diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b46665..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2679 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import struct
-import time
-import uuid
-from unittest import skipIf
-from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
-from thrift.Thrift import TApplicationException
-from thrift.transport import TSocket, TTransport
-from tools.assertions import assert_length_equal
-                   ReusableClusterTester, debug, init_default_config)
-from thrift_bindings.v22 import Cassandra
-from thrift_bindings.v22.Cassandra import (CfDef, Column, ColumnDef,
-                                           ColumnOrSuperColumn, ColumnParent,
-                                           ColumnPath, ColumnSlice,
-                                           ConsistencyLevel, CounterColumn,
-                                           Deletion, IndexExpression,
-                                           IndexOperator, IndexType,
-                                           InvalidRequestException, KeyRange,
-                                           KeySlice, KsDef, MultiSliceRequest,
-                                           Mutation, NotFoundException,
-                                           SlicePredicate, SliceRange,
-                                           SuperColumn)
-from tools.assertions import assert_all, assert_none, assert_one
-from tools.decorators import since
-def get_thrift_client(host='', port=9160):
-    socket = TSocket.TSocket(host, port)
-    transport = TTransport.TFramedTransport(socket)
-    protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
-    client = Cassandra.Client(protocol)
-    client.transport = transport
-    return client
-client = None
-pid_fname = ""
-def pid():
-    return int(open(pid_fname).read())
-@since('2.0', max_version='4')
-class ThriftTester(ReusableClusterTester):
-    client = None
-    extra_args = []
-    cluster_options = {'partitioner': 
-                       'start_rpc': 'true'}
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        # super() needs to be used here for 'cls' to be bound to the correct 
-        super(ThriftTester, cls).setUpClass()
-    def setUp(self):
-        # This is called before the @since annotation has had time to take
-        # effect and we don't want to even try connecting on thrift in 4.0
-        if self.cluster.version() >= '4':
-            return
-        ReusableClusterTester.setUp(self)
-        # this is ugly, but the whole test module is written against a global 
-        global client
-        client = get_thrift_client()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # This is called before the @since annotation has had time to take
-        # effect and we don't want to even try connecting on thrift in 4.0
-        if self.cluster.version() >= '4':
-            return
-        client.transport.close()
-        ReusableClusterTester.tearDown(self)
-    @classmethod
-    def post_initialize_cluster(cls):
-        cluster = cls.cluster
-        # This is called before the @since annotation has had time to take
-        # effect and we don't want to even try connecting on thrift in 4.0
-        if cluster.version() >= '4':
-            return
-        cluster.populate(1)
-        node1, = cluster.nodelist()
-        # If vnodes are not used, we must set our own initial_token
-        # Because ccm will not set a hex token for ByteOrderedPartitioner
-        # automatically. It does not matter what token we set as we only
-        # ever use one node.
-        if DISABLE_VNODES:
-            node1.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': 
-        cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True)
-        cluster.nodelist()[0].watch_log_for("Listening for thrift clients")  # 
Wait for the thrift port to open
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        cls.client = get_thrift_client()
-        cls.define_schema()
-    @classmethod
-    def init_config(cls):
-        init_default_config(cls.cluster, ThriftTester.cluster_options)
-    @classmethod
-    def define_schema(cls):
-        keyspace1 = Cassandra.KsDef('Keyspace1', 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', {'replication_factor': '1'},
-                                    cf_defs=[
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Standard1'),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Standard2'),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Standard3', 
column_metadata=[Cassandra.ColumnDef('c1', 'AsciiType'), 
Cassandra.ColumnDef('c2', 'AsciiType')]),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Standard4', 
column_metadata=[Cassandra.ColumnDef('c1', 'AsciiType')]),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'StandardLong1', 
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'StandardInteger1', 
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'StandardComposite', 
comparator_type='CompositeType(AsciiType, AsciiType)'),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Super1', column_type='Super', 
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Super2', column_type='Super', 
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Super3', column_type='Super', 
comparator_type='LongType', subcomparator_type='UTF8Type'),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Counter1', 
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'SuperCounter1', column_type='Super', 
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Indexed1', 
column_metadata=[Cassandra.ColumnDef('birthdate', 'LongType', 
Cassandra.IndexType.KEYS, 'birthdate_index')]),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Indexed2', 
 'LongType', Cassandra.IndexType.KEYS)]),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Indexed3', 
 'UTF8Type', Cassandra.IndexType.KEYS)]),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Indexed4', 
column_metadata=[Cassandra.ColumnDef('a', 'LongType', Cassandra.IndexType.KEYS, 
'a_index'), Cassandra.ColumnDef('z', 'UTF8Type')]),
-            Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace1', 'Expiring', default_time_to_live=2)
-        ])
-        keyspace2 = Cassandra.KsDef('Keyspace2', 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', {'replication_factor': '1'},
-                                    cf_defs=[
-                                        Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace2', 
-                                        Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace2', 
-                                        Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace2', 'Super3', 
column_type='Super', subcomparator_type='BytesType'),
-                                        Cassandra.CfDef('Keyspace2', 'Super4', 
column_type='Super', subcomparator_type='TimeUUIDType'), ])
-        for ks in [keyspace1, keyspace2]:
-            cls.client.system_add_keyspace(ks)
-def i64(n):
-    return _i64(n)
-def i32(n):
-    return _i32(n)
-def i16(n):
-    return _i16(n)
-def composite(item1, item2=None, eoc='\x00'):
-    packed = _i16(len(item1)) + item1 + eoc
-    if item2 is not None:
-        packed += _i16(len(item2)) + item2
-        packed += eoc
-    return packed
-def _i64(n):
-    return struct.pack('>q', n)  # big endian = network order
-def _i32(n):
-    return struct.pack('>i', n)  # big endian = network order
-def _i16(n):
-    return struct.pack('>h', n)  # big endian = network order
-_SIMPLE_COLUMNS = [Column('c1', 'value1', 0),
-                   Column('c2', 'value2', 0)]
-_SUPER_COLUMNS = [SuperColumn(name='sc1', columns=[Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 
-                  SuperColumn(name='sc2', columns=[Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 
-                                                   Column(_i64(6), 'value6', 
-def _assert_column(column_family, key, column, value, ts=0):
-    try:
-        assert client.get(key, ColumnPath(column_family, column=column), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE).column == Column(column, value, ts)
-    except NotFoundException:
-        raise Exception('expected %s:%s:%s:%s, but was not present' % 
(column_family, key, column, value))
-def _assert_columnpath_exists(key, column_path):
-    try:
-        assert client.get(key, column_path, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    except NotFoundException:
-        raise Exception('expected %s with %s but was not present.' % (key, 
-def _assert_no_columnpath(key, column_path):
-    try:
-        client.get(key, column_path, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert False, ('columnpath %s existed in %s when it should not' % 
(column_path, key))
-    except NotFoundException:
-        assert True, 'column did not exist'
-def _insert_simple():
-    return _insert_multi(['key1'])
-def _insert_multi(keys):
-    CL = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
-    for key in keys:
-        client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c1', 'value1', 
0), CL)
-        client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c2', 'value2', 
0), CL)
-def _insert_batch():
-    cfmap = {'Standard1': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(c)) for c in 
-             'Standard2': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(c)) for c in 
-    client.batch_mutate({'key1': cfmap}, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-def _big_slice(key, column_parent):
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1000))
-    return client.get_slice(key, column_parent, p, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-def _big_multislice(keys, column_parent):
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1000))
-    return client.multiget_slice(keys, column_parent, p, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-def _verify_batch():
-    _verify_simple()
-    L = [result.column
-         for result in _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard2'))]
-    assert L == _SIMPLE_COLUMNS, L
-def _verify_simple():
-    assert client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c1'), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE).column == Column('c1', 'value1', 0)
-    L = [result.column
-         for result in _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'))]
-    assert L == _SIMPLE_COLUMNS, L
-def _insert_super(key='key1'):
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), Column(_i64(4), 
'value4', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(6), 
'value6', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-def _insert_range():
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c1', 'value1', 
0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c2', 'value2', 
0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c3', 'value3', 
0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-def _verify_range():
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('c1', 'c2', False, 1000))
-    result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
-    assert len(result) == 2
-    assert result[0] == 'c1'
-    assert result[1] == 'c2'
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('c3', 'c2', True, 1000))
-    result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
