
Stefan Miklosovic edited comment on CASSANDRA-16999 at 1/31/24 2:31 PM:

[~absurdfarce]  would you try again with this branch 
[https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/3076] ? I think I fixed that, I see 
different ports for each native_port_ssl column and 3 nodes cluster just 
started fine.


Even though I see 9042 and 4567 as native_port and native_port_ssl in 
system.peers_vs, when I use this as contact points, the driver just seems to 
use 9042
contact-points = ["", "", ""] 

Notice this:
You specified dc1 as the local DC, but some contact points are from a different 
DC: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=23897cc3)=null, 
Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=1e687984)=null; please 
provide the correct local DC, or check your contact points
whole log:
 Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 758 ms
[main] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.DefaultMavenCoordinates: DataStax 
Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R) (com.datastax.oss:java-driver-core) version 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.time.Clock: Using native 
clock for microsecond precision
 [s0|default] You specified dc1 as the local DC, but some contact points are 
from a different DC: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, 
hashCode=23897cc3)=null, Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, 
hashCode=1e687984)=null; please provide the correct local DC, or check your 
contact points
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xba55eb50, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
2[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xc0106973, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[main] org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ExecutorConfigurationSupport: 
Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
[main] org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog: Starting ProtocolHandler 
[main] org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer: Tomcat 
started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
[main] org.springframework.boot.StartupInfoLogger: Started Application in 2.546 
seconds (JVM running for 2.892)
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0x89395b9d, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xdbb2febd, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0x8a96329c, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xb1258035, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xef0a8273, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0x4c1e1b09, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protoc {code}
It seems to ignore 9042 and still tries to connect to 9042 anyway ... 

My application.conf:
datastax-java-driver {

  basic {
    contact-points = ["", "", ""]

    load-balancing-policy {
      local-datacenter = "dc1"

  advanced.auth-provider {
    class = PlainTextAuthProvider
    username = admin
    password = admin

  advanced.ssl-engine-factory {
    class = DefaultSslEngineFactory

    cipher-suites = ["TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA"]

    hostname-validation = false

    truststore-path = server-truststore.jks
    truststore-password = cassandra
    keystore-path = spark-master-1-server-keystore.p12
    keystore-password = cassandra
} {code}

I do not have any problem to connect to each node on 9042 or 4567 port via 

I see this on each node:

admin@cqlsh> select peer, peer_port, native_address, native_port, 
native_port_ssl, data_center from system.peers_v2;

@ Row 1
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1

@ Row 2
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1 {noformat}

admin@cqlsh> select peer, peer_port, native_address, native_port, 
native_port_ssl, data_center from system.peers_v2;

@ Row 1
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1

@ Row 2
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1
admin@cqlsh> select peer, peer_port, native_address, native_port, 
native_port_ssl, data_center from system.peers_v2;

@ Row 1
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1

@ Row 2
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1{noformat}

was (Author: smiklosovic):
[~absurdfarce]  would you try again with this branch 
[https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/3076] ? I think I fixed that, I see 
different ports for each native_port_ssl column and 3 nodes cluster just 
started fine.


Even though I see 9042 and 4567 as native_port and native_port_ssl in 
system.peers_vs, when I use this as contact points, the driver just seems to 
use 9042
contact-points = ["", "", ""] 

Notice this:
You specified dc1 as the local DC, but some contact points are from a different 
DC: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=23897cc3)=null, 
Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=1e687984)=null; please 
provide the correct local DC, or check your contact points
whole log:
 Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 758 ms
[main] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.DefaultMavenCoordinates: DataStax 
Java driver for Apache Cassandra(R) (com.datastax.oss:java-driver-core) version 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.time.Clock: Using native 
clock for microsecond precision
 [s0|default] You specified dc1 as the local DC, but some contact points are 
from a different DC: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, 
hashCode=23897cc3)=null, Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, 
hashCode=1e687984)=null; please provide the correct local DC, or check your 
contact points
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xba55eb50, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
2[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xc0106973, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[main] org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ExecutorConfigurationSupport: 
Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
[main] org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog: Starting ProtocolHandler 
[main] org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer: Tomcat 
started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
[main] org.springframework.boot.StartupInfoLogger: Started Application in 2.546 
seconds (JVM running for 2.892)
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0x89395b9d, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xdbb2febd, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0x8a96329c, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xb1258035, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0xef0a8273, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-2/] Protocol initialization request, step 1 
(STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0, DRIVER_NAME=DataStax Java driver for Apache 
Cassandra(R), DRIVER_VERSION=4.14.0, 
CLIENT_ID=42d95edb-9504-40ec-a2b2-cee22dd66fea}): failed to send request 
(io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record: 
[s0-admin-0] com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers: 
[s0|/]  Error while opening new channel 
(ConnectionInitException: [s0|id: 0x4c1e1b09, L:/ - 
R:cassandra-node-1/] Protoc {code}
It seems to ignore 9042 and still tries to connect to 9042 anyway ... 

My application.conf:
datastax-java-driver {

  basic {
    contact-points = ["", "", ""]

    load-balancing-policy {
      local-datacenter = "dc1"

  advanced.auth-provider {
    class = PlainTextAuthProvider
    username = admin
    password = admin

  advanced.ssl-engine-factory {
    class = DefaultSslEngineFactory

    cipher-suites = ["TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA"]

    hostname-validation = false

    truststore-path = server-truststore.jks
    truststore-password = cassandra
    keystore-path = spark-master-1-server-keystore.p12
    keystore-password = cassandra
} {code}
I see this on each node:

admin@cqlsh> select peer, peer_port, native_address, native_port, 
native_port_ssl, data_center from system.peers_v2;

@ Row 1
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1

@ Row 2
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1 {noformat}

admin@cqlsh> select peer, peer_port, native_address, native_port, 
native_port_ssl, data_center from system.peers_v2;

@ Row 1
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1

@ Row 2
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1
admin@cqlsh> select peer, peer_port, native_address, native_port, 
native_port_ssl, data_center from system.peers_v2;

@ Row 1
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1

@ Row 2
 peer            |
 peer_port       | 7000
 native_address  |
 native_port     | 9042
 native_port_ssl | 4567
 data_center     | dc1{noformat}

> system.peers and system.peers_v2 do not contain the native_transport and/or 
> native_transport_port_ssl
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CASSANDRA-16999
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-16999
>             Project: Cassandra
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Local/Other
>            Reporter: Steve Lacerda
>            Assignee: Brandon Williams
>            Priority: Normal
>             Fix For: 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 5.0.x, 5.x
>          Time Spent: 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> system.peers_v2 includes a “native_port” but has no notion of 
> native_transport_port vs. native_transport_port_ssl.  Given this limited 
> information, there’s no clear way for the driver to know that different ports 
> are being used for SSL vs. non-SSL or which of those two ports is identified 
> by “native_port”.
> The issue we ran into is that the java driver, since it has no notion of the 
> transport port SSL, the driver was only using the contact points and was not 
> load balancing.
> The customer had both set:
> native_transport_port: 9042
> native_transport_port_ssl: 9142
> They were attempting to connect to 9142, but that was failing. They could 
> only use 9042, and so their applications load balancing was failing. We found 
> that any node that was a contact point was connecting, but the other nodes 
> were never acting as coordinators.
> There are still issues in the driver, for which I have created JAVA-2967, 
> which also refers to JAVA-2638, but the system.peers and system.peers_v2 
> tables should both contain native_transport_port and 
> native_transport_port_ssl.

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