hi, i'm new to clapf, so it's my guess the official language is english here...

The issue i came over: i tried to compile the "Nightly build, 2008.02.13" but got the following error message /usr/local/src/clapf-nightly/bayes.c:617: undefined reference to `sqlite3_prepare_v2'
sqlite3 -version
3.3.8 In the doc/install.html file, there is no reference about the exact version, the messege appears on the net where incomptaible changes in sqlite3 are mentioned too. It seems to me that clapf requires a specific sqlite3 version... It's an administrative nightmare having different versions of the same lib on a system, so i'd rather avoid it, if possible. Also, i don't want to tie the spam filtering service to the sql service, for reliability reasons (if the db is shut down for maintenance or dies, then emails are held up or get bounced or lost) that's why i insist on sqlite for my setup. Is there a way to compile clapf with sqlite 3.3.8, or if it's impossible, then statically link it to sqlite-whatever? And an another question: how can mysql be disabled upon configure (make configure report "MySQL support: no" at the end)?

thanks for the answers in advance and my best wishes,

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(c) Anthony Panda  www.anthonypanda.com

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