(i've had a look but i need a bit more time to think before i comment on 
the actual patch)

i suppose that i should state my general feelings on the issue of 'how to 
deal with extensible object models'. in general, i agree with jason 
approach. the 'right' way is to have a list of reasonable assumptions 
about how object mapping should work and then support parsing of object's 
that match these rules through a general 'fall-back' ruleset. (this simple 
a set of rules that have very short matching keys and so can always be 
over-ruled by specific rule match). any object which follows these general 
rules will be mapped correctly.

jason and i have - slightly incompatible - working prototypes (jason uses 
dom4j and i use digester) of this kind of set up.

of course, this will not solve your particular problem since introducing 
general fall-back rules would require changes to tomcat. in the long run, 
though, i think that this system would be more intuitive to code and 
easier to maintain than relying on people being able to correctly code 
self-configuring objects.

- robert

On Wednesday, December 12, 2001, at 11:35 PM, Mika Goeckel wrote:

> Hi!
> Is it possible to add rules to the ruleset of a digester after the parse 
> has been started?
> The reason for that is, that it would enable us to put the knowledge 
> about child objects within something like a configure() method of a just 
> created object.
> For example if someone creates a complicated valve with subobjects in 
> tomcat, the knowledge that a valve needs to be created is for example in 
> org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextRuleset.
> Now if someone needs a Valve with subobjects configured via digester 
> he/she has to change the ContextRuleset class.
> If it would be possible to call a configure method on the specific 
> implementation of a class, it could itself add the rules for childs.
> A class could implement a ProvideRules interface defined in the digester 
> package to let the digester know that it wants to provide additional 
> rules.
> Comments please?

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