-    assert len(result) == 2
-    assert result[0] == 'c3'
-    assert result[1] == 'c2'
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('a', 'z', False, 1000))
-    result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
-    assert len(result) == 3, result
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('a', 'z', False, 2))
-    result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
-    assert len(result) == 2, result
-def _set_keyspace(keyspace):
-    client.set_keyspace(keyspace)
-def _insert_super_range():
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), Column(_i64(4), 
'value4', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(6), 
'value6', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc3'), Column(_i64(7), 
'value7', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-    time.sleep(0.1)
-def _verify_super_range():
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('sc2', 'sc3', False, 2))
-    result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1'), p, 
-    assert len(result) == 2
-    assert result[0] == 'sc2'
-    assert result[1] == 'sc3'
-    p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('sc3', 'sc2', True, 2))
-    result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1'), p, 
-    assert len(result) == 2
-    assert result[0] == 'sc3'
-    assert result[1] == 'sc2'
-def _verify_super(supercf='Super1', key='key1'):
-    assert client.get(key, ColumnPath(supercf, 'sc1', _i64(4)), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE).column == Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 0)
-    slice = [result.super_column
-             for result in _big_slice(key, ColumnParent('Super1'))]
-    assert slice == _SUPER_COLUMNS, slice
-def _expect_exception(fn, type_):
-    try:
-        r = fn()
-    except type_ as t:
-        return t
-    else:
-        raise Exception('expected %s; got %s' % (type_.__name__, r))
-def _expect_missing(fn):
-    _expect_exception(fn, NotFoundException)
-def get_range_slice(client, parent, predicate, start, end, count, cl, 
-    kr = KeyRange(start, end, count=count, row_filter=row_filter)
-    return client.get_range_slices(parent, predicate, kr, cl)
-def _insert_six_columns(key='abc'):
-    CL = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('a', '1', 0), CL)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('b', '2', 0), CL)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c', '3', 0), CL)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('d', '4', 0), CL)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('e', '5', 0), CL)
-    client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('f', '6', 0), CL)
-def _big_multi_slice(key='abc'):
-    c1 = ColumnSlice()
-    c1.start = 'a'
-    c1.finish = 'c'
-    c2 = ColumnSlice()
-    c2.start = 'e'
-    c2.finish = 'f'
-    m = MultiSliceRequest()
-    m.key = key
-    m.column_parent = ColumnParent('Standard1')
-    m.column_slices = [c1, c2]
-    m.reversed = False
-    m.count = 10
-    m.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
-    return client.get_multi_slice(m)
-_MULTI_SLICE_COLUMNS = [Column('a', '1', 0), Column('b', '2', 0), Column('c', 
'3', 0), Column('e', '5', 0), Column('f', '6', 0)]
-@since('2.0', max_version='4')
-class TestMutations(ThriftTester):
-    def truncate_all(self, *table_names):
-        for table in table_names:
-            client.truncate(table)
-    def test_insert(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        _verify_simple()
-    def test_empty_slice(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard2', 'Super1')
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard2')) == []
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1')) == []
-    def test_cas(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Standard3', 'Standard4')
-        def cas(expected, updates, column_family):
-            return client.cas('key1', column_family, expected, updates, 
ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
-        def test_cas_operations(first_columns, second_columns, column_family):
-            # partition should be empty, so cas expecting any existing values 
should fail
-            cas_result = cas(first_columns, first_columns, column_family)
-            assert not cas_result.success
-            assert len(cas_result.current_values) == 0, cas_result
-            # cas of empty columns -> first_columns should succeed
-            # and the reading back from the table should match first_columns
-            assert cas([], first_columns, column_family).success
-            result = [cosc.column for cosc in _big_slice('key1', 
-            # CAS will use its own timestamp, so we can't just compare result 
-            assert dict((, c.value) for c in result) == dict((, 
ex.value) for ex in first_columns)
-            # now that the partition has been updated, repeating the
-            # operation which expects it to be empty should not succeed
-            cas_result = cas([], first_columns, column_family)
-            assert not cas_result.success
-            # When we CAS for non-existence, current_values is the first live 
column of the row
-            assert dict((, c.value) for c in cas_result.current_values) 
== {first_columns[0].name: first_columns[0].value}, cas_result
-            # CL.SERIAL for reads
-            assert client.get('key1', ColumnPath(column_family, 
column=first_columns[0].name), ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL).column.value == 
-            # cas first_columns -> second_columns should succeed
-            assert cas(first_columns, second_columns, column_family).success
-            # as before, an operation with an incorrect expectation should fail
-            cas_result = cas(first_columns, second_columns, column_family)
-            assert not cas_result.success
-        updated_columns = [Column('c1', 'value101', 1),
-                           Column('c2', 'value102', 1)]
-        debug("Testing CAS operations on dynamic cf")
-        test_cas_operations(_SIMPLE_COLUMNS, updated_columns, 'Standard1')
-        debug("Testing CAS operations on static cf")
-        test_cas_operations(_SIMPLE_COLUMNS, updated_columns, 'Standard3')
-        debug("Testing CAS on mixed static/dynamic cf")
-        test_cas_operations(_SIMPLE_COLUMNS, updated_columns, 'Standard4')
-    def test_missing_super(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _expect_missing(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc1', 
_i64(1)), ConsistencyLevel.ONE))
-        _insert_super()
-        _expect_missing(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc1', 
_i64(1)), ConsistencyLevel.ONE))
-    def test_count(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Standard2', 'Super1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        _insert_super()
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1000))
-        assert client.get_count('key1', ColumnParent('Standard2'), p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 0
-        assert client.get_count('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 2
-        assert client.get_count('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 2
-        assert client.get_count('key1', ColumnParent('Super1'), p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 2
-        # Let's make that a little more interesting
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c3', 
'value3', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c4', 
'value4', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c5', 
'value5', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('c2', 'c4', False, 1000))
-        assert client.get_count('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 3
-    def test_count_paging(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        # Exercise paging
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Standard1')
-        # Paging for small columns starts at 1024 columns
-        columns_to_insert = [Column('c%d' % (i,), 'value%d' % (i,), 0) for i 
in xrange(3, 1026)]
-        cfmap = {'Standard1': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(c)) for c in 
-        client.batch_mutate({'key1': cfmap}, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 2000))
-        assert client.get_count('key1', column_parent, p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 1025
-        # Ensure that the count limit isn't clobbered
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 10))
-        assert client.get_count('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE) == 10
-    # test get_count() to work correctly with 'count' settings around page 
size (CASSANDRA-4833)
-    def test_count_around_page_size(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        def slice_predicate(count):
-            return SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, count))
-        key = 'key1'
-        parent = ColumnParent('Standard1')
-        cl = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
-        for i in xrange(0, 3050):
-            client.insert(key, parent, Column(str(i), '', 0), cl)
-        # same as page size
-        assert client.get_count(key, parent, slice_predicate(1024), cl) == 1024
-        # 1 above page size
-        assert client.get_count(key, parent, slice_predicate(1025), cl) == 1025
-        # above number or columns
-        assert client.get_count(key, parent, slice_predicate(4000), cl) == 3050
-        # same as number of columns
-        assert client.get_count(key, parent, slice_predicate(3050), cl) == 3050
-        # 1 above number of columns
-        assert client.get_count(key, parent, slice_predicate(3051), cl) == 3050
-    def test_super_insert(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _insert_super()
-        _verify_super()
-    def test_super_get(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _insert_super()
-        result = client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc2'), 
-        assert result == _SUPER_COLUMNS[1], result
-    def test_super_subcolumn_limit(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _insert_super()
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2')
-        slice = [result.column
-                 for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-        assert slice == [Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 0)], slice
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', True, 1))
-        slice = [result.column
-                 for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-        assert slice == [Column(_i64(6), 'value6', 0)], slice
-    def test_long_order(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('StandardLong1')
-        def long_xrange(start, stop, step):
-            i = start
-            while i < stop:
-                yield i
-                i += step
-        L = []
-        for i in long_xrange(0, 104294967296, 429496729):
-            name = _i64(i)
-            client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('StandardLong1'), Column(name, 
'v', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-            L.append(name)
-        slice = [ for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        assert slice == L, slice
