Just a quick note..saw (and or) heard 57 species in and around Lyons on
a Boulder Bird

Club trip this morning and noonish.    Email me for a list, especially
if you are thinking

About coming on the 6/14 DFO trip up here, where we probably will see
most of the same

Individuals.  Highlights.bobolink, bald eagle on nest, common goldeneye
chicks, red

Tailed hawk on nest, western wood pewee on 2 nests, 3 American dipper
(one at 10 feet);

Black-headed grosbeak on nest, 25 or more red crossbills on my feeders.
Did not see

a House Sparrow (selective alertness).


Side note:  I have 34 nest boxes up, and for the last 6 years or so,
always get 3-5 pair

Of house wrens using the boxes.    They especially like smaller boxes
(with little holes)

With some foliage close by.  Also get western and mountain bluebird,
tree and violet-

Green swallow, and white-breasted nuthatch, all in the same generic
boxes (not the exact

Same one, usually :-))



at 6,009 ft., 4 miles NW of Lyons, in open Ponderosa


"Faith is believing what you know ain't so"  Mark Twain


Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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