Evening all,
This may be a simple, and possibly stupid question....
The 33-2 has a standard Yanmar control panel, located just above ankle height 
in the cockpit.  The bent-when-I got-it key fits loosely in the worn cylinder 
located in the bottom right corner of the panel.  so, it is quite kick able,  
(the bend) and the floaty keychain or lanyard is potentially underfoot.  In the 
off position, the key can fall out.
I had the panel assembly apart, basically cleaning and bulletproofing the 
connections and repairing an intermittent ground and some stripped mounting 
holes, and  noticed the cylinder is, unsurprisingly, a simple single-pole 
Has anyone relocated the key to a more secure location below, and installed in 
its place in the panel a second in-series switch?   Can anyone see a reason why 
one would not do this?

Thanks, Dave.


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