Compiler:             Mary Driscoll
e-mail:                 RBA AT
Date:                   June 6, 2017

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, June 6  sponsored by Denver Field 
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families has 

Trumpeter Swan (*Routt)
Mute Swan (Weld)
Red-necked Grebe (Jackson)
Chukar (Garfield)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Baca, Logan, Yuma)
Chimney Swift (El Paso, Weld, Yuma)
Black Rail (*Pueblo)
Sandhill Crane (Boulder)
Snowy Plover (Crowley,Kiowa,Weld)
Semipalmated Plover (Crowley, Kiowa) 
Upland Sandpiper (Logan)
Long-billed Curlew (*Jackson, Pueblo)
Stilt Sandpiper (El Paso, Kiowa)
Sanderling (Bent, Douglas, Sedgwick)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Costilla, El Paso, Kiowa, Pueblo, Weld)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Crowley)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Crowley,El Paso, Kiowa, La Plata, Weld)
Green Heron (Yuma)
Mississippi Kite (Baca, El Paso, Las Animas, Logan, Phillips, Pueblo)
Broad-winged Hawk (Kit Carson, Moffat, Routt, Weld, Yuma)
Laughing Gull (Weld)
Caspian Tern (Bent)
Red-throated Loon (Sedgwick)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Denver,El Paso, Kit Carson, Logan, Pueblo, Yuma)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Logan, Weld, Yuma)
Williamson’s Sapsucker   (Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo)
EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE (Logan,Pueblo,Yuma)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Pueblo)
ALDER FLYCATCHER (El Paso, Logan, Pueblo, Sedgwick, Weld, Yuma)
Least Flycatcher (Chaffee, El Paso, Jefferson, Kit Carson, *Moffat, Phillips, 
Pueblo, Washington, Yuma)
Gray Flycatcher (Boulder, El Paso, *Grand, Pueblo,Weld, Yuma)
Black Phoebe (Garfield, *Weld)
Eastern Phoebe (Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Logan, Yuma)
Cassin’s Kingbird (El Paso, Logan, *San Miguel)
White-eyed Vireo (Jefferson, Logan, Pueblo)
Bell’s Vireo (Bent, Logan, Yuma)
Cassin’s Vireo (Pueblo)
Blue-headed Vireo (Pueblo)
Chihuahuan Raven (Pueblo)
Common Raven (Weld)
Purple Martin (Montezuma)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (Logan, Weld)
Wood Thrush (Pueblo)
Curve-billed Thrasher (EL Paso, Larimer)
Lapland Longspur (Jackson, Weld)
McCown’s Longspur (Bent, Boulder, Larimer, Logan)
Ovenbird (Kit Carson, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Arapahoe, Baca, Chaffee, El Paso, Freemont,Jackson, 
Jefferson, Kit Carson, Larimer, Pueblo, Washington, Yuma)
Golden-winged Warbler (Jefferson)
Black-and-white Warbler (Custer,Eagle, Jefferson)
Tennessee Warbler (Logan)
Nashville Warbler (Jefferson)
Virginia’s Warbler (Boulder)
Northern Parula (El Paso, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Phillips)
Magnolia Warbler (Boulder, Douglas, El Paso, Pueblo,Weld)
Bay-breasted Warbler (Kit Carson)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Phillips, Pueblo)
Blackpoll Warbler (Adams, Jefferson, Larimer, Yuma)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Jefferson)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Pueblo)
Grace’s Warbler (El Paso, Mesa, *Pueblo)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Boulder, Mesa)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Logan)
Field Sparrow (Logan, Yuma)
Black-throated Sparrow (Mesa)
Summer Tanager (Baca,La Plata)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder, Logan, Yuma)
Dickcissel (Logan)
Bobolink (El Paso, Grand, Rio Blanco)
Baltimore Oriole (Baca, El Paso, Logan, Sedgwick,Yuma)
Scott’s Oriole (Mesa)
---On May 29 at Barr Lake SP, Chuck Hundertmark and DFO field Trip and Kim 
Mauritz reported f Blackpoll Warbler.

