Repository: couchdb-documentation
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 59edec503 -> 1f6633f30

Importing troubleshooting guide; remove wiki ref


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1f6633f304f915e9f376196793340696fca8ce0d
Parents: 59edec5
Author: Joan Touzet <>
Authored: Sat Aug 27 03:51:18 2016 -0400
Committer: Joan Touzet <>
Committed: Sat Aug 27 03:51:18 2016 -0400

 src/install/index.rst           |   1 +
 src/install/troubleshooting.rst | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/install/unix.rst            |  24 +--
 src/install/windows.rst         |  15 --
 4 files changed, 283 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/install/index.rst b/src/install/index.rst
index 419ce63..46a8e6e 100644
--- a/src/install/index.rst
+++ b/src/install/index.rst
@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ Installation
+    troubleshooting
diff --git a/src/install/troubleshooting.rst b/src/install/troubleshooting.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085b623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/install/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy 
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations 
+.. the License.
+.. _install/troubleshooting:
+Troubleshooting an Installation
+First Install
+If your CouchDB doesn't start after you've just installed, check the following
+- On UNIX-like systems, this is usually this is a permissions issue. Ensure
+  that you've followed the :ref:`install/unix/security` 
+  ``chown``/``chmod`` commands. This problem is indicated by the presence of
+  the keyword ``eacces`` somewhere in the error output from CouchDB itself.
+- Some Linux distributions split up Erlang into multiple packages. For your
+  distribution, check that you **really** installed all the required Erlang
+  modules. This varies from platform to platform, so you'll just have to
+  work it out for yourself. For example, on recent versions of Ubuntu/Debian,
+  the ``erlang`` package includes all Erlang modules.
+- Confirm that Erlang itself starts up with crypto (SSL) support:
+.. code-block:: text
+    ## what version of erlang are you running? Ensure it is supported
+    erl -noshell -eval 'io:put_chars(erlang:system_info(otp_release)).' -s 
erlang halt
+    ## are the erlang crypto (SSL) libraries working?
+    erl -noshell -eval 'case application:load(crypto) of ok -> 
io:put_chars("yay_crypto\n") ; _ -> exit(no_crypto) end.' -s init stop
+- Next, identify where your Erlang CouchDB libraries are installed. This will
+  typically be the lib/ subdirectory of the release that you have installed.
+- Use this to start up Erlang with the CouchDB libraries in its path:
+.. code-block:: text
+    erl -env ERL_LIBS $ERL_LIBS:/path/to/couchdb/lib -couch_ini -s crypto
+- In that Erlang shell, let's check that the key libraries are running. The
+  ``%%`` lines are comments, so you can skip them:
+.. code-block:: text
+    %% test SSL support. If this fails, ensure you have the OTP erlang-crypto 
library installed
+    crypto:md5_init().
+    %% test Snappy compression. If this fails, check your CouchDB configure 
script output or alternatively
+    %% if your distro comes with erlang-snappy make sure you're using only the 
CouchDB supplied version
+    snappy:compress("gogogogogogogogogogogogogogo").
+    %% test the CouchDB JSON encoder. CouchDB uses different encoders in each 
release, this one matches
+    %% what is used in 2.0.x.
+    jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(<<"[1,2,3,4,5]">>)).
+    %% this is how you quit the erlang shell.
+    q().
+- The output should resemble this, or an error will be thrown:
+.. code-block:: text
+    Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] 
+    Eshell V6.2  (abort with ^G)
+    1> crypto:md5_init().
+    <<1,35,69,103,137,171,205,239,254,220,186,152,118,84,50,
+      16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,...>>
+    2> snappy:compress("gogogogogogogogogogogogogogo").
+    {ok,<<28,4,103,111,102,2,0>>}
+    3> jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(<<"[1,2,3,4,5]">>)).
+    <<"[1,2,3,4,5]">>
+    4> q().
+- At this point the only remaining dependency is your systems' unicode support
+  library, ICU, and the Spidermonkey Javascript VM from Mozilla. Make sure that
+  your ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` or similar for non-Linux systems
+  (``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on macOS) makes these available to CouchDB. 
+  Linux example running as normal user:
+.. code-block:: text
+    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/spidermonkey/lib couchdb
+  Linux example running as couchdb user:
+.. code-block:: text
+    echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/spidermonkey/lib couchdb | 
sudo -u couchdb sh
+- If you receive an error message including the key word ``eaddrinuse``, 
+  such as this:
+.. code-block:: text
+    Failure to start Mochiweb: eaddrinuse
+  edit your ``etc/default.ini`` or ``etc/local.ini`` file and change the
+  ``[chttpd] port = 5984`` line to an available port.
+- If you receive an error including the string:
+.. code-block:: text
+    … OS Process Error … {os_process_error,{exit_status,127}}
+then it is likely your SpiderMonkey JavaScript VM installation is not
+correct. Please recheck your build dependencies and try again.
+- If you receive an error including the string:
+.. code-block:: text
+    … OS Process Error … {os_process_error,{exit_status,139}}
+this is caused by the fact that SELinux blocks access to certain areas of
+the filesystem. You must re-configure SELinux, or you can fully disable
+SELinux using the command:
+.. code-block:: text
+    setenforce 0
+- If you are still not able to get CouchDB to start at this point, keep
+  reading.
+Quick Build
+Having problems getting CouchDB to run for the first time? Follow this simple
