On Monday 18 Apr 2005 20:22, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> I'm running clamav with clamav-milter on two nearly identical sendmail 
> systems: Solaris 8 on Ultrasparc, compiled with gcc 3.4.0,, sendmail is 
> 8.13.4 . (The only difference between the two sendmails is one has SMTP AUTH 
> and SSL, the other doesn't).  Clamav-milter runs with these options:
>                 /usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter \
>                         --external \
>                         --max-children=20 \                         
>                       --timeout=120 \
>                         --headers \
>                         --noreject \
>                         [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
>                         --postmaster-only \
>                         -ol local:/var/clamav/clmilter.sock
> Both systems generate the warnings on 0.83 . On 0.84rc1, one system (the one 
> with SSL/AUTH) does not generate the warning reports. (virues are still 
> blocked) I've tried running with --debug, and couldn't find any additional 
> messages in the mail log.
> I'm a bit stumped as where to look next.  I can't see why the SSL/AUTH would 
> make a difference. Any ideas ?

Try it without the -o option. Why are you using -o anyway?

> For the curious -- all reports are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , where a 
> script parses them and loads information into an SQL database that users can 
> search. 

> Chris Candreva 

Nigel Horne. Arranger, Composer, Typesetter.
NJH Music, Barnsley, UK.  ICQ#20252325
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.bandsman.co.uk

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