jasonbrooks added a new comment to an issue you are following:
Some updates:

* the issue of fedora having an aged kube is resolved, v1.4.5 is in f25 stable
* the issue of not being able to just `rpm-ostree install kubernetes` and 
proceed as if we never removed kube from the image is open. This won't work 
because [rpm-ostree can't deal](: 
https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree/issues/462) w/ the kube-apiserver 
binary in kubernetes-master
* the issue of running kube in containers on fedora atomic is in progress:
    * I've been working w/ these [kube 
containers](https://github.com/jasonbrooks/k8s-images/tree/f25), and these 
 containers. They work (but need [this 
PR](https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-system-containers/pulls)), and I'm 
adapting the [upstream ansible 
scripts](https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/ansible) to use them.
    * I need to get those kube, etcd and flannel containers into the new fedora 
build system, and could use help with that.
    * I need to get the ansible changes finished and upstreamed, and that ought 
to be straightforward, but I could use feedback on my PR once I get it together.

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