—-On June 1, Karl Stecher reported a SCARLET TANAGER at Cherry Creek SP, in a 
tree halfway between the East entrance (Lehigh/Parker Rd.) and the check-in 
--- On May 27 at Cherry Creek SP, Eric Zawatski reported Northern Waterthrush.
—-On June 4, Rodney Wright reported Mississippi Kite (4) and Summer Tanager at 
Cottonwood Canyon.
—-On May 31, Alan Versaw reported a Mississippi Kite at Cottonwood Canyon 
(southern lope)
---On May 29 at Two Buttes SWA below dam, Tony Leukering reported Yellow-billed 
Cuckoo and Baltimore Oriole.
---On May 29 at VV Rd near dam, Tony Leukering reported 2 Mississippi Kite.s

---On May 27 at John Martin Reservoir, Ira Sanders reported 2 Sanderling, 
Caspian Tern, and f McCown’s Longspur.
—-On June 1, Cole Wolf reported hearing a Bell’s Vireo at Van’s Grove (Road JJ, 
east of Ft Lyon)
—-On June 3, Matthew Wistrand reported LEAST BITTERN at Van’s Marsh (east of 
grove on Rd. JJ)

---On May 27 on Old S St Vrain Road in Lyons, Carl Starace and Steve Frye 
reported m Magnolia Warbler.
---On May 28 at Kittredge Ponds on the S end of CU Boulder Main Campus, Nathan 
Pieplow reported m Black-throated Gray Warbler.
---On May 28 on St Vrain Road, Pam Piombion reported 2 Sandhill Cranes circling
---On May 28 on CU East campus, David Ely reported Gray Flycatcher near Space 
Science Bldg; Peter Burke reported Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 28 in Hawthorne Gulch near pump house, Phil Thorpe reported imm m 
Magnolia Warbler.  
---On May 28 on South Mesa Trail in Boulder, David Waltman reported hearing 
Northern Cardinal.
—-On June 1, Phil Thorpe reported a Northern Cardinal at Hawthorn Gulch, 
—-On June 3, Emil Yappert reported Eastern Phoebe perched on fence abouve 
culvert on Rock Creek near Coalton Ave.
—-On June 4, Gary Lefko reported Virginia’s Warbler, at Fowler Trail, in 
Eldorado Canyon SP. 

---On May 28 in Buena Vista, San Isabel NF, Christain Hogenlocher reported 
Least Flycatcher.

—-On June 2, John Mallery, reported White-rumped Sandpiper at Smith Reservoir.

—-On June 4, David Dowell reported Black-and-white Warbler at Babcock Hole.

—-On June 1, John Breitsch reported a Red-headed Woodpecker at First Creek 
Denver Open Space.
---On May 28 at Buffehr’s Creek Trail, Ryan Bushong reported Black-and-white 

—-On May 26 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded Northern Waterthrush; On 
May 27 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown reported banding Northern Waterthrush 
and Least Flycatcher.  On May 28 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve  Brown banded an 
ALDER FLYCATHER                                                                 
---On May 25 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, Caleb and Kyle Hawley reported 
Semipalmated Plover and Red-headed Woodpecker.  On May 27 at Ramah Reservoir 
SWA, Steve Getty reported 6 White-rumped Sandpipers, 12 Semipalmated 
Sandpipers, and Cassin’s Kingbird.  On May 29 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, Norm 
Lewis, Jeannie Mitchell, and Aaron Shipe reported 4 Stilt Sandpipers, 8 
White-rumped Sandpipers, 20 Semipalmated Sandpipers, and Red-headed Woodpecker.
—-On May 26 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Aaron Driscoll reported Grace’s Warbler.  
On May 27 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Gary Koehn reported Grace’s Warbler.  On May 
28 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Eric Plage reported Gray Flycatcher and Grace’s 
Warbler; Scott Manwaring and Bez Bezuidenhout reported Grace’s Warbler.  On May 
29 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Roger Masey, Joy and Leonard Lake reported Grace’s 
Warbler. On June 2, Matthew Wistrand reported the continuing Grace’s Warbler. 
On June 3, Glenn Walbeck reported the Grace’s Warbler in Cheyenne Mt. SP, a bit 
south of previously reported locations.
---On May 29 at Adams Open Space in Fountain, Robb Hinds and Tom Bunker 
reported Mississippi Kite. On June 2, Alan Ketcham reported Mississippi Kite at 
Adams Open Space.
---On May 28 at Sinton Pond OS, David Tonnessen reported 2 Least Flycatcher, 
Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 29 at Fountain Valley School, Diana Beatty, Monday Birders reported 4 
---On May 28 at Jon’s Cabin on CR 3087 east of Rampart Range Road, Michael 
Springer reported 2 BLACK VULTURES.
—-On May 31, Dale Adams reported a Mississippi Kite at Fountain Creek Regional 
Park. On June 4, Chris Wills reported Mississippi Kite at US-CO-Fountain-232 S 
Main St - 38.6816x-104.7004.
—-On May 31, Alan Versaw reported a Curve-billed Thrasher at S.Meridian 
Rd.—Hanover Rd. to Pueblo Co. line.
—-On June 2, Eric Plage reporteda Curve-billed Thrasher at Chico Basin Ranch. 
On June 3, Robb Hinds reported Curve-billed Thrasher at Chico Basin Ranch.
—-On May 30, Rhiannon Thunell reported Northern Waterthrush in the Canon City 
area, coordinates on CFO website, in BirdTrax.

