Author: lmccay
Date: Wed Sep 24 14:18:28 2014
New Revision: 1627328

KNOX-429 updates to user guide for 0.5.0 via Sumit Gupta


Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/deployment-overview.png
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Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-5-0/knox-0-5-0.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-5-0/knox-0-5-0.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-5-0/knox-0-5-0.html Wed Sep 24 14:18:28 2014
@@ -76,20 +76,20 @@
   <li>Do Hadoop with Knox</li>
 </ol><h3><a id="1+-+Requirements"></a>1 - Requirements</h3><h4><a 
id="Java"></a>Java</h4><p>Java 1.6 or later is required for the Knox Gateway 
runtime. Use the command below to check the version of Java installed on the 
system where Knox will be running.</p>
 <pre><code>java -version
-</code></pre><h4><a id="Hadoop"></a>Hadoop</h4><p>Knox 0.4.0 supports Hadoop 
2.x, the quick start instructions assume a Hadoop 2.x virtual machine based 
environment. </p><h3><a id="2+-+Download+Hadoop+2.x+VM"></a>2 - Download Hadoop 
2.x VM</h3><p>The quick start provides a link to download Hadoop 2.0 based 
Hortonworks virtual machine <a 
href="";>Sandbox</a>. Please note 
Knox supports other Hadoop distributions and is configurable against a full 
blown Hadoop cluster. Configuring Knox for Hadoop 2.x version, or Hadoop 
deployed in EC2 or a custom Hadoop cluster is documented in advance deployment 
guide.</p><h3><a id="3+-+Download+Apache+Knox+Gateway"></a>3 - Download Apache 
Knox Gateway</h3><p>Download one of the distributions below from the <a 
href="";>Apache mirrors</a>.</p>
+</code></pre><h4><a id="Hadoop"></a>Hadoop</h4><p>Knox 0.5.0 supports Hadoop 
2.x, the quick start instructions assume a Hadoop 2.x virtual machine based 
environment. </p><h3><a id="2+-+Download+Hadoop+2.x+VM"></a>2 - Download Hadoop 
2.x VM</h3><p>The quick start provides a link to download Hadoop 2.0 based 
Hortonworks virtual machine <a 
href="";>Sandbox</a>. Please note 
Knox supports other Hadoop distributions and is configurable against a full 
blown Hadoop cluster. Configuring Knox for Hadoop 2.x version, or Hadoop 
deployed in EC2 or a custom Hadoop cluster is documented in advance deployment 
guide.</p><h3><a id="3+-+Download+Apache+Knox+Gateway"></a>3 - Download Apache 
Knox Gateway</h3><p>Download one of the distributions below from the <a 
href="";>Apache mirrors</a>.</p>
-  <li>Source archive: <a 
 signature</a>, <a 
 digest</a>, <a 
-  <li>Binary archive: <a 
signature</a>, <a 
digest</a>, <a 
+  <li>Source archive: <a 
 signature</a>, <a 
 digest</a>, <a 
+  <li>Binary archive: <a 
signature</a>, <a 
digest</a>, <a 
 </ul><p>Apache Knox Gateway releases are available under the <a 
href="";>Apache License, Version 
2.0</a>. See the NOTICE file contained in each release artifact for applicable 
copyright attribution notices.</p><h3><a id="Verify"></a>Verify</h3><p>While 
recommended, verify is an optional step. You can verify the integrity of any 
downloaded files using the PGP signatures. Please read <a 
href="";>Verifying Apache HTTP 
Server Releases</a> for more information on why you should verify our 
releases.</p><p>The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First 
download the KEYS file as well as the .asc signature files for the relevant 
release packages. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution 
directory linked above, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures 
using one of the methods below.</p>
 <pre><code>% pgpk -a KEYS
-% pgpv
+% pgpv
 <pre><code>% pgp -ka KEYS
-% pgp
+% pgp
 <pre><code>% gpg --import KEYS
-% gpg --verify
-</code></pre><h3><a id="4+-+Start+Hadoop+virtual+machine"></a>4 - Start Hadoop 
virtual machine</h3><p>Start the Hadoop virtual machine.</p><h3><a 
id="5+-+Install+Knox"></a>5 - Install Knox</h3><p>The steps required to install 
the gateway will vary depending upon which distribution format (zip | rpm) was 
downloaded. In either case you will end up with a directory where the gateway 
is installed. This directory will be referred to as your 
<code>{GATEWAY_HOME}</code> throughout this document.</p><h4><a 
id="ZIP"></a>ZIP</h4><p>If you downloaded the Zip distribution you can simply 
extract the contents into a directory. The example below provides a command 
that can be executed to do this. Note the <code>{VERSION}</code> portion of the 
command must be replaced with an actual Apache Knox Gateway version number. 
