On Mon, 7 Feb 2011, Tom Mayer wrote:


I am thinking about my deployment strategy for a relatively small v6 network.

Current Situation:

Several racks of dedicated servers. 240 servers per vlan (/24 v4 per vlan) sharing their gateway, isolated from each other via pvlan (+proxyarp) feature. Rest of addresses from /24 are used for services (3 vrrp routers + 1 virtual default gateway). If a server needs uncommonly more than one address, it gets a /30 or /29 routed to his main address.

You can use pvlan with IPv6, but not the proxyarp. AFAIK similar proxy ND is not implemented. In IPv6 I would not route to main address but assign as much as address to the host as needed.

I am planning to assign a /64 v6 to each server.
I think it is not viable to map every /64 with it?s default gateway on the 

You can assign longer prefixes also to servers inside a single /64 if you don't mind static configuration - which is advisable for server anyway (you don't want to change IP addresses. in case of network card replacement). You can rely on finding the default gateways with SLAAC RA feature.

Is there a way to simply transfer the (I think simple, address conserving and 
secure) v4 strategy to v6?
Now we have not a simple address per server, but a subnet.

We are using the following allocation strategy for the virtual server environment:
in last 64 bit:


where vv.ww.yy.zz is the IPv4 address of the host. XXXX is a sub-allocation for IPv6 address from 0-ffff

What about assigning a link locale address to each server and routing its /64 
to this?
e.g.:  fe80::1 default gw (virtual vrrp)

        fe80::2-f1  servers

        fe80::fd vrrp1
        fe80::fe vrrp2
        fe80::ff vrrp3

Don't use link local addresses, they are only reachable on the same link.

Best Regards,
        Janos Mohacsi
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