---On May 27 on CR 201, Dean Shoup reported 2 Chukar.
---On May 28 at Carbondale Fish Hatchery, Vic Zerbi reported Black Phoebe.

—-On June 5, Gloria Nikolai reported Gray Flycatcher - US-Colorado-Kremmling - 
40.195x-106.42 - Jun 2, 2017 8:39 AM, Grand, Colorado. “Vocalizing and flicking 
its tail in a downward motion nearly continuously "
—-On June 3, Kara Carragher reported Bobolink US-CO Kremmling-County Hwy-26  
40.1949x-106.4196 at Grand.

—-On June 3, Charles Hundertmark reported Northern Waterthrush at Michigan 
RIver wetlands near Jackson CR 30.
—-On June 1, Michael Kiessig reported Red-necked Grebe, breeding plumaged, at 
Lake John.
—-On June 1, Kara Carragher reported a Long-billed Curlew at Arapahoe National 
WR, Coalmont US-CO,  (40.5676,-106.2793), South of Arapaho NWR on 125. South of 
mm 42 and old barn. Bird was observed preening on west side of road.  
—-On June 5, Christian Nunes reported Long-billed Curlew at - 24297–24541 
Highway 14, Walden US-CO (40.6221,-106.4000), Jackson, Colorado. Bird was 
standing in a flooded field.

—-On May 28 at Chatfield Banding Station, Meredith McBurney banded Least 
---On May 27 at Hayden Green Mountain Park, Larry Versaw reported 4 Least 
Flycatchers, Black-and-white Warbler, and Nashville Warbler.
---On May 27 at Belmar Park, Catherine Boisseau reported pair of Blackpoll 
---On May 29 in Bergen Park (town), David Suddjian reported Williamson’s 
—-On May 31, Art Hudak reported a Black-throated Blue Warbler at Lower White 
Ranch Park.
—-On May 31, Mickael Kiessig reported a White-eyed Vireo at Chatfield 
SP—Audubon Center & Trails.
---On May 29 at Sheridan Lake area (town and playa), Tony Leukering reported 8 
Snowy Plovers, 2 Stilt Sandpipers, 11 White-rumped Sandpipers, and 26 
Semipalmated Sandpipers.

--- On May 27 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, Dale and Joel Adams reported Red-headed 
Woodpecker and f Bay-breasted Warbler.  On May 28 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, 
Steve Mlodinow reported Broad-winged Hawk, 3 Red-headed Woodpecker, 5 Least 
Flycatchers, 2 Ovenbirds, 2 Northern Waterthrush and Northern Parula.  On May 
29 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, Cheryl Teuton, Dan Brooke, and Joey Kellner 
reported juv Brown-winged Hawk and Red-headed Woodpecker.
---On May 23 at Burlington Water Treatment Plant, Eric Hough reported 
Sanderling and 60 Chimney Swifts.

