. I moved the PA to a different port on the router, no
> improvement. I've replaced the switch with no improvement.
> (We had previously tried different switch ports and replacing the cabling.)
> All the while, none of the interface statistics report any errors
> other than the occasional ignored packet - however, these don't occur  
> at the same time as
> the problem and much less frequently.
> I've had various debug options turned on - both on the switch and the
> router - there has been no clear correlation between any events and
> the occurence of packet loss.
> So, I was wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone or if there is
> anything someone might be able to suggest to further investigate or
> resolve this issue.
> I'd appreciate any advice that can be given.
> Regards,
> - Sam
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