+procedure and report back to the user mailing list or IRC with the output
+of each step. Please put the output of these steps into a paste service (such
+as rather than including the output of your entire
+run in IRC or the mailing list directly.
+1. Note down the name and version of your operating system and your processor
+   architecture.
+2. Note down the installed versions of CouchDB's dependencies.
+3. Follow the checkout instructions to get a fresh copy of CouchDB's trunk.
+4. Configure from the couchdb directory:
+.. code-block:: text
+    ./configure
+5. Build the release:
+.. code-block:: text
+    make release
+6. Run the couchdb command and log the output:
+.. code-block:: text
+    cd rel/couchdb
+    bin/couchdb
+7. Use your system's kernel trace tool and log the output of the above command.
+   a) For example, linux systems should use ``strace``:
+.. code-block:: text
+    strace bin/couchdb 2> strace.out
+8. Report back to the mailing list (or IRC) with the output of each step.
+Are you upgrading from CouchDB 2.0? Install CouchDB into a fresh directory.
+CouchDB's directory layout has changed and may be confused by libraries
+present from previous releases.
+Runtime Errors
+Lots of memory being used on startup
+Is your CouchDB using a lot of memory (several hundred MB) on startup? This 
+seems to especially affect Dreamhost installs. It's really an issue with the
+Erlang VM pre-allocating data structures when ulimit is very large or
+unlimited. A detailed dicussion can be found on the erlang-questions list,
+but the short answer is that you should decrease ``ulimit -n`` or define
+``ERL_MAX_PORTS`` to something reasonable like 1024. 
+erlang stack trace contains ``system_limit``, ``open_port``
+Erlang has a default limit of 1024 ports, where each FD, tcp connection, and
+linked-in driver uses one port. You seem to have exceeded this. You can
+change it at runtime using the ``ERL_MAX_PORTS`` env variable. 
+function raised exception (Cannot encode 'undefined' value as JSON)
+If you see this in the CouchDB error logs, the JavaScript code you are using
+for either a map or reduce function is referencing an object member that is
+not defined in at least one document in your database. Consider this
+.. code-block:: text
+    {
+      "_id":"XYZ123",
+      "_rev":"1BB2BB",
+      "field":"value"
+    }
+and this map function:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    function(doc) {
+      emit(, doc.address);
+    }
+This will fail on the above document, as it does not contain a ``name`` or
+``address`` member. Instead, use guarding to make sure the function only
+accesses members when they exist in a document:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    function(doc) {
+      if( && doc.address) {
+        emit(, doc.address);
+      }
+    }
+While the above guard will work in most cases, it's worth bearing JavaScript's
+understanding of 'false' values in mind. Testing against a property with a
+value of 0 (zero), ``''`` (empty String), ``false`` or ``null`` will return
+false. If this is undesired, a guard of the form ``if ( !== undefined)``
+should do the trick.
+This error can also be caused if a reduce function does not return a value. For
+example, this reduce function will cause an error:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    function(key, values) {
+      sum(values);
+    }
+The function needs to return a value:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    function(key, values) {
+      return sum(values);
+    }
+erlang stack trace contains ``bad_utf8_character_code``
+CouchDB 1.1.1 and later contains stricter handling of UTF8 encoding. If you 
+replicating from older versions to newer versions, then this error may occur 
+during replication.
+A number of work-arounds exist; the simplest is to do an in-place upgrade of 
+the relevant CouchDB and then compact prior to replicating.
+Alternatively, if the number of documents impacted is small, use filtered 
+replication to exclude only those documents.
diff --git a/src/install/unix.rst b/src/install/unix.rst
index 8332d63..26565c9 100644
--- a/src/install/unix.rst
+++ b/src/install/unix.rst
@@ -20,27 +20,7 @@ A high-level guide to Unix-like systems, inc. Mac OS X and 
 This document is the canonical source of installation information. However, 
 systems have gotchas that you need to be aware of. In addition, dependencies
-frequently change as distributions update their archives. If you're running 
-trouble, be sure to check out the wiki. If you have any tips to share, please
-also update the wiki so that others can benefit from your experience.
-.. seealso::
-    `Community installation guides`_
-.. _Community installation guides:
-* There is a `troubleshooting guide`_.
-* There is a `wiki`_ for general documentation.
-* There are collection of `friendly mailing lists`_.
-Please work through these in order if you experience any problems.
-.. _troubleshooting guide:
-.. _wiki:
-.. _friendly mailing lists:
+frequently change as distributions update their archives. 
 .. _install/unix/dependencies:
@@ -174,6 +154,8 @@ From here you should verify your installation by pointing 
your web browser to::
+.. _install/unix/security:
 Security Considerations
diff --git a/src/install/windows.rst b/src/install/windows.rst
index 89513bf..52d843b 100644
--- a/src/install/windows.rst
+++ b/src/install/windows.rst
@@ -69,21 +69,6 @@ Installation from sources
 If you're Windows geek, this section is for you!
-* There is a `troubleshooting guide`_.
-* There is a `wiki`_ for general documentation.
-* And some `Windows-specific tips`_.
-* There are collection of `friendly mailing lists`_.
-Please work through these in order if you experience any problems.
-.. _troubleshooting guide:
-.. _wiki:
-.. _friendly mailing lists:
-.. _Windows-specific tips:

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