Hi Chris,

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 15:13 +0100, Chris Gray wrote:
> Sorry I didn't make it to Fosdem, everybody. Came back from Nuernberg with a 
> nasty case of "griep" ('flu), from which I'm only just recovering. See you 
> all at the next get-together, I hope.

Thanks for not infecting us all (there were 50+ people, standing room!).
Hope you are doing better now.

Although some people have completely destroyed their travel budgets now
we were looking at some upcomming events to meet again. As far as I know
some people are looking for get-togethers at:

- LinuxTag
  22-25 June
  Karlsruhe, Germany

- ApacheCon
  18-22 July
  Stuttgart, Germany

- Debconf5
  10-18 July
  Helsinki, Finland

- Linux-Kongress
  ??, Germany

And Sascha would like to organize a long hacking weekend in the Swiss
mountains. But as far as I know nobody has actually organised anything
concrete yet. If you (CCed classpath@gnu.org for as large a "you" as
possible) are organizing something at one of these events  please let us



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