Thanks for your report. I've opened ticket 11253 at for tracking.


On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 9:43 PM, Andy Singer <> wrote:

> When compiling for x64 using Visual Studio 2013, ClamAV hangs when
> scanning a file. The stack trace is below
> ntoskrnl.exe!KeSetDmaIoCoherency+0xc06
> ntoskrnl.exe!KeWaitForMultipleObjects+0x140f
> ntoskrnl.exe!KeWaitForMultipleObjects+0xcb9
> ntoskrnl.exe!KeWaitForMutexObject+0x2c0
> ntoskrnl.exe!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xb2
> ntoskrnl.exe!setjmpex+0x34a3
> ntdll.dll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xa
> KernelBase.dll!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x98
> libclamav.dll!ptw32_mcs_flag_wait+0x6d
> libclamav.dll!ptw32_mcs_lock_release+0x7e       <------ Problem here
> libclamav.dll!pthread_once+0xbc
> libclamav.dll!cli_logg_setup+0x31
> libclamav.dll!scan_common+0x2db
> libclamav.dll!cl_scandesc_callback+0x5c
> clamscan.exe!scanfile+0x2e7
> clamscan.exe!scandirs+0x515
> clamscan.exe!scanmanager+0x16cb
> clamscan.exe!real_main+0x345
> clamscan.exe!main+0x66
> clamscan.exe!__tmainCRTStartup+0x19d
> clamscan.exe!mainCRTStartup+0xe
> kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
> ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
> On x64, ptw32_mcs_lock_release incorrectly calls ptw32_mcs_flag_wait,
> which internally creates an event and waits on it. The only way to ever
> break out is if another thread signals the event, which could never happen
> as clamscan only uses a single thread.
> Additionally, it looks like the version of Pthreads included in ClamAV is
> riddled with x64 problems, for example, ptw32_mcs_flag_wait stores the
> event handle (pointer) in a 32-bit integer.
> According to the changelog, many x64 problems have been fixed, including
> the one in ptw32_mcs_flag_wait.
> Upgrading to the latest version fixes this, and gets ClamAV running great
> on x64 Windows compiled with VS 2013.
> To upgrade, I simply replaced clamv\win32\3rdparty\pthreads with the files
> here
> The new pthread.h is missing some defines used in ClamAV, so I just
> copied/pasted the old defines into the new pthread.h
> // missing defines
> /*
>  * WIN32 C runtime library had been made thread-safe
>  * without affecting the user interface. Provide
>  * mappings from the UNIX thread-safe versions to
>  * the standard C runtime library calls.
>  * Only provide function mappings for functions that
>  * actually exist on WIN32.
>  */
> #if !defined(__MINGW32__)
> #define strtok_r( _s, _sep, _lasts ) \
>         ( *(_lasts) = strtok( (_s), (_sep) ) )
> #endif /* !__MINGW32__ */
> #define asctime_r( _tm, _buf ) \
>         ( strcpy( (_buf), asctime( (_tm) ) ), \
>           (_buf) )
> #define ctime_r( _clock, _buf ) \
>         ( strcpy( (_buf), ctime( (_clock) ) ),  \
>           (_buf) )
> /*
>  * gmtime(tm) and localtime(tm) return 0 if tm represents
>  * a time prior to 1/1/1970.
>  */
> #define gmtime_r( _clock, _result ) \
>         ( gmtime( (_clock) ) \
>              ? (*(_result) = *gmtime( (_clock) ), (_result) ) \
>              : (0) )
> #define localtime_r( _clock, _result ) \
>         ( localtime( (_clock) ) \
>              ? (*(_result) = *localtime( (_clock) ), (_result) ) \
>              : (0) )
> #define rand_r( _seed ) \
>         ( _seed == _seed? rand() : rand() )
> _______________________________________________
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