---On May 26 on CR 6 between Buckeye and Carr, Nick Komar, David Wade, and 
Austin Hess reported 2 Curve-billed Thrashers.
---On May 27 at Soapstone Prairie, Nick Moore reported 5 BAIRD’S SPARROWS and 7 
McCown’s Longspurs.  On May 28 at Soapstone Prairie, Mackenzie Goldthwait et al 
reported f McCown’s Longspur and 6 BAIRD’S SPARROWS; Kevin DeBoer reported 
BAIRD’S SPARROW. On May 30, Charles Kahr reported BAIRD’S SPARROW at 
US-Colorado-Wellington Plover Trail- 40.948x-105.039. NE of gate on Plover 
Trail south of Pronghorn Loop junction.
---On May 28 at Lee Martinez Park, Rob Sparks reported m Blackpoll Warbler.

—-On June 1, Jim Dennis reported a Mississippi Kite at Mae’s Ranch.

—-On June 4, Renee Casias reported Cassin’s Kingbird at Tamarck Ranch SWA.
—-On June 3, Glenn Walbek reported several Yellow-billed Cuckoo and 
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO at parking area 1 of Tamarack SWA on the west side of hwy 
83. On June 4, Dean Shoup reported BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO and Eastern Wood-Pewee 
at Tamarack Ranch SWA.
—-On May 30 S. Mlodinow reported EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE and Spotted Towhee at 
Tamarack Ranch State Wildlife Area. On June 3, Bill Fink reported EASTERN WOOD 
PEWEE and heard a Northern Cardinal at Tamarack Ranch.
—-On May 28 at Tamarack Ranch SWA, Luke and Tray Pheneger and Maikel and Susan 
Wise reported 21 Red-headed Woodpeckers, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Bell’s Vireo, 
ALDER FLYCATCHER, 2 Field Sparrows, EASTERN TOWHEE, Northern Cardinal, 8 
Baltimore Orioles.
---On May 28 at Duck Creek SWA, Luke and Tracy Pheneger and Maikel and Susan 
Wise reported Upland Sandpiper, Red-headed Woodpecker, Gray-cheeked Thrush, 
McCown’s Longspur, Ovenbird, Tennessee Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, 
and 2 Dickcissell.
---On May 28 east of Sterling, Luke Pheneger reported a flyover Mississippi 

---On May 27 in Carson Hole Area, Rodene Harwood and Ronda Woodward reported 2 
Grace’s Warblers.
---On May 29 at Colorado National Monument, Carol Ortenzio reported 
Black-throated Sparrows and Black-throated Gray Warbler.
---On May 29 at Rocky Ditch in Uncompahgre NF, Ron Lambeth reported Grace’s 
---On May 29 at Jack’s Canyon, Ron Lambeth reported Grace’s Warbler and 
Black-throated Gray Warbler.
---On May 29 on Old Hwy 6 & 50, 1.8 Road to Utah State Line, Mike Henwood 
reported Black-throated Sparrow and Scott’s Oriole.

—-On June 2,Christian Numes reported a Broad-winged Hawk and Least Flycatcher 
at Loudy-Simpson Nature Trail. On June 3, John Bruder reported Least Flycatcher 
at Loudy-Simpson Nature Trail. On June 4, Gloria Nikolai reported Least 
Flycatcher at Loudy-Simpson Nature Trail. On June 5, Judy West reported Least 
Flycatcher at Loudy-Simpson Nature Trail.

---On May 29 at Jean K Tool SWA, Brad Walker reported Ovenbird and EASTERN 

—-On June 3, Dennis Garrison reported a Purple Martin overhead at Joe Moore Res.

