On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 8:15 AM Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> wrote:
> Oh, this is unexpected.  When I do the change diffed below, I get:
> Subresource Integrity: The resource 
> 'https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/cdnjs/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css'
>  has an integrity attribute, but the resource requires the request to be CORS 
> enabled to check the integrity, and it is not. The resource has been blocked 
> because the integrity cannot be enforced.
> It looks like I need to drop the integrity attribute as well.  Or, is there 
> value in keeping both the integrity and crossorigin="anonymous", since (I'm 
> assuming) that will provide some protection against the file being 
> unexpectedly replaced with something else?

The integrity hash is a nice thing to have for defense in depth
against some MITM attack against the proxy or malicious content
injection at the upstream source. I would guess that the hash change
is due to some non-repeatable build issue in the css compression used
by the two different CDN archives. You can find the published hash for
the CDNJS file using the upstream interface at
<https://cdnjs.com/libraries/twitter-bootstrap>. Alternately, you can
download the file through the proxy, review it to convince yourself
that the file is attack free, and compute the sha256 or sha384 hash

I would also recommend keeping the crossorigin="anonymous" attribute.
The Cloud Services proxy is privacy respecting, but again this is a
defense in depth protection against any possible rogue activity at
that proxy.

Bryan Davis              Technical Engagement      Wikimedia Foundation
Principal Software Engineer                               Boise, ID USA
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]                                      irc: bd808

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