-    def test_integer_order(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('StandardInteger1')
-        def long_xrange(start, stop, step):
-            i = start
-            while i >= stop:
-                yield i
-                i -= step
-        L = []
-        for i in long_xrange(104294967296, 0, 429496729):
-            name = _i64(i)
-            client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('StandardInteger1'), 
Column(name, 'v', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-            L.append(name)
-        slice = [ for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        L.sort()
-        assert slice == L, slice
-    def test_time_uuid(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace2')
-        self.truncate_all('Super4')
-        import uuid
-        L = []
-        # 100 isn't enough to fail reliably if the comparator is borked
-        for i in xrange(500):
-            L.append(uuid.uuid1())
-            client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super4', 'sc1'), 
Column(L[-1].bytes, 'value%s' % i, i), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        slice = _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super4', 'sc1'))
-        assert len(slice) == 500, len(slice)
-        for i in xrange(500):
-            u = slice[i].column
-            assert u.value == 'value%s' % i
-            assert == L[i].bytes
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', True, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super4', 'sc1')
-        slice = [result.column
-                 for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-        assert slice == [Column(L[-1].bytes, 'value499', 499)], slice
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', L[2].bytes, False, 1000))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super4', 'sc1')
-        slice = [result.column
-                 for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-        assert slice == [Column(L[0].bytes, 'value0', 0),
-                         Column(L[1].bytes, 'value1', 1),
-                         Column(L[2].bytes, 'value2', 2)], slice
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(L[2].bytes, '', True, 1000))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super4', 'sc1')
-        slice = [result.column
-                 for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-        assert slice == [Column(L[2].bytes, 'value2', 2),
-                         Column(L[1].bytes, 'value1', 1),
-                         Column(L[0].bytes, 'value0', 0)], slice
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(L[2].bytes, '', False, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super4', 'sc1')
-        slice = [result.column
-                 for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-        assert slice == [Column(L[2].bytes, 'value2', 2)], slice
-    def test_long_remove(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('StandardLong1')
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('StandardLong1')
-        sp = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1))
-        for i in xrange(10):
-            parent = ColumnParent('StandardLong1')
-            client.insert('key1', parent, Column(_i64(i), 'value1', 10 * i), 
-            client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('StandardLong1'), 10 * i + 1, 
-            slice = client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, sp, 
-            assert slice == [], slice
-            # resurrect
-            client.insert('key1', parent, Column(_i64(i), 'value2', 10 * i + 
2), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-            slice = [result.column
-                     for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, sp, 
-            assert slice == [Column(_i64(i), 'value2', 10 * i + 2)], (slice, i)
-    def test_integer_remove(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('StandardInteger1')
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('StandardInteger1')
-        sp = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1))
-        for i in xrange(10):
-            parent = ColumnParent('StandardInteger1')
-            client.insert('key1', parent, Column(_i64(i), 'value1', 10 * i), 
-            client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('StandardInteger1'), 10 * i + 1, 
-            slice = client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, sp, 
-            assert slice == [], slice
-            # resurrect
-            client.insert('key1', parent, Column(_i64(i), 'value2', 10 * i + 
2), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-            slice = [result.column
-                     for result in client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, sp, 
-            assert slice == [Column(_i64(i), 'value2', 10 * i + 2)], (slice, i)
-    def test_batch_insert(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Standard2')
-        _insert_batch()
-        _verify_batch()
-    def test_batch_mutate_standard_columns(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Standard2')
-        column_families = ['Standard1', 'Standard2']
-        keys = ['key_%d' % i for i in range(27, 32)]
-        mutations = [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(c)) for c in _SIMPLE_COLUMNS]
-        mutation_map = dict((column_family, mutations) for column_family in 
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, mutation_map) for key in keys)
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for column_family in column_families:
-            for key in keys:
-                _assert_column(column_family, key, 'c1', 'value1')
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_standard_columns(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Standard2')
-        column_families = ['Standard1', 'Standard2']
-        keys = ['key_%d' % i for i in range(11, 21)]
-        _insert_multi(keys)
-        mutations = [Mutation(deletion=Deletion(20, 
predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=[]))) for c in _SIMPLE_COLUMNS]
-        mutation_map = dict((column_family, mutations) for column_family in 
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, mutation_map) for key in keys)
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for column_family in column_families:
-            for c in _SIMPLE_COLUMNS:
-                for key in keys:
-                    _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath(column_family,
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_standard_row(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Standard2')
-        column_families = ['Standard1', 'Standard2']
-        keys = ['key_%d' % i for i in range(11, 21)]
-        _insert_multi(keys)
-        mutations = [Mutation(deletion=Deletion(20))]
-        mutation_map = dict((column_family, mutations) for column_family in 
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, mutation_map) for key in keys)
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for column_family in column_families:
-            for c in _SIMPLE_COLUMNS:
-                for key in keys:
-                    _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath(column_family,
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_super_columns_with_standard_under(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1', 'Super2')
-        column_families = ['Super1', 'Super2']
-        keys = ['key_%d' % i for i in range(11, 21)]
-        _insert_super()
-        mutations = []
-        for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-            names = []
-            for c in sc.columns:
-                names.append(
-            mutations.append(Mutation(deletion=Deletion(20,, predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=names))))
-        mutation_map = dict((column_family, mutations) for column_family in 
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, mutation_map) for key in keys)
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for column_family in column_families:
-            for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-                for c in sc.columns:
-                    for key in keys:
-                        _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath(column_family,,
-    def 
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        keys = ['key_%d' % i for i in range(17, 21)]
-        for key in keys:
-            _insert_super(key)
-        mutations = []
-        for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-            mutations.append(Mutation(deletion=Deletion(20,
-        mutation_map = {'Super1': mutations}
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, mutation_map) for key in keys)
-        # Sanity check
-        for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-            for key in keys:
-                _assert_columnpath_exists(key, ColumnPath('Super1',
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-            for c in sc.columns:
-                for key in keys:
-                    _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath('Super1',
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_super_columns_entire_row(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        keys = ['key_%d' % i for i in range(17, 21)]
-        for key in keys:
-            _insert_super(key)
-        mutations = []
-        mutations.append(Mutation(deletion=Deletion(20)))
-        mutation_map = {'Super1': mutations}
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, mutation_map) for key in keys)
-        # Sanity check
-        for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-            for key in keys:
-                _assert_columnpath_exists(key, ColumnPath('Super1',
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for sc in _SUPER_COLUMNS:
-            for key in keys:
-                _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath('Super1',
-    # known failure: see CASSANDRA-10046
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_slice_standard(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        columns = [Column('c1', 'value1', 0),
-                   Column('c2', 'value2', 0),
-                   Column('c3', 'value3', 0),
-                   Column('c4', 'value4', 0),
-                   Column('c5', 'value5', 0)]
-        for column in columns:
-            client.insert('key', ColumnParent('Standard1'), column, 
-        d = Deletion(1, 
predicate=SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(start='c2', finish='c4')))
-        client.batch_mutate({'key': {'Standard1': [Mutation(deletion=d)]}}, 
-        _assert_columnpath_exists('key', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c1'))
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c2'))
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c3'))
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c4'))
-        _assert_columnpath_exists('key', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c5'))
-    # known failure: see CASSANDRA-10046
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_slice_of_entire_supercolumns(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        columns = [SuperColumn(name='sc1', columns=[Column(_i64(1), 'value1', 
