On Mar 13, 2009, at 15:34, Darren Minifie wrote:

=== Interface file: ===

@interface PerceptionController : NSWindowController {
   NSMutableArray* dpcm2;

@property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* dpcm2;

-(void)insertObject:(id)num inDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index;
-(void)replaceObjectInDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index withObject:(id)num;

=== implementation file ===
@synthesize dpcm2;

   self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"perceptionPanel"];
   self.dpcm2 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:6];

   for(int i = 0; i<6; i++){
       // just adding eight 0's to the array
       [dpcm2 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
   return self;

   -(void)insertObject:(id)num inDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index{
       [[self dpcm2] insertObject:num atIndex:index];
       [[self dpcm2] removeObjectAtIndex:index];
-(void)replaceObjectInDpcm2AtIndex:(unsigned)index withObject: (id)num{
       [[self dpcm2] replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:num];

== end code ==

within interface builder, I have a table column bound to the arrangedObjects property of an array controller. The array controller is bound to the dpcm2 array. Again, the getters are working, but setters arent. One resource I
found says this:
"For best performance, you should implement the two KVC-compliant methods shown in the next listing, instead of the setShapes: method:". (its in: Sample KVC-Compliant Accessor Methods apple docs). I dont understand why they dont implement the setter for their property, and this may be the cause of my problem. Without the setter method how do you ever assign something to the property in the first place? The runtime error i receive when trying
to change a value is:

2009-03-13 15:33:36.142 a4[4494:10b] Error setting value for key path of object 0 (from bound object <NSTableColumn: 0x187150>(null)): [<NSCFNumber
0x1105d0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value
coding-compliant for the key .

The problem here is that your table column must be bound to a property of the class of the objects in the array. (That is, you specified 'arrangedObjects' for the controller key path of the column binding, but you specified nothing for the model key path.)

These objects, according to your code, are of class NSNumber, which (a) have no properties useful to you here and (b) are immutable anyway, so can't be edited.

Here's how it's supposed to work:

Typically, an array property like this is best named with a *plural* noun. So, your methods will be called insertObject:inMySomethingsAtIndex, removeObjectFromMySomethingsAtIndex.

Then, you create a class called MySomething (singular) that has the properties you need for your table columns. In this case, maybe you just have one table column, so the property of MySomething might be called 'dpcm2' (with values that are NSNumber objects, or of some scalar numeric type, according to your needs).

Then you bind your NSArrayController to File's Owner, model key path "MySomethings". You bind your table column to the controller, controller key path "arrangedObjects", model key path "dpcm2".

When your table column displays a specific row, it retrieves the MySomething object corresponding to the row (getting it from arrangedObjects using the rowIndex), asks the object for its dpcm2 property, and displays that value.

When you edit a specific row of your table column, the value you type in is set as the new value of the corresponding MySomething object. If your dpcm2 property is a scalar, the typed value (actually a string to begin with) is automatically converted to a number. If your dpcm2 property is a NSNumber, you must use a numeric formatter on the cell in the table column to force the conversion to NSNumber, otherwise the new value will be set as a NSString (which probably isn't what you want).

The reason it currently works for getting the values is that an empty model key path is interpreted as "self". Thus each row in the table is being evaluated as [NSNumber self] which is the number object itself, which is something the column can display. However, it's never possible to *change* an object via its self method (and, as I said, NSNumber objects aren't mutable anyway).


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