This might be 0.4.0 for example and must patch the value in the file 
+% gpg --verify
+</code></pre><h3><a id="5+-+Start+Hadoop+virtual+machine"></a>5 - Start Hadoop 
virtual machine</h3><p>Start the Hadoop virtual machine.</p><h3><a 
id="5+-+Install+Knox"></a>5 - Install Knox</h3><p>The steps required to install 
the gateway will vary depending upon which distribution format (zip | rpm) was 
downloaded. In either case you will end up with a directory where the gateway 
is installed. This directory will be referred to as your 
<code>{GATEWAY_HOME}</code> throughout this document.</p><h4><a 
id="ZIP"></a>ZIP</h4><p>If you downloaded the Zip distribution you can simply 
extract the contents into a directory. The example below provides a command 
that can be executed to do this. Note the <code>{VERSION}</code> portion of the 
command must be replaced with an actual Apache Knox Gateway version number. 
This might be 0.4.0 for example and must patch the value in the file 
 <pre><code>jar xf knox-{VERSION}.zip
 </code></pre><p>This will create a directory <code>knox-{VERSION}</code> in 
your current directory. The directory <code>knox-{VERSION}</code> will 
considered your <code>{GATEWAY_HOME}</code></p><h3><a 
id="6+-+Start+LDAP+embedded+in+Knox"></a>6 - Start LDAP embedded in 
Knox</h3><p>Knox comes with an LDAP server for demonstration purposes.</p>
 <pre><code>cd {GATEWAY_HOME}
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
-</code></pre><h4><a id="Submit+a+MR+job+via+Knox."></a>Submit a MR job via 
Knox.</h4><h4><a id="Get+status+of+a+MR+job+via+Knox."></a>Get status of a MR 
job via Knox.</h4><h4><a id="Cancel+a+MR+job+via+Knox."></a>Cancel a MR job via 
Knox.</h4><h3><a id="More+Examples"></a>More Examples</h3><h2><a 
id="Apache+Knox+Details"></a>Apache Knox Details</h2><p>This section provides 
everything you need to know to get the Knox gateway up and running against a 
Hadoop cluster.</p><h4><a id="Hadoop"></a>Hadoop</h4><p>An existing Hadoop 2.x 
cluster is required for Knox 0.4.0 to sit in front of and protect. It is 
possible to use a Hadoop cluster deployed on EC2 but this will require 
additional configuration not covered here. It is also possible to protect 
access to a services of a Hadoop cluster that is secured with kerberos. This 
too requires additional configuration that is described in other sections of 
this guide. See <a href="#Supported+Services">Supported Services</a> for 
details on what is s
 upported for this release.</p><p>The Hadoop cluster should be ensured to have 
at least WebHDFS, WebHCat (i.e. Templeton) and Oozie configured, deployed and 
running. HBase/Stargate and Hive can also be accessed via the Knox Gateway 
given the proper versions and configuration.</p><p>The instructions that follow 
assume a few things:</p>
+</code></pre><h4><a id="Submit+a+MR+job+via+Knox."></a>Submit a MR job via 
Knox.</h4><h4><a id="Get+status+of+a+MR+job+via+Knox."></a>Get status of a MR 
job via Knox.</h4><h4><a id="Cancel+a+MR+job+via+Knox."></a>Cancel a MR job via 
Knox.</h4><h3><a id="More+Examples"></a>More Examples</h3><h2><a 
id="Apache+Knox+Details"></a>Apache Knox Details</h2><p>This section provides 
everything you need to know to get the Knox gateway up and running against a 
Hadoop cluster.</p><h4><a id="Hadoop"></a>Hadoop</h4><p>An existing Hadoop 2.x 
cluster is required for Knox 0.5.0 to sit in front of and protect. It is 
possible to use a Hadoop cluster deployed on EC2 but this will require 
additional configuration not covered here. It is also possible to protect 
access to a services of a Hadoop cluster that is secured with kerberos. This 
too requires additional configuration that is described in other sections of 
this guide. See <a href="#Supported+Services">Supported Services</a> for 
details on what is s
 upported for this release.</p><p>The Hadoop cluster should be ensured to have 
at least WebHDFS, WebHCat (i.e. Templeton) and Oozie configured, deployed and 
running. HBase/Stargate and Hive can also be accessed via the Knox Gateway 
given the proper versions and configuration.</p><p>The instructions that follow 
assume a few things:</p>
   <li>The gateway is <em>not</em> collocated with the Hadoop clusters 
   <li>The host names and IP addresses of the cluster services are accessible 
by the gateway where ever it happens to be running.</li>
@@ -264,6 +264,12 @@ Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
       <td><img src="check.png"  alt="y"/> </td>
       <td><img src="check.png"  alt="y"/> </td>
+    <tr>
+      <td>Yarn </td>
+      <td>2.5.0 </td>
+      <td><img src="check.png"  alt="y"/> </td>
+      <td><img src="check.png"  alt="y"/> </td>
+    </tr>
 </table><h3><a id="More+Examples"></a>More Examples</h3><p>These examples 
provide more detail about how to access various Apache Hadoop services via the 
