
On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 13:42, Dr. Torsten Rupp wrote:
> My request: If you make some modifications like ON_WINDOWS or isWin32 
> for the filesystem code, please take into account that:
> 1) 8+3-filesystems are _not_ limited to Windows-systems. Thus it would 
> be better to name it fileSystem8_3 or something like that.
> 2) To decide if a filesystem is limited to 8+3-naming it would imho be 
> nicer not to check if the separator character is "\" (because this fail 
> on some systems which uses a 8+3-filesystem, but the more convenient "/" 
> as a separator). Instead some system property would imho be better.

Agreed. Could you supply a patch that cleans up the current code to
separate the 8.3 thing and the file separator thing to explicitly
mention something like fileSystem8_3 and introduces a system property
that the runtime should set when such a file system is set?



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