-                   SuperColumn(name='sc2',
-                               columns=[Column(_i64(2), 'value2', 0), 
Column(_i64(3), 'value3', 0)]),
-                   SuperColumn(name='sc3', columns=[Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 
-                   SuperColumn(name='sc4',
-                               columns=[Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 0), 
Column(_i64(6), 'value6', 0)]),
-                   SuperColumn(name='sc5', columns=[Column(_i64(7), 'value7', 
-        for column in columns:
-            for subcolumn in column.columns:
-                client.insert('key', ColumnParent('Super1',, 
subcolumn, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        d = Deletion(1, 
predicate=SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(start='sc2', finish='sc4')))
-        client.batch_mutate({'key': {'Super1': [Mutation(deletion=d)]}}, 
-        _assert_columnpath_exists('key', ColumnPath('Super1', 
super_column='sc1', column=_i64(1)))
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc2', 
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc2', 
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc3', 
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc4', 
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc4', 
-        _assert_columnpath_exists('key', ColumnPath('Super1', 
super_column='sc5', column=_i64(7)))
-    @since('1.0', '2.2')
-    def test_batch_mutate_remove_slice_part_of_supercolumns(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        columns = [Column(_i64(1), 'value1', 0),
-                   Column(_i64(2), 'value2', 0),
-                   Column(_i64(3), 'value3', 0),
-                   Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 0),
-                   Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 0)]
-        for column in columns:
-            client.insert('key', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), column, 
-        r = SliceRange(start=_i64(2), finish=_i64(4))
-        d = Deletion(1, super_column='sc1', 
-        client.batch_mutate({'key': {'Super1': [Mutation(deletion=d)]}}, 
-        _assert_columnpath_exists('key', ColumnPath('Super1', 
super_column='sc1', column=_i64(1)))
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc1', 
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc1', 
-        _assert_no_columnpath('key', ColumnPath('Super1', super_column='sc1', 
-        _assert_columnpath_exists('key', ColumnPath('Super1', 
super_column='sc1', column=_i64(5)))
-    def test_batch_mutate_insertions_and_deletions(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1', 'Super2')
-        first_insert = SuperColumn("sc1",
-                                   columns=[Column(_i64(20), 'value20', 3),
-                                            Column(_i64(21), 'value21', 3)])
-        second_insert = SuperColumn("sc1",
-                                    columns=[Column(_i64(20), 'value20', 3),
-                                             Column(_i64(21), 'value21', 3)])
-        first_deletion = {'super_column': "sc1",
-                          'predicate': SlicePredicate(column_names=[_i64(22), 
-        second_deletion = {'super_column': "sc2",
-                           'predicate': SlicePredicate(column_names=[_i64(22), 
-        keys = ['key_30', 'key_31']
-        for key in keys:
-            sc = SuperColumn('sc1', [Column(_i64(22), 'value22', 0),
-                                     Column(_i64(23), 'value23', 0)])
-            cfmap = {'Super1': 
-            client.batch_mutate({key: cfmap}, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-            sc2 = SuperColumn('sc2', [Column(_i64(22), 'value22', 0),
-                                      Column(_i64(23), 'value23', 0)])
-            cfmap2 = {'Super2': 
-            client.batch_mutate({key: cfmap2}, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        cfmap3 = {
-            'Super1': 
-                       Mutation(deletion=Deletion(3, **first_deletion))],
-            'Super2': [Mutation(deletion=Deletion(2, **second_deletion)),
-        }
-        keyed_mutations = dict((key, cfmap3) for key in keys)
-        client.batch_mutate(keyed_mutations, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for key in keys:
-            for c in [_i64(22), _i64(23)]:
-                _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath('Super1', 
super_column='sc1', column=c))
-                _assert_no_columnpath(key, ColumnPath('Super2', 
super_column='sc2', column=c))
-            for c in [_i64(20), _i64(21)]:
-                _assert_columnpath_exists(key, ColumnPath('Super1', 
super_column='sc1', column=c))
-                _assert_columnpath_exists(key, ColumnPath('Super2', 
super_column='sc1', column=c))
-    def test_bad_system_calls(self):
-        def duplicate_index_names():
-            _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-            cd1 = ColumnDef('foo', 'BytesType', IndexType.KEYS, 'i')
-            cd2 = ColumnDef('bar', 'BytesType', IndexType.KEYS, 'i')
-            cf = CfDef('Keyspace1', 'BadCF', column_metadata=[cd1, cd2])
-            client.system_add_column_family(cf)
-        _expect_exception(duplicate_index_names, InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_bad_batch_calls(self):
-        # mutate_does_not_accept_cosc_and_deletion_in_same_mutation
-        def too_full():
-            _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-            col = ColumnOrSuperColumn(column=Column("foo", 'bar', 0))
-            dele = Deletion(2, predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=['baz']))
-            client.batch_mutate({'key_34': {'Standard1': [Mutation(col, 
-                                ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _expect_exception(too_full, InvalidRequestException)
-        # test_batch_mutate_does_not_accept_cosc_on_undefined_cf:
-        def bad_cf():
-            _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-            col = ColumnOrSuperColumn(column=Column("foo", 'bar', 0))
-            client.batch_mutate({'key_36': {'Undefined': [Mutation(col)]}},
-                                ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _expect_exception(bad_cf, InvalidRequestException)
-        # test_batch_mutate_does_not_accept_deletion_on_undefined_cf
-        def bad_cf_2():
-            _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-            d = Deletion(2, predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=['baz']))
-            client.batch_mutate({'key_37': {'Undefined': 
-                                ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _expect_exception(bad_cf_2, InvalidRequestException)
-        # a column value that does not match the declared validator
-        def send_string_instead_of_long():
-            _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-            col = ColumnOrSuperColumn(column=Column('birthdate', 'bar', 0))
-            client.batch_mutate({'key_38': {'Indexed1': [Mutation(col)]}},
-                                ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _expect_exception(send_string_instead_of_long, InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_column_name_lengths(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', 
ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('', 'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), 
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 1, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 127, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 128, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 129, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 255, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 256, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * 257, 
'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * (2 ** 16 
- 1), 'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', 
ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('x' * (2 ** 16), 'value', 0), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_bad_calls(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        # missing arguments
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert(None, None, None, None), 
-        # supercolumn in a non-super CF
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', 
ColumnParent('Standard1', 'x'), Column('y', 'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), 
-        # no supercolumn in a super CF
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', 
ColumnParent('Super1'), Column('y', 'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), 
-        # column but no supercolumn in remove
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 
column='x'), 0, ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # super column in non-super CF
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.remove('key1', 
ColumnPath('Standard1', 'y', 'x'), 0, ConsistencyLevel.ONE), 
-        # key too long
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get('x' * 2 ** 16, 
ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c1'), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), 
-        # empty key
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get('', ColumnPath('Standard1', 
column='c1'), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        cfmap = {'Super1': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(super_column=c)) for 
-                 'Super2': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(super_column=c)) for 
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.batch_mutate({'': cfmap}, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # empty column name
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', 
column=''), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # get doesn't specify column name
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1'), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # supercolumn in a non-super CF
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', 
'x', 'y'), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # get doesn't specify supercolumn name
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1'), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # invalid CF
-        _expect_exception(lambda: get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('S'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['', '']), '', '', 5, ConsistencyLevel.ONE), 
-        # 'x' is not a valid Long
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 
'sc1'), Column('x', 'value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # start is not a valid Long
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('x', '', False, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('StandardLong1')
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-                          InvalidRequestException)
-        # start > finish
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(_i64(10), _i64(0), False, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('StandardLong1')
