On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, pete wrote:

Thanks, but i'm not allowed to install binaries on the server except from
apt repositories...

What could be wrong? i re-unpacked the clapf sources and the error still
there ....

the config options:

export CFLAGS="-I../sqlite-3.5.8" CPPFLAGS="-I../sqlite-3.5.8"; ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/clapf --enable-whitelist --enable-case --enable-rbl
--enable-blackhole --disable-cgi --with-tokendb=sqlite3
--with-clapf-user=clapf  --enable-spamdrop-helper --enable-static-build

Pete, I finally managed to get a debian etch in vmware. The workaround consists two steps:

1. include #define sqlite3_prepare_v2 sqlite3_prepare in sql.h
2. Add #include "sql.h" to clapf_admin.c

then you should be able to compile it. Let me know if it helps you. Btw. I encourage you to download the latest nightly build as another clapf user has pointed out an error around the whitelist in session.c. If you are using spamdrop and not the clapf daemon (I am not sure on Monday morning :-)), you are not affected by this bug.

Digitally yours,



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