Apache Knox Gateway.</p>
@@ -272,6 +278,7 @@ Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
   <li><a href="#Oozie+Examples">Oozie Examples</a></li>
   <li><a href="#HBase+Examples">HBase Examples</a></li>
   <li><a href="#Hive+Examples">Hive Examples</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#Yarn+Examples">Yarn Examples</a></li>
 </ul><h2><a id="Gateway+Details"></a>Gateway Details</h2><p>This section 
describes the details of the Knox Gateway itself. Including: </p>
   <li>How URLs are mapped between a gateway that services multiple Hadoop 
clusters and the clusters themselves</li>
@@ -336,7 +343,7 @@ https://{gateway-host}:{gateway-port}/{g
-<dl><dt>/topology/service</dt><dd>Provider information about a particular 
service within the Hadoop cluster. Not all services are necessarily exposed as 
gateway endpoints.</dd><dt>/topology/service/role</dt><dd>Identifies the role 
of this service. Currently supported roles are: WEBHDFS, WEBHCAT, WEBHBASE, 
OOZIE, HIVE, NAMENODE, JOBTRACKER Additional service roles can be supported via 
plugins.</dd><dt>topology/service/url</dt><dd>The URL identifying the location 
of a particular service within the Hadoop cluster.</dd>
+<dl><dt>/topology/service</dt><dd>Provider information about a particular 
service within the Hadoop cluster. Not all services are necessarily exposed as 
gateway endpoints.</dd><dt>/topology/service/role</dt><dd>Identifies the role 
of this service. Currently supported roles are: WEBHDFS, WEBHCAT, WEBHBASE, 
be supported via plugins.</dd><dt>topology/service/url</dt><dd>The URL 
identifying the location of a particular service within the Hadoop cluster.</dd>
 </dl><h4><a id="Hostmap+Provider"></a>Hostmap Provider</h4><p>The purpose of 
the Hostmap provider is to handle situations where host are known by one name 
within the cluster and another name externally. This frequently occurs when 
virtual machines are used and in particular when using cloud hosting services. 
Currently, the Hostmap provider is configured as part of the topology file. The 
basic structure is shown below.</p>
@@ -615,7 +622,7 @@ ldapRealm=org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.Jn
-</code></pre><p>In order to fit into the context of an INI file format, at 
deployment time we interrogate the paramaters provided in the provider 
configuration and parse the INI section out of the paramter names. The 
following provider config illustrates this approach. Notice that the section 
names in the above shiro.ini match the beginning of the param names that are in 
the following config:</p>
+</code></pre><p>In order to fit into the context of an INI file format, at 
deployment time we interrogate the parameters provided in the provider 
configuration and parse the INI section out of the parameter names. The 
following provider config illustrates this approach. Notice that the section 
names in the above shiro.ini match the beginning of the param names that are in 
the following config:</p>
@@ -642,7 +649,7 @@ ldapRealm.userDnTemplate=uid={0},ou=peop
-</code></pre><p>This happens to be the way that we are currently configuring 
Shiro for BASIC/LDAP authentication. This same config approach may be used to 
achieve other authentication mechanisms or variations on this one. We however 
have not tested additional uses for it for this release.</p><h4><a 
id="LDAP+Configuration"></a>LDAP Configuration</h4><p>This section discusses 
the LDAP configuration used above for the Shiro Provider. Some of these 
configuration elements will need to be customized to reflect your deployment 
environment.</p><p><strong>main.ldapRealm</strong> - this element indicates the 
fully qualified classname of the Shiro realm to be used in authenticating the 
user. The classname provided by default in the sample is the 
<code>org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm</code> this implementation 
provides us with the ability to authenticate but by default has authorization 
disabled. In order to provide authorization - which is seen by Shiro as 
dependent on an LDAP schema
  that is specific to each organization - an extension of JndiLdapRealm is 
generally used to override and implement the doGetAuhtorizationInfo method. In 
this particular release we are providing a simple authorization provider that 
can be used along with the Shiro authentication 
provider.</p><p><strong>main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate</strong> - in order to 
bind a simple username to an LDAP server that generally requires a full 
distinguished name (DN), we must provide the template into which the simple 
username will be inserted. This template allows for the creation of a DN by 
injecting the simple username into the common name (CN) portion of the DN. 
