<wax sentimental='true'>Ah, CodeWarrior. I first cut my coding teeth on that ol' app. What an experience it was to actually design my own apps. Those were the days.</wax>
OK, so I actually used gcc before that, but still....

I have to agree with Gary on this one. I have ported over a few dead-on-the-vine Win32 apps into a modern Cocoa based version. I have found that once you rectify the MVC designs strategies on each side, the development in XCode goes rather easy. On every project, the process of getting the business logic from the old app cast into the better design has consistently been a challenge. I wish Rakesh good will in this most noble of ventures and offer my help in decrypting the MFC.

Gary L. Wade wrote:
Check out this article on Apple's web site:


Essentially, CodeWarrior, for Mac development, should not be considered for new 
development (I have to use it for a legacy product, and there's lots of 
features it lacks, and debugging is painful under 10.4 and later, especially 
for Intel-based Macs).  Use Xcode instead; it's free and already available to 
you on your system disks.

PowerPlant, for the most part, was very useful before CarbonEvents and Cocoa 
came to be part of the Mac operating system, but since these facilities and 
many more became available, you'll be better off rewriting your code into 
platform-specific and platform-neutral logic, and then move your MFC-based code 
into the platform-specific section, which is where your Mac/Cocoa code will go, 
and any logic that doesn't really care about a particular platform should go 
into the platform-neutral area.

Hi all

I have to port a project form windows to Mac. The existing code is in
C++ and classes are inherited from MFC library classes. Do I have any
alternative for MFC in MAC OS?

I have gone through some posting on Apple lists and I found that there
are 2 cross-platform tools Power Plant and Code Warrior. Which one is
better and If I want to use any of them then do I need to install them
on Mac system and will I need to modify the code very much? Which type
of application do I need to choose for porting in Mac cocoa or carbon
or something?

Thanks in advance.


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