Escape the Java Trap! [1] - GNU Classpath Hacker Room

Fosdem, Saturday/Sunday 26/27 February 2005, Brussels, Belgium

The Fosdem organisation has generously offered the developers of
various projects around GNU classpath the opportunity to meet face
to face in their own developer room.

We have brought together a wide range of different speakers from
various projects that together provide a free software alternative to
the proprietary java platform. Developers from these various projects
will come from all over the world to discuss cooperation and to make
development plans to the next year.

You are very welcome to join us and learn about the IKVM architecture
and how to freely mix and match traditional java and .net applications
and libraries, how GNU and Apache developers can and should work
together, how you can do rapid GNOME desktop development through
java-gnome, how researchers are using GNU Classpath to do cutting edge
research into Just In Time compilation, see demonstrations of
lightning fast native eclipse, learn what will be possible with GNU
Classpath and GCC 4.0, whether Kaffe will ever release their version
1.1.5, what we think about compatibility, freedom vs control and
learn how you can create your own GNU Compiler Collection frontend for
languages such as the 1.5 java programming language.

Full schedule and abstracts at the official Fosdem 2005 site: 

Saturday 14:00 - 17:00 - "Building Bridges"

  Reaching out to other communities.
  How can GNU Classpath, GCC/GCJ and Kaffe hackers learn
  from and work together with others?

  14:00 - 14:50
  IKVM.NET - Motivation and Architecture.
  Jeroen Frijters

  15:00 - 15:50
  Apache Gump - Continuous integration on steroids
  Leo Simons

  16:00 - 16:50
  Liberation through Binding
  - Using java-gnome to build desktop applications
  Jeffrey Morgan

  17:00 - 17:30
  CACAO - From the fastest JIT to a JVM
  Christian Thalinger

Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 - "Demo Time!'

  Public presentations and overviews of the current state of the
  GNU Classpath library , GCC/GCJ compiler and Kaffe runtime.

  10:00 - 10:50
  Free AWT and Swing - The GUI parts of GNU Classpath.
  Thomas Fitzsimmons

  11:00 - 11:50
  GCJX - Writing a new GCC front end.
  Tom Tromey

  12:00 - 12:50
  Kaffe - Past, Present and Future.
  Dalibor Topic

  Extra (13h15 - 13h30) GCJ & Native Eclipse
  Lightning Talk: GCJ and the Eclipse IDE.
  Bryce McKinlay

Sunday 14:00 - 17:00 - "The Future"

  Technical Planning Session

  This 3 hour session for hackers will consist of:

    * A general part explaining what is needed.
    * Splitting up in groups to discuss specific topics to solve
      the problems and make development plans.
    * A short present by each group about the ideas discussed. 

  Please add ideas and suggestions to the WIKI:

[1] From "Free But Shackled - The Java Trap" by Richard Stallman

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