<strong>This element will need to be customized to reflect your deployment 
environment.</strong> The template provided in the sample is only an example 
and is valid only within the LDAP schema distributed with Knox and is 
represented by the users.ldif file in the {GATEWAY_HOME}conf 
 /strong> - this element is the URL that represents the host and port of LDAP 
server. It also includes the scheme of the protocol to use. This may be either 
ldap or ldaps depending on whether you are communicating with the LDAP over SSL 
(higly recommended). <strong>This element will need to be cusomized to reflect 
your deployment 
 - this element indicates the type of authentication that should be performed 
against the LDAP server. The current default value is <code>simple</code> which 
indicates a simple bind operation. This element should not need to be modified 
and no mechanism other than a simple bind has been tested for this particular 
release.</p><p><strong>urls./</strong>** - this element represents a single 
URL_Ant_Path_Expression and the value the Shiro filter chain to apply to it. 
This particular sample indicates that all paths into the application have the 
same Shiro filter cha
 in applied. The paths are relative to the application context path. The use of 
the value <code>authcBasic</code> here indicates that BASIC authentication is 
expected for every path into the application. Adding an additional Shiro filter 
to that chain for validating that the request isSecure() and over SSL can be 
achieved by changing the value to <code>ssl, authcBasic</code>. It is not 
likely that you need to change this element for your environment.</p><h4><a 
id="Active+Directory+-+Special+Note"></a>Active Directory - Special 
Note</h4><p>You would use LDAP configuration as documented above to 
authenticate against Active Directory as well.</p><p>Some Active Directory 
specifc things to keep in mind:</p><p>Typical AD main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate 
value looks slightly different, such as  
cn={0},cn=users,DC=lab,DC=sample,dc=com</p><p>Please compare this with a 
typical Apache DS main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate value and make note of the 
difference.  uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=
 org</p><p>If your AD is configured to authenticate based on just the cn and 
password and does not require user DN, you do not have to specify value for 
id="LDAP+over+SSL+(LDAPS)+Configuration"></a>LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) 
Configuration</h4><p>In order to communicate with your LDAP server over SSL 
(again, highly recommended), you will need to modify the topology file in a 
couple ways and possibly provision some keying material.</p>
+</code></pre><p>This happens to be the way that we are currently configuring 
Shiro for BASIC/LDAP authentication. This same config approach may be used to 
achieve other authentication mechanisms or variations on this one. We however 
have not tested additional uses for it for this release.</p><h4><a 
id="LDAP+Configuration"></a>LDAP Configuration</h4><p>This section discusses 
the LDAP configuration used above for the Shiro Provider. Some of these 
configuration elements will need to be customized to reflect your deployment 
environment.</p><p><strong>main.ldapRealm</strong> - this element indicates the 
fully qualified classname of the Shiro realm to be used in authenticating the 
user. The classname provided by default in the sample is the 
<code>org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm</code> this implementation 
provides us with the ability to authenticate but by default has authorization 
disabled. In order to provide authorization - which is seen by Shiro as 
dependent on an LDAP schema
  that is specific to each organization - an extension of JndiLdapRealm is 
generally used to override and implement the doGetAuhtorizationInfo method. In 
this particular release we are providing a simple authorization provider that 
can be used along with the Shiro authentication 
provider.</p><p><strong>main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate</strong> - in order to 
bind a simple username to an LDAP server that generally requires a full 
distinguished name (DN), we must provide the template into which the simple 
username will be inserted. This template allows for the creation of a DN by 
injecting the simple username into the common name (CN) portion of the DN. 