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-                          InvalidRequestException)
-        # start is not a valid Long, supercolumn version
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('x', '', False, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1')
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-                          InvalidRequestException)
-        # start > finish, supercolumn version
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(_i64(10), _i64(0), False, 1))
-        column_parent = ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1')
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.get_slice('key1', column_parent, p, 
-                          InvalidRequestException)
-        # start > finish, key version
-        _expect_exception(lambda: get_range_slice(client, 
ColumnParent('Standard1'), SlicePredicate(column_names=['']), 'z', 'a', 1, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        # ttl must be greater or equals to zero
-        column = Column('cttl1', 'value1', 0, -1)
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', 
ColumnParent('Standard1'), column, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
-                          InvalidRequestException)
-        # don't allow super_column in Deletion for standard 
-        deletion = Deletion(1, 'supercolumn', None)
-        mutation = Mutation(deletion=deletion)
-        mutations = {'key': {'Standard1': [mutation]}}
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.batch_mutate(mutations, 
-                          InvalidRequestException)
-        # 'x' is not a valid long
-        deletion = Deletion(1, 'x', None)
-        mutation = Mutation(deletion=deletion)
-        mutations = {'key': {'Super3': [mutation]}}
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.batch_mutate(mutations, 
ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM), InvalidRequestException)
-        # counters don't support ANY
-        _expect_exception(lambda: client.add('key1', ColumnParent('Counter1', 
'x'), CounterColumn('y', 1), ConsistencyLevel.ANY), InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_batch_insert_super(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1', 'Super2')
-        cfmap = {'Super1': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(super_column=c))
-                            for c in _SUPER_COLUMNS],
-                 'Super2': [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(super_column=c))
-                            for c in _SUPER_COLUMNS]}
-        client.batch_mutate({'key1': cfmap}, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _verify_super('Super1')
-        _verify_super('Super2')
-    def test_cf_remove_column(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c1'), 1, 
-        _expect_missing(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', 
column='c1'), ConsistencyLevel.ONE))
-        assert client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c2'), 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE).column \
-            == Column('c2', 'value2', 0)
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1')) \
-            == [ColumnOrSuperColumn(column=Column('c2', 'value2', 0))]
-        # New insert, make sure it shows up post-remove:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c3', 
'value3', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        columns = [result.column
-                   for result in _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'))]
-        assert columns == [Column('c2', 'value2', 0), Column('c3', 'value3', 
0)], columns
-        # Test resurrection.  First, re-insert the value w/ older timestamp,
-        # and make sure it stays removed
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c1', 
'value1', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        columns = [result.column
-                   for result in _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'))]
-        assert columns == [Column('c2', 'value2', 0), Column('c3', 'value3', 
0)], columns
-        # Next, w/ a newer timestamp; it should come back:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c1', 
'value1', 2), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        columns = [result.column
-                   for result in _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'))]
-        assert columns == [Column('c1', 'value1', 2), Column('c2', 'value2', 
0), Column('c3', 'value3', 0)], columns
-    def test_cf_remove(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Super1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        _insert_super()
-        # Remove the key1:Standard1 cf; verify super is unaffected
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1'), 3, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1')) == []
-        _verify_super()
-        # Test resurrection.  First, re-insert a value w/ older timestamp,
-        # and make sure it stays removed:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c1', 
'value1', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1')) == []
-        # Next, w/ a newer timestamp; it should come back:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c1', 
'value1', 4), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        result = _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'))
-        assert result == [ColumnOrSuperColumn(column=Column('c1', 'value1', 
4))], result
-        # check removing the entire super cf, too.
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Super1'), 3, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1')) == []
-        assert _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1')) == []
-    def test_super_cf_remove_and_range_slice(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        client.insert('key3', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), Column(_i64(1), 
'v1', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.remove('key3', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc1'), 5, 
-        rows = {}
-        for row in get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Super1'), 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1000)), '', '', 1000, 
-            scs = [cosc.super_column for cosc in row.columns]
-            rows[row.key] = scs
-        assert rows == {'key3': []}, rows
-    def test_super_cf_remove_column(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Super1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        _insert_super()
-        # Make sure remove clears out what it's supposed to, and _only_ that:
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc2', _i64(5)), 5, 
-        _expect_missing(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc2', 
_i64(5)), ConsistencyLevel.ONE))
-        super_columns = [result.super_column for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        assert super_columns == [SuperColumn(name='sc1', 
columns=[Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 0)]),
-                                 SuperColumn(name='sc2', 
columns=[Column(_i64(6), 'value6', 0)])]
-        _verify_simple()
-        # New insert, make sure it shows up post-remove:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(7), 
'value7', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        super_columns_expected = [SuperColumn(name='sc1',
-                                              columns=[Column(_i64(4), 
'value4', 0)]),
-                                  SuperColumn(name='sc2',
-                                              columns=[Column(_i64(6), 
'value6', 0), Column(_i64(7), 'value7', 0)])]
-        super_columns = [result.super_column for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        assert super_columns == super_columns_expected, super_columns
-        # Test resurrection.  First, re-insert the value w/ older timestamp,
-        # and make sure it stays removed:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        super_columns = [result.super_column for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        assert super_columns == super_columns_expected, super_columns
-        # Next, w/ a newer timestamp; it should come back
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 6), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        super_columns = [result.super_column for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        super_columns_expected = [SuperColumn(name='sc1', 
columns=[Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 0)]),
-                                  SuperColumn(name='sc2', 
columns=[Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 6),
Column(_i64(6), 'value6', 0),
Column(_i64(7), 'value7', 0)])]
-        assert super_columns == super_columns_expected, super_columns
-        # shouldn't be able to specify a column w/o a super column for remove
-        cp = ColumnPath(column_family='Super1', column='sc2')
-        e = _expect_exception(lambda: client.remove('key1', cp, 5, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        assert e.why.find("column cannot be specified without") >= 0
-    def test_super_cf_remove_supercolumn(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Super1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        _insert_super()
-        # Make sure remove clears out what it's supposed to, and _only_ that:
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc2'), 5, 
-        _expect_missing(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc2', 
_i64(5)), ConsistencyLevel.ONE))
-        super_columns = _big_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'))
-        assert super_columns == [], super_columns
-        super_columns_expected = [SuperColumn(name='sc1', 
columns=[Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 0)])]
-        super_columns = [result.super_column
-                         for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        assert super_columns == super_columns_expected, super_columns
-        _verify_simple()
-        # Test resurrection.  First, re-insert the value w/ older timestamp,
-        # and make sure it stays removed:
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 1), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        super_columns = [result.super_column
-                         for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        assert super_columns == super_columns_expected, super_columns
-        # Next, w/ a newer timestamp; it should come back
-        client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 6), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        super_columns = [result.super_column
-                         for result in _big_slice('key1', 
-        super_columns_expected = [SuperColumn(name='sc1', 
columns=[Column(_i64(4), 'value4', 0)]),
-                                  SuperColumn(name='sc2', 
columns=[Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 6)])]
-        assert super_columns == super_columns_expected, super_columns
-        # check slicing at the subcolumn level too
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1000))
-        columns = [result.column
-                   for result in client.get_slice('key1', 
ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), p, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)]
-        assert columns == [Column(_i64(5), 'value5', 6)], columns
-    def test_super_cf_resurrect_subcolumn(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        key = 'vijay'
-        client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), Column(_i64(4), 
'value4', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.remove(key, ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc1'), 1, 
-        client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), Column(_i64(4), 
'value4', 2), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        result = client.get(key, ColumnPath('Super1', 'sc1'), 
-        assert result.super_column.columns is not None, result.super_column
-    def test_empty_range(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Super1')
-        assert get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c1']), '', '', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE) 
== []
-        _insert_simple()
-        assert get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Super1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c1']), '', '', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE) 
== []
-    @since('2.1')
-    def test_super_cql_read_compatibility(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _insert_super("key1")
-        _insert_super("key2")
-        node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
-        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
-        session.execute('USE "Keyspace1"')
-        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM \"Super1\"",
-                   [["key1", "sc1", 4, "value4"],
-                    ["key1", "sc2", 5, "value5"],
-                    ["key1", "sc2", 6, "value6"],
-                    ["key2", "sc1", 4, "value4"],
-                    ["key2", "sc2", 5, "value5"],
-                    ["key2", "sc2", 6, "value6"]])
-        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM \"Super1\" WHERE 
-                   [["key1", "sc1", 4, "value4"],
-                    ["key1", "sc2", 5, "value5"],
-                    ["key1", "sc2", 6, "value6"]])
-        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM \"Super1\" WHERE 
key=textAsBlob('key1') AND column1=textAsBlob('sc2')",
-                   [["key1", "sc2", 5, "value5"],
-                    ["key1", "sc2", 6, "value6"]])
-        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM \"Super1\" WHERE 
key=textAsBlob('key1') AND column1=textAsBlob('sc2') AND column2 = 5",
-                   [["key1", "sc2", 5, "value5"]])
-        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM \"Super1\" WHERE key = 
textAsBlob('key1') AND column1 = textAsBlob('sc2')",
-                   [["key1", "sc2", 5, "value5"],
-                    ["key1", "sc2", 6, "value6"]])
-        assert_all(session, "SELECT column2, value FROM \"Super1\" WHERE key = 
textAsBlob('key1') AND column1 = textAsBlob('sc2')",
-                   [[5, "value5"],
-                    [6, "value6"]])
-    @since('2.1')
-    def test_super_cql_write_compatibility(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
-        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
-        session.execute('USE "Keyspace1"')
-        query = "INSERT INTO \"Super1\" (key, column1, column2, value) VALUES 
(textAsBlob(%s), textAsBlob(%s), %s, textAsBlob(%s)) USING TIMESTAMP 1234"
-        session.execute(query, ("key1", "sc1", 4, "value4"))
-        session.execute(query, ("key1", "sc2", 5, "value5"))
-        session.execute(query, ("key1", "sc2", 6, "value6"))
-        session.execute(query, ("key2", "sc1", 4, "value4"))
-        session.execute(query, ("key2", "sc2", 5, "value5"))
-        session.execute(query, ("key2", "sc2", 6, "value6"))
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('sc1', 'sc2', False, 2))
-        result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1'), p, 
-        assert_length_equal(result, 2)
-        self.assertEqual(result[0], 'sc1')
-        self.assertEqual(result[0].super_column.columns[0], Column(_i64(4), 
'value4', 1234))
-        self.assertEqual(result[1], 'sc2')
-        self.assertEqual(result[1].super_column.columns, [Column(_i64(5), 
'value5', 1234), Column(_i64(6), 'value6', 1234)])
-    def test_range_with_remove(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        assert get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c1']), 'key1', '', 1000, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE)[0].key == 'key1'
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c1'), 1, 
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='c2'), 1, 
-        actual = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c2']), '', '', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert actual == [KeySlice(columns=[], key='key1')], actual
-    def test_range_with_remove_cf(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _insert_simple()
-        assert get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c1']), 'key1', '', 1000, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE)[0].key == 'key1'
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1'), 1, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        actual = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c1']), '', '', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert actual == [KeySlice(columns=[], key='key1')], actual
-    def test_range_collation(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        for key in ['-a', '-b', 'a', 'b'] + [str(i) for i in xrange(100)]:
-            client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column(key, 'v', 0), 
-        slices = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['-a', '-a']), '', '', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        L = ['-a', '-b', '0', '1', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', 
'17', '18', '19', '2', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', 
'29', '3', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '4', 
'40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '5', '50', '51', 
'52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '6', '60', '61', '62', '63', 
'64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '7', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', 
'76', '77', '78', '79', '8', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', 
'88', '89', '9', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99', 
'a', 'b']
-        assert len(slices) == len(L)
-        for key, ks in zip(L, slices):
-            assert key == ks.key
-    def test_range_partial(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        for key in ['-a', '-b', 'a', 'b'] + [str(i) for i in xrange(100)]:
-            client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column(key, 'v', 0), 
-        def check_slices_against_keys(keyList, sliceList):
-            assert len(keyList) == len(sliceList), "%d vs %d" % (len(keyList), 
-            for key, ks in zip(keyList, sliceList):
-                assert key == ks.key
-        slices = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['-a', '-a']), 'a', '', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        check_slices_against_keys(['a', 'b'], slices)
-        slices = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['-a', '-a']), '', '15', 1000, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        check_slices_against_keys(['-a', '-b', '0', '1', '10', '11', '12', 
'13', '14', '15'], slices)
-        slices = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['-a', '-a']), '50', '51', 1000, 
-        check_slices_against_keys(['50', '51'], slices)
-        slices = get_range_slice(client, ColumnParent('Standard1'), 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['-a', '-a']), '1', '', 10, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        check_slices_against_keys(['1', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 
'16', '17', '18'], slices)
-    def test_get_slice_range(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        _insert_range()
-        _verify_range()
-    def test_get_slice_super_range(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _insert_super_range()
-        _verify_super_range()
-    def test_get_range_slices_tokens(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace2')
-        self.truncate_all('Super3')
-        for key in ['key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4', 'key5']:
-            for cname in ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5']:
-                client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super3', 'sc1'), 
Column(cname, 'v-' + cname, 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        cp = ColumnParent('Super3', 'sc1')
-        predicate = SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3'])
-        range = KeyRange(start_token='55', end_token='55', count=100)
-        result = client.get_range_slices(cp, predicate, range, 
-        assert len(result) == 5
-        assert result[0].columns[0] == 'col1'
-        assert result[0].columns[1] == 'col3'
-    def test_get_range_slice_super(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace2')
-        self.truncate_all('Super3')
-        for key in ['key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4', 'key5']:
-            for cname in ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5']:
-                client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Super3', 'sc1'), 
Column(cname, 'v-' + cname, 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        cp = ColumnParent('Super3', 'sc1')
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3']), 'key2', 'key4', 5, 
-        assert len(result) == 3
-        assert result[0].columns[0] == 'col1'
-        assert result[0].columns[1] == 'col3'
-        cp = ColumnParent('Super3')
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['sc1']), 'key2', 'key4', 5, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert len(result) == 3
-        assert list(set(row.columns[0] for row in 
result))[0] == 'sc1'
-    def test_get_range_slice(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        for key in ['key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4', 'key5']:
-            for cname in ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5']:
-                client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column(cname, 
'v-' + cname, 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        cp = ColumnParent('Standard1')
-        # test empty slice
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3']), 'key6', '', 1, 
-        assert len(result) == 0
-        # test empty columns
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['a']), 'key2', '', 1, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        assert len(result[0].columns) == 0
-        # test column_names predicate
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3']), 'key2', 'key4', 5, 
-        assert len(result) == 3, result
-        assert result[0].columns[0] == 'col1'
-        assert result[0].columns[1] == 'col3'
-        # row limiting via count.
