Revision: ebaee1ca6725
Author:   wfshaw <>
Date:     Sat Mar 24 19:34:56 2012
Log:      Edited wiki page Branch_Versions through web user interface.


--- /       Sun Jan 22 14:32:14 2012
+++ /       Sat Mar 24 19:34:56 2012
@@ -9,6 +9,5 @@
 = Details =

 ||*Branch Name* || *Status*              || *Description* ||
-||trunk || _active_ || New work is committed here. Latest development work || +||trunk || _active_ || New work that is following Cassandra 1.1.0 is committed here. Latest development work (1.1-dev-SNAPSHOT)|| ||v1.0.5 || _active_ || Current version that follows the Cassandra 1.0.x releases || -|| new-prepared || _inactive/deleteable_ || Topic branch for the _*String*_ version of bound variables for new {{{PreparedStatement}}} ||

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