<strong>This element will need to be customized to reflect your deployment 
environment.</strong> The template provided in the sample is only an example 
and is valid only within the LDAP schema distributed with Knox and is 
represented by the users.ldif file in the {GATEWAY_HOME}/conf 
 </strong> - this element is the URL that represents the host and port of LDAP 
server. It also includes the scheme of the protocol to use. This may be either 
ldap or ldaps depending on whether you are communicating with the LDAP over SSL 
(higly recommended). <strong>This element will need to be cusomized to reflect 
your deployment 
 - this element indicates the type of authentication that should be performed 
against the LDAP server. The current default value is <code>simple</code> which 
indicates a simple bind operation. This element should not need to be modified 
and no mechanism other than a simple bind has been tested for this particular 
release.</p><p><strong>urls./</strong>** - this element represents a single 
URL_Ant_Path_Expression and the value the Shiro filter chain to apply to it. 
This particular sample indicates that all paths into the application have the 
same Shiro filter ch
 ain applied. The paths are relative to the application context path. The use 
of the value <code>authcBasic</code> here indicates that BASIC authentication 
is expected for every path into the application. Adding an additional Shiro 
filter to that chain for validating that the request isSecure() and over SSL 
can be achieved by changing the value to <code>ssl, authcBasic</code>. It is 
not likely that you need to change this element for your environment.</p><h4><a 
id="Active+Directory+-+Special+Note"></a>Active Directory - Special 
Note</h4><p>You would use LDAP configuration as documented above to 
authenticate against Active Directory as well.</p><p>Some Active Directory 
specifc things to keep in mind:</p><p>Typical AD main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate 
value looks slightly different, such as  
cn={0},cn=users,DC=lab,DC=sample,dc=com</p><p>Please compare this with a 
typical Apache DS main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate value and make note of the 
difference.  uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc
 =org</p><p>If your AD is configured to authenticate based on just the cn and 
password and does not require user DN, you do not have to specify value for 
id="LDAP+over+SSL+(LDAPS)+Configuration"></a>LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) 
Configuration</h4><p>In order to communicate with your LDAP server over SSL 
(again, highly recommended), you will need to modify the topology file in a 
couple ways and possibly provision some keying material.</p>
   <li><strong>main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url</strong> must be changed to 
have the <code>ldaps</code> protocol scheme and the port must be the SSL 
listener port on your LDAP server.</li>
   <li>Identity certificate (keypair) provisioned to LDAP server - your LDAP 
server specific documentation should indicate what is requried for providing a 
cert or keypair to represent the LDAP server identity to connecting 

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Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ Wed Sep 24 14:18:28 2014
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This section provides everything you nee
 #### Hadoop ####
-An existing Hadoop 2.x cluster is required for Knox 0.4.0 to sit in front of 
and protect.
+An existing Hadoop 2.x cluster is required for Knox 0.5.0 to sit in front of 
and protect.
 It is possible to use a Hadoop cluster deployed on EC2 but this will require 
additional configuration not covered here.
 It is also possible to protect access to a services of a Hadoop cluster that 
is secured with kerberos.
 This too requires additional configuration that is described in other sections 
of this guide.
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ This table enumerates the versions of va
 | HBase/Stargate     | 0.98.0     | ![y]        | ![y]   |
 | Hive (via WebHCat) | 0.13.0     | ![y]        | ![y]   |
 | Hive (via JDBC)    | 0.13.0     | ![y]        | ![y]   |
+| Yarn               | 2.5.0      | ![y]        | ![y]   |
 ### More Examples ###
@@ -91,3 +92,4 @@ These examples provide more detail about
 * #[Oozie Examples]
 * #[HBase Examples]
 * #[Hive Examples]
+* #[Yarn Examples]

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ Wed Sep 24 14:18:28 2014
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Not all services are necessarily exposed
 : Identifies the role of this service.
-Currently supported roles are: WEBHDFS, WEBHCAT, WEBHBASE, OOZIE, HIVE, 
+Currently supported roles are: WEBHDFS, WEBHCAT, WEBHBASE, OOZIE, HIVE, 
 Additional service roles can be supported via plugins.

