I have an application which refreshes a NSTable with data from a network server. The refresh can take several seconds, and might even fail when the server is not accessible. During the refresh process I would like to display a sheet with a spinning progress indicator.

Everything worked sort of OK until I added some threading. The reason I wanted to add a new thread was to free up the main thread to prevent the spinning beach ball from appearing. The beach ball appeared every- time when then process took a little bit longer then it should.

On my main form I have a button which is link to the refresh action:

- (IBAction) refresh:(id)sender
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(processRefreshGroup:) toTarget:self withObject:sender];
        //[self processRefreshGroup:sender];

- (void) processRefreshGroup:(id)sender
        NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
        NSApplication * application = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[application beginSheet:reloadGroupsPanel modalForWindow:[application keyWindow] modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil];
        [application endSheet:reloadGroupsPanel];       
                [reloadGroupsProgressIndicator startAnimation:sender];
                [groups removeAllObjects];
                //This method can take a long time to complete
                [self doExpensiveWorkHere];
                [reloadGroupsProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self];
                [application stopModal];
                [reloadGroupsPanel close];      
        @catch (NSException * exception)
                [reloadGroupsProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self];
                [application stopModal];
                [reloadGroupsPanel close];      

                [errorMessageField setString:[exception reason]];
                NSApplication * application = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[application beginSheet:errorPanel modalForWindow:[application keyWindow] modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil];
                [application endSheet:errorPanel];      
        //Reload data on NSTable
        [groupSelectionTable reloadData];
        [pool release];

I have a couple of questions:

1.) I gathered i have to create a new NSAutoReleasePool in my "threaded" method. Is this correct ?

2.) During execution of this I am updating the UI components from a thread which is not the main thread. This produces several error messages. How can I updated UI components. I tried using performSelectorOnMainThread, but this didn't work either. Not sure if this is the right approach.

3.) Is there an alternative way to achieve this without the beach ball appearing. I understand what caused it was the fact that I never exited the action method, at least not quickly. I would prefer an approach which did not require a new thread to be created.

Thanks for you help


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