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-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Brass via CnC-List <> 
Sent: February 13, 2022 11:54 AM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Rick Brass <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Forward hatch gasket needed

When I rebuilt my A&H foredeck hatches (two of them now) I bought the seal 
material from a local glass shop that installs commercial plate glass windows 
like you see in stores and office buildings. I forget what the tubular rubber 
seal is actually called. But if you take a couple of inches of what you have 
into the glass shop, they can cut you a length of the great big roll they 
probably have . I can't recall if I used 3/8" diameter or 1/2". The adhesive I 
used was 3M trim adhesive that would be used to install a rubrail on a car.
The idea of going to McMaster Carr is also a good idea, and a lot less 
expensive that buying from A&H or another boat supplier. The only downside is 
what you do with the 90+ feet of rubber you will have left over after you 
rebuild the hatch.
Rick Brass
Imzadi C&C 38 mk1
la Belle Aurore C&C 25
Washington, NC
-----Original Message-----
From: Stus-List 
Sent: Feb 12, 2022 1:51 PM
To: Stus-List 
Cc: Bob Mann 
Subject: Stus-List Forward hatch gasket needed
The foam gasket on my C&C35 mk I's forward hatch is coming apart. Can anyone 
suggest where I can find a replacement? Nothing I've seen at hardware stores 
even comes close to what is already there.
Bob Mann


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