---On May 26 at Holyoke Cemetery, Norm Erthal et al reported Least Flycatcher, 
Ovenbird, Chestnut-sided Warbler, and Mississippi Kite.
---On May 26 at Lion‘s Club Fishin’ Hole, Norm Erthal et al reported Northern 

—-On May 26 at Mineral Palace Park, Van Truan reported Yellow-throated Warbler. 
 On May 27 at Mineral Palace Park, Tom Behnfield reported 2 Yellow-throated 
Warblers; Van Truan reported one Yellow-throated Warbler.  On May 28 at Mineral 
Palace Park, Dan Fleming reported 2 Yellow-throated Warblers; Mark Chavez 
reported 2 Yellow-throated Warblers; Heidi Eaton reported 1 Yellow-throated 
Warbler. On June 4, Van Truan reported Yellow-throated Warbler at 19th & Court 
Street in Pueblo.
---On May 27 at Chico Basin Ranch, Dale and Joel Adams reported ALDER 
FLYCATCHER at headquarters, White-rumped Sandpiper, Red-headed Woodpecker, 
Least Flycatcher, 3 Northern Waterthrush, and Magnolia Warbler at Rose Pond.  
On May 28 at Chico Basin Ranch headquarter area, Ginny Bergstrom and Renee 
Casias reported 2 Red-headed woodpeckers, Least Flycatcher, and Magnolia 
Warbler; Matt Newport reported Northern Waterthrush.  On May 29 at Chico Basin 
Ranch, Dean Shoup reported Red-headed Woodpecker, Least Flycatcher, Northern 
Waterthrush, and Chestnut-sided Warbler; Renee Casias reported Chestnut-sided 
Warbler at Rose Pond.  On May 29 at Chico Basin Ranch, Susan Bonfiglio reported 
flyover Long-billed Curlew, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 2 Chihuahuan Ravens, Wood 
Thrush, Northern Waterthrush, and Cassin’s Vireo.
---On May 26 at Nepesta Road Marsh, Brad Steger and Mark Peterson reported 2 
Black Rail. On June 5, Paul Hurtado reported Black Rail at Nepesta Road Marsh, 
Pueblo. "Two birds were heard calling out in the marsh. Distinctive. Slight 
breeze and distance made it impossible to get a great recording on my 
smartphone, but enough for documentation purposes (will upload here later)."
—-On June 1, Robert Reed reported a Gray Flycatcher at Red Creek Springs Road 
West, Pueblo.
—-On June 2, Van Truan reorted White-eyed Vireo, singing in the trees, at 19th 
& Court St., Pueblo.
—-On June 5, Paul Hurtado reported Grace’s Warbler at Pueblo Mountain Park. “In 
the same area other observers had found a singing bird a few weeks ago. Located 
past the basketball courts and picnic areas at the T-intersection (left to 
trails, right to ball field). Men's and women's pit toilets are right there 
"above the T", and this is where the bird was found singing and foraging in the 
outer branches of Ponderosas."

—-On June 5, Elena Klaver reported the Trumpeter Swan at Stagecoach Res.
—-On June 4, Nick Komar reported the Trumpeter Swan at Stagecoach Res.
—-On June 4, Phil Lyon reported Broad-winged Hawk at - 
US-Colorado-Hayden-41001-41385 County Road 80 - 40.525x-107.22, Routt, Colorado.
—-On June 1, Diana Beatty reported Trumpeter Swan at Stagecoach Res. On June 3, 
Amber Carver reported Trumpeter Swan at Stagecoach Res.

—-On June 5, Marcel Such rported Cassin’s Kingbird at Wild Horse.