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3']), 'key2', 'key4', 1, 
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        # test column slice predicate
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(start='col2', finish='col4', 
reversed=False, count=5)), 'key1', 'key2', 5, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert len(result) == 2
-        assert result[0].key == 'key1'
-        assert result[1].key == 'key2'
-        assert len(result[0].columns) == 3
-        assert result[0].columns[0] == 'col2'
-        assert result[0].columns[2] == 'col4'
-        # col limiting via count
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(start='col2', finish='col4', 
reversed=False, count=2)), 'key1', 'key2', 5, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert len(result[0].columns) == 2
-        # and reversed
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(start='col4', finish='col2', 
reversed=True, count=5)), 'key1', 'key2', 5, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert result[0].columns[0] == 'col4'
-        assert result[0].columns[2] == 'col2'
-        # row limiting via count
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(start='col2', finish='col4', 
reversed=False, count=5)), 'key1', 'key2', 1, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        # removed data
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Standard1', column='col1'), 1, 
-        result = get_range_slice(client, cp, 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '')), 'key1', 'key2', 5, 
-        assert len(result) == 2, result
-        assert result[0].columns[0] == 'col2', 
-        assert result[1].columns[0] == 'col1'
-    def test_wrapped_range_slices(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        def copp_token(key):
-            # I cheated and generated this from Java
-            return {'a': '00530000000100000001',
-                    'b': '00540000000100000001',
-                    'c': '00550000000100000001',
-                    'd': '00560000000100000001',
-                    'e': '00580000000100000001'}[key]
-        for key in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']:
-            for cname in ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5']:
-                client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column(cname, 
'v-' + cname, 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        cp = ColumnParent('Standard1')
-        result = client.get_range_slices(cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3']), 
KeyRange(start_token=copp_token('e'), end_token=copp_token('e')), 
-        assert [row.key for row in result] == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', ], 
[row.key for row in result]
-        result = client.get_range_slices(cp, 
SlicePredicate(column_names=['col1', 'col3']), 
KeyRange(start_token=copp_token('c'), end_token=copp_token('c')), 
-        assert [row.key for row in result] == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', ], 
[row.key for row in result]
-    def test_get_slice_by_names(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1', 'Super1')
-        _insert_range()
-        p = SlicePredicate(column_names=['c1', 'c2'])
-        result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
-        assert len(result) == 2
-        assert result[0] == 'c1'
-        assert result[1] == 'c2'
-        _insert_super()
-        p = SlicePredicate(column_names=[_i64(4)])
-        result = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc1'), p, 
-        assert len(result) == 1
-        assert result[0] == _i64(4)
-    def test_multiget_slice_with_compact_table(self):
-        """Insert multiple keys in a compact table and retrieve them using the 
multiget_slice interface"""
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        # create
-        cd = ColumnDef('v', 'AsciiType', None, None)
-        newcf = CfDef('Keyspace1', 'CompactColumnFamily', 
default_validation_class='AsciiType', column_metadata=[cd])
-        client.system_add_column_family(newcf)
-        CL = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
-        for i in range(0, 5):
-            client.insert('key' + str(i), ColumnParent('CompactColumnFamily'), 
Column('v', 'value' + str(i), 0), CL)
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        p = SlicePredicate(column_names=['v'])
-        rows = client.multiget_slice(['key' + str(i) for i in range(0, 5)], 
ColumnParent('CompactColumnFamily'), p, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for i in range(0, 5):
-            key = 'key' + str(i)
-            assert key in rows
-            assert len(rows[key]) == 1
-            assert rows[key][0] == 'v'
-            assert rows[key][0].column.value == 'value' + str(i)
-    def test_multiget_slice(self):
-        """Insert multiple keys and retrieve them using the multiget_slice 
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        # Generate a list of 10 keys and insert them
-        num_keys = 10
-        keys = ['key' + str(i) for i in range(1, num_keys + 1)]
-        _insert_multi(keys)
-        # Retrieve all 10 key slices
-        rows = _big_multislice(keys, ColumnParent('Standard1'))
-        columns = [ColumnOrSuperColumn(c) for c in _SIMPLE_COLUMNS]
-        # Validate if the returned rows have the keys requested and if the 
ColumnOrSuperColumn is what was inserted
-        for key in keys:
-            assert key in rows
-            assert columns == rows[key]
-    def test_multi_count(self):
-        """Insert multiple keys and count them using the multiget interface"""
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Standard1')
-        # Generate a list of 10 keys countaining 1 to 10 columns and insert 
-        num_keys = 10
-        for i in range(1, num_keys + 1):
-            key = 'key' + str(i)
-            for j in range(1, i + 1):
-                client.insert(key, ColumnParent('Standard1'), Column('c' + 
str(j), 'value' + str(j), 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        # Count columns in all 10 keys
-        keys = ['key' + str(i) for i in range(1, num_keys + 1)]
-        p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 1000))
-        counts = client.multiget_count(keys, ColumnParent('Standard1'), p, 
-        # Check the returned counts
-        for i in range(1, num_keys + 1):
-            key = 'key' + str(i)
-            assert counts[key] == i
-    def test_batch_mutate_super_deletion(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        _insert_super('test')
-        d = Deletion(1, predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=['sc1']))
-        cfmap = {'Super1': [Mutation(deletion=d)]}
-        client.batch_mutate({'test': cfmap}, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        _expect_missing(lambda: client.get('key1', ColumnPath('Super1', 
'sc1'), ConsistencyLevel.ONE))
-    def test_super_reinsert(self):
-        _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-        self.truncate_all('Super1')
-        for x in xrange(3):
-            client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), 
Column(_i64(x), 'value', 1), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        client.remove('key1', ColumnPath('Super1'), 2, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for x in xrange(3):
-            client.insert('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), Column(_i64(x 
+ 3), 'value', 3), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        for n in xrange(1, 4):
-            p = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, n))
-            slice = client.get_slice('key1', ColumnParent('Super1', 'sc2'), p, 
-            assert len(slice) == n, "expected %s results; found %s" % (n, 
-    def test_describe_keyspace(self):
-        try:
-            client.system_drop_keyspace("ValidKsForUpdate")
-        except InvalidRequestException:
-            pass  # The keyspace doesn't exit, because this test was run in 
-        kspaces = client.describe_keyspaces()
-        if self.cluster.version() >= '3.0':
-            assert len(kspaces) == 7, [ for x in kspaces]  # 
['Keyspace2', 'Keyspace1', 'system', 'system_traces', 'system_auth', 
'system_distributed', 'system_schema']
-        elif self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
-            assert len(kspaces) == 6, [ for x in kspaces]  # 
['Keyspace2', 'Keyspace1', 'system', 'system_traces', 'system_auth', 
-        else:
-            assert len(kspaces) == 4, [ for x in kspaces]  # 
['Keyspace2', 'Keyspace1', 'system', 'system_traces']
-        sysks = client.describe_keyspace("system")
-        assert sysks in kspaces
-        ks1 = client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace1")
-        assert ks1.strategy_options['replication_factor'] == '1', 
-        for cf in ks1.cf_defs:
-            if == "Standard1":
-                cf0 = cf
-                break
-        assert cf0.comparator_type == 
-    def test_describe(self):
-        assert client.describe_cluster_name() == 'test'
-    def test_describe_ring(self):
-        assert list(client.describe_ring('Keyspace1'))[0].endpoints == 
-    def test_describe_token_map(self):
-        # test/conf/cassandra.yaml specifies 
-        # which uses BytesToken, so this just tests that the string 
representation of the token
-        # matches a regex pattern for BytesToken.toString().
