Hi all -

After reading reports of a large flock of White-Faced Ibis on Lagerman 
Reservoir yesterday, I thought I would see if they were still hanging 
around today.  I got up there around 9 am, it was still windy, but no signs 
of any Ibis.  There was an American Avocet wading around on the far side, 
and a Greater Yellowlegs, along with a couple of Killdeer.  A Northern 
Harrier flew over at close range, got some good looks at that one.  An bird 
sitting on a fencepost threw me off for a minute, I was trying to figure 
out what kind of hawk it was until it took off again, when it became 
obvious that it was an Osprey.

On a whim, I thought I would take a look at Clover Basin Reservoir, since 
it is close by, but there were only a handful of Redheads and Ringnecks on 
that one.  What the heck, let's see what is on McIntosh Reservoir, it is 
only a short distance from here ...  There was a good sized flock of 
American White Pelicans, around 35 or so, along with some Redheads, a few 
Blue-Winged Teal and some other ducks.  As I was looking along the near 
shore, I spotted two gulls that didn't appear to be Ring-Billed gulls, they 
turned out to be Franklin's Gulls.  Close enough to get a couple of 
pictures (posted below).  I watched them for awhile, until a Bald Eagle 
flew overhead, sending them out over the reservoir somewhere.  After 
watching the Pelicans for a litle longer, it was time to head on to the 
next stop.

Driving east from 287 on Yellowstone Road, I was almost to N 115th when I 
spotted a duck flying east over the field next to me.  I was a bit 
surprised to see it land up in the trees along the road.  Once I got the 
binoculars out, it turned out to be a male Wood Duck.  I don't know why it 
landed in that tree, but it made for some good looks.  Once I got up to Ish 
Reservoir, there were a few Pelicans, a Horned Grebe, a few Gadwall and 
some Green-Winged Teal.  

Deciding that it had been mostly a Wild Goose (Wild Ibis?) chase, I headed 
back to Boulder.  I decided to stop by Baseline Reservoir to see if the 
Franklin's Gulls were still there, and there was a pretty good flock on the 
north end.  I counted 130, there may have been more than that.  A single 
Common Loon and one Western Grebe were seen in the mix as well.  I didn't 
stop on the south end, but saw a bunch of ducks on the water there from a 
distance.  It was time for lunch.

Good birding -

Jeff Parks



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