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ Wed Sep 24 14:18:28 2014
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ The following example illustrates a conf
-In order to fit into the context of an INI file format, at deployment time we 
interrogate the paramaters provided in the provider configuration and parse the 
INI section out of the paramter names. The following provider config 
illustrates this approach. Notice that the section names in the above shiro.ini 
match the beginning of the param names that are in the following config:
+In order to fit into the context of an INI file format, at deployment time we 
interrogate the parameters provided in the provider configuration and parse the 
INI section out of the parameter names. The following provider config 
illustrates this approach. Notice that the section names in the above shiro.ini 
match the beginning of the param names that are in the following config:
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ This section discusses the LDAP configur
 **main.ldapRealm** - this element indicates the fully qualified classname of 
the Shiro realm to be used in authenticating the user. The classname provided 
by default in the sample is the `org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm` 
this implementation provides us with the ability to authenticate but by default 
has authorization disabled. In order to provide authorization - which is seen 
by Shiro as dependent on an LDAP schema that is specific to each organization - 
an extension of JndiLdapRealm is generally used to override and implement the 
doGetAuhtorizationInfo method. In this particular release we are providing a 
simple authorization provider that can be used along with the Shiro 
authentication provider.
-**main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate** - in order to bind a simple username to an 
LDAP server that generally requires a full distinguished name (DN), we must 
provide the template into which the simple username will be inserted. This 
template allows for the creation of a DN by injecting the simple username into 
the common name (CN) portion of the DN. **This element will need to be 
customized to reflect your deployment environment.** The template provided in 
the sample is only an example and is valid only within the LDAP schema 
distributed with Knox and is represented by the users.ldif file in the 
{GATEWAY_HOME}conf directory.
+**main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate** - in order to bind a simple username to an 
LDAP server that generally requires a full distinguished name (DN), we must 
provide the template into which the simple username will be inserted. This 
template allows for the creation of a DN by injecting the simple username into 
the common name (CN) portion of the DN. **This element will need to be 
customized to reflect your deployment environment.** The template provided in 
the sample is only an example and is valid only within the LDAP schema 
distributed with Knox and is represented by the users.ldif file in the 
{GATEWAY_HOME}/conf directory.
 **main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url** - this element is the URL that 
represents the host and port of LDAP server. It also includes the scheme of the 
protocol to use. This may be either ldap or ldaps depending on whether you are 
communicating with the LDAP over SSL (higly recommended). **This element will 
need to be cusomized to reflect your deployment environment.**.

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ Wed Sep 24 14:18:28 2014
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Use the command below to check the versi
 #### Hadoop ####
-Knox 0.4.0 supports Hadoop 2.x, the quick start instructions assume a Hadoop 
2.x virtual machine based environment. 
+Knox 0.5.0 supports Hadoop 2.x, the quick start instructions assume a Hadoop 
2.x virtual machine based environment. 
 ### 2 - Download Hadoop 2.x VM ###
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ Configuring Knox for Hadoop 2.x version,
 Download one of the distributions below from the [Apache mirrors][mirror].
-* Source archive: [][src-zip] ([PGP signature][src-pgp], 
[SHA1 digest][src-sha], [MD5 digest][src-md5])
-* Binary archive: [][bin-zip] ([PGP signature][bin-pgp], [SHA1 
digest][bin-sha], [MD5 digest][bin-md5])
+* Source archive: [][src-zip] ([PGP signature][src-pgp], 
[SHA1 digest][src-sha], [MD5 digest][src-md5])
+* Binary archive: [][bin-zip] ([PGP signature][bin-pgp], [SHA1 
digest][bin-sha], [MD5 digest][bin-md5])
 Apache Knox Gateway releases are available under the [Apache License, Version 
 See the NOTICE file contained in each release artifact for applicable 
copyright attribution notices.
@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ Make sure you get these files from the m
 Then verify the signatures using one of the methods below.
     % pgpk -a KEYS
-    % pgpv
+    % pgpv
     % pgp -ka KEYS
-    % pgp
+    % pgp
     % gpg --import KEYS
-    % gpg --verify
+    % gpg --verify
-### 4 - Start Hadoop virtual machine ###
+### 5 - Start Hadoop virtual machine ###
 Start the Hadoop virtual machine.

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