-        ring = client.describe_token_map().items()
-        if DISABLE_VNODES:
-            self.assertEqual(len(ring), 1)
-        else:
-            self.assertEqual(len(ring), int(NUM_TOKENS))
-        token, node = ring[0]
-        if not DISABLE_VNODES:
-            assert re.match("[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}", token)
-        assert node == ''
-    def test_describe_partitioner(self):
-        # Make sure this just reads back the values from the config.
-        assert client.describe_partitioner() == 
-    def test_describe_snitch(self):
-        assert client.describe_snitch() == 
-    def test_invalid_ks_names(self):
-        def invalid_keyspace():
-            client.system_add_keyspace(KsDef('in-valid', 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', {'replication_factor': '1'}, 
-        _expect_exception(invalid_keyspace, InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_invalid_strategy_class(self):
-        def add_invalid_keyspace():
-            client.system_add_keyspace(KsDef('ValidKs', 
'InvalidStrategyClass', {}, cf_defs=[]))
-        exc = _expect_exception(add_invalid_keyspace, InvalidRequestException)
-        s = str(exc)
-        assert s.find("InvalidStrategyClass") > -1, s
-        assert s.find("Unable to find replication strategy") > -1, s
-        def update_invalid_keyspace():
-            client.system_add_keyspace(KsDef('ValidKsForUpdate', 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', {'replication_factor': '1'}, 
-            client.system_update_keyspace(KsDef('ValidKsForUpdate', 
'InvalidStrategyClass', {}, cf_defs=[]))
-        exc = _expect_exception(update_invalid_keyspace, 
-        s = str(exc)
-        assert s.find("InvalidStrategyClass") > -1, s
-        assert s.find("Unable to find replication strategy") > -1, s
-    def test_invalid_cf_names(self):
-        def invalid_cf():
-            _set_keyspace('Keyspace1')
-            newcf = CfDef('Keyspace1', 'in-valid')
-            client.system_add_column_family(newcf)
-        _expect_exception(invalid_cf, InvalidRequestException)
-        def invalid_cf_inside_new_ks():
-            cf = CfDef('ValidKsName_invalid_cf', 'in-valid')
-            _set_keyspace('system')
-            client.system_add_keyspace(KsDef('ValidKsName_invalid_cf', 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', {'replication_factor': '1'}, 
-        _expect_exception(invalid_cf_inside_new_ks, InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_system_cf_recreate(self):
-        "ensures that keyspaces and column familes can be dropped and 
recreated in short order"
-        for x in range(2):
-            keyspace = 'test_cf_recreate'
-            cf_name = 'recreate_cf'
-            # create
-            newcf = CfDef(keyspace, cf_name)
-            newks = KsDef(keyspace, 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy', {'replication_factor': '1'}, 
-            client.system_add_keyspace(newks)
-            _set_keyspace(keyspace)
-            # insert
-            client.insert('key0', ColumnParent(cf_name), Column('colA', 
'colA-value', 0), ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-            col1 = client.get_slice('key0', ColumnParent(cf_name), 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 100)), 
-            assert == 'colA' and col1.value == 'colA-value'
-            # drop
-            client.system_drop_column_family(cf_name)
-            # recreate
-            client.system_add_column_family(newcf)
-            # query
-            cosc_list = client.get_slice('key0', ColumnParent(cf_name), 
SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange('', '', False, 100)), 
-            # this was failing prior to CASSANDRA-1477.
-            assert len(cosc_list) == 0, 'cosc length test failed'
-            client.system_drop_keyspace(keyspace)
-    def test_system_keyspace_operations(self):
-        # create.  note large RF, this is OK
-        keyspace = KsDef('CreateKeyspace',
-                         'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy',
-                         {'replication_factor': '10'},
-                         cf_defs=[CfDef('CreateKeyspace', 'CreateKsCf')])
-        client.system_add_keyspace(keyspace)
-        newks = client.describe_keyspace('CreateKeyspace')
-        assert 'CreateKsCf' in [ for x in newks.cf_defs]
-        _set_keyspace('CreateKeyspace')
-        # modify valid
-        modified_keyspace = KsDef('CreateKeyspace',
-                                  {'replication_factor': '1'},
-                                  cf_defs=[])
-        client.system_update_keyspace(modified_keyspace)
-        modks = client.describe_keyspace('CreateKeyspace')
-        assert modks.strategy_class == modified_keyspace.strategy_class
-        assert modks.strategy_options == modified_keyspace.strategy_options
-        # check strategy options are validated on modify
-        def modify_invalid_ks():
-            client.system_update_keyspace(KsDef('CreateKeyspace',
-                                                {},
-                                                cf_defs=[]))
-        _expect_exception(modify_invalid_ks, InvalidRequestException)
-        # drop
-        client.system_drop_keyspace('CreateKeyspace')
-        def get_second_ks():
-            client.describe_keyspace('CreateKeyspace')
-        _expect_exception(get_second_ks, NotFoundException)
-        # check strategy options are validated on creation
-        def create_invalid_ks():
-            client.system_add_keyspace(KsDef('InvalidKeyspace',
-                                             {},
-                                             cf_defs=[]))
-        _expect_exception(create_invalid_ks, InvalidRequestException)
-    def test_create_then_drop_ks(self):
-        keyspace = KsDef('AddThenDrop',
-                         strategy_options={'replication_factor': '1'},
-                         cf_defs=[])
-        def test_existence():
-            client.describe_keyspace(
-        _expect_exception(test_existence, NotFoundException)
-        client.set_keyspace('system')
-        client.system_add_keyspace(keyspace)
-        test_existence()
-        client.system_drop_keyspace(
-    def test_column_validators(self):
-        # columndef validation for regular CF
-        ks = 'Keyspace1'
-        _set_keyspace(ks)
-        cd = ColumnDef('col', 'LongType', None, None)
-        cf = CfDef('Keyspace1', 'ValidatorColumnFamily', column_metadata=[cd])
-        client.system_add_column_family(cf)
-        ks_def = client.describe_keyspace(ks)
-        assert 'ValidatorColumnFamily' in [ for x in ks_def.cf_defs]
-        cp = ColumnParent('ValidatorColumnFamily')
-        col0 = Column('col', _i64(42), 0)
-        col1 = Column('col', "ceci n'est pas 64bit", 0)
-        client.insert('key0', cp, col0, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        e = _expect_exception(lambda: client.insert('key1', cp, col1, 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE), InvalidRequestException)
-        assert e.why.find("failed validation") >= 0
-        # columndef validation for super CF
-        scf = CfDef('Keyspace1', 'ValidatorSuperColumnFamily', 
column_type='Super', column_metadata=[cd])
-        client.system_add_column_family(scf)
-        ks_def = client.describe_keyspace(ks)
-        assert 'ValidatorSuperColumnFamily' in [ for x in ks_def.cf_defs]
-        scp = ColumnParent('ValidatorSuperColumnFamily', 'sc1')
-        client.insert('key0', scp, col0, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
-        e = _expect_exception(lambda: client


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