—-On May 30, S. Mlodinow reported Alder Flycatcher at Sand Draw State Wildlife 
—-On May 30, S. Mlodinow reported 3 Sanderlings at Jumbo Reservoir.
—-On June 5, Brad Walker reported Black Phoebe at Pouder River Trail Corridor. 
Singing in a construction zone.
—-On May 31, Tony Leukering reported a Common Raven at Pawnee National 
Grassland-Weld Co. Rd. 45 from Rd. 114 to 122, and CR122, and CRs 17 and 124 
intersection area, and CR 15.
—-On May 31, Steven Mlodinow reported a Black Phoebe at Frank State Wildlife 
—-On May 30, CR 13, Windsor US-CO (40.4727, 104.9435), Kathy Buckley reported a 
Black Phoebe. On June 1, David Wade re-found the Black Phoebe. 
(-40.4722x-104.9417) On June 4, David Ely reported Black Phoebe at Frank SWA.
—-On May 30 at Pawnee National Grassland, Crow Valley Campground, Michael 
Abrams reported Alder Flycatcher, and Gray-cheeked Thrush.
--- On May 29 at Stewart’s Pond, Cole Wolf reported Mute Swan, White-rumped 
Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Sandpiper.
---On May 26 at Crow Valley CG, Bob Shade reported Chimney Swift.  On May 27 at 
Crow Valley CG, Amy Davis reported Magnolia Warbler.  On May 28 at Crow Valley 
CG, Gene Rutherford reported 1-st year Broad-winged Hawk.  On May 29 at Crow 
Valley, Kathy Mihm Dunning et al reported Gray Flycatcher and Ovenbird.
--- On May 27 at Union Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported ARCTIC TERN, Stilt 
Sandpiper, Sanderling, 17 White-rumped Sandpipers, and 6 Semipalmated 
Sandpipers.  On May 28 at Union Reservoir, Gene Rutherford reported Snowy 
Plover and 2 Sanderling.  On May 29 at Union Reservoir, Nick Komar reported 2 
Snowy Plovers. On May 30, Candice Johnson reported 2 Snowy Plover at Union 
Reservoir. On May 31, Tony Leukering saw the Snowy Plover at Union Res., one 
appeared to be on a nest. On June 1, Jared Kidder reported the Snowy Plover at 
Union Res. On June 2, Thomas Holub reported Snowy Plover at Union Res. On June 
3, Norm Lewis reported Snowy Plover at Union Res.
---On May 29 at Crom Lake, Bill Fink reported 2 White-rumped Sandpipers and 2 
Semipalmated Sandpipers.

---On May 29 at Hale Ponds, Steve Mlodinow reported Green Heron, Broad-winged 
Hawk, 5 Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Chimney Swift, 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 4 
Red-bellied Woodpeckers, EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE,  3 ALDER FLYCATCHERS, 5 Least 
Flycatchers, 7 Great Crested Flycatchers, Bell’s Vireo, 3  Northern 
Waterthrush, Blackpoll Warbler, 2 Baltimore Oriole.
---On May 29 at Bonny Reservoir SWA below dam, Steve Mlodinow reported 
Red-headed Woodpecker and Field Sparrow.
---On May 29 at Hale Crossroads, Steve Mlodinow reported Chimney Swift, 
Red-bellied Woodpecker, ALDER FLYCATCHER, 2 Great Crested Flycatchers, Northern 
Waterthrush, MOURNING WARBLER, and 2 Northern Cardinals.  On Mayu 29 at Hale 
Crossroads, David Dowell reported Broad-winged Hawk, ALDER FLYCATCHER, Least 
Flycatcher, MOURNING WARBLER, and 2 Northern Cardinals.
---On May 28 at Sandy Bluffs State Trust Lands and SWA, David Dowell reported 4 
Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Chimney Swift, 6 Red-headed woodpeckers, 2 ALDER 
FLYCATCHERS, 5 Great Crested Flycatchers.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips:

Upper Beaver Meadows Rocky Mountain National Park
Friday, June 9
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Bill Wuerthele (Email: Phone: 303-333-2519) Trail 
Difficulty: Moderate
Maximum Participants: 10
Directions: Meet at the Upper Beaver Meadows Trailhead parking area. Travel to 
the Beaver Meadows Entrance Station of the park on Route 36. Annual or day park 
pass required. To reach the trailhead, continue past the Entrance Station on 
Route 36 for approximately 3/4 mile and turn left on a small road signed for 
Upper Beaver Meadows. Continue to the end of the road and the small trailhead 
parking area. This trip is full.

Aiken Canyon Preserve
Saturday, June 10
5:30 AM - 2:00 PM
John Breitsch (Email: Phone: 303-588-0552) Trail 
Difficulty: Moderate
Maximum Participants: 11
Directions: Meet at SW corner of Safeway parking lot at NE corner of Yosemite 
and Lincoln Ave in Lone Tree about 1 mile west of I-25. Park away from store. 

First Creek at Denver Open Space
Saturday, June 10
7:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Patrick O'Driscoll (Email: Phone: 303-885-6955) Trail 
Difficulty: Easy 

For more information on the field trips go to

Good Birding,
Mary Driscoll
Unincorp. Arapahoe County


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