On Mon, 2 Apr 2007, Dan Scott wrote:

> Oh dear $deity:
> Given the impossibility of elevating one personal preference to
> universal satisfaction, would someone please step up and develop an
> extension to the mailing list preference settings so that each
> individual subscriber can set the reply-to behaviour to match their own
> desired behaviour? Lists offer ACK / NOACK on a per-subscriber basis,
> surely this is possible.

Unfortunately, they're using the commercial LSoft Listserv product.

For some reason, they only have a 1.8c User Manual (circa 1996), so you'll
have to look at the List Owner's manual for available options:


As you can see, there are no such options documented in the Listserv

... however, if you're using procmail for local mail delivery, you could
rewrite the headers as they arrive, and strip the 'reply-to' header off:


If procmail isn't the default for local mail delivery, and you're on a
unix (or similar) system, you can adjust your .forward file to execute

Joe Hourcle

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