Thats great news. Congratzzz!!!!! and happy sailing

On 4/29/13, ok <> wrote:
> I've been sailing my new 1978 C&C 24 in Mobile Bay, Beer Can races each week
> since this season started.  So far I've been doing a lot better than my
> previous boat, usually placing around 4th-8th.   This weekend we had our big
> regatta, the Dauphin Island Race.  I did fairly well placing 2nd in my class
> and 3rd in fleet.  A light air run on the start got me ahead of the big pack
> into clean air, which quickly flipped 180 degrees into a close reach all the
> way to the finish.  Passed a lot of big and fast boats.  My C&C 24 points so
> well!  Pretty happy with my little boat right now.
> Link to results here:
> My boat is class F, East Wind
> Thanks for the racing tips I got earlier from this list!
> Orren

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to
change; the realist adjusts the sails.”

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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