
>Sorry this mail is really late - I've been offline. I just wanted to day
>that AltRMI sounds very interesting, I'm keen to help out - particularly
>adding JMS bindings, that sounds right up my street.
Welcome aboard then :-)

The first thing to do is get it from CVS, compile and run it as per the 
README.  After that look at the classes in the test package to see how, 
from the user's point of view, it is used.  I think you're brave taking 
on a JMS transport, but then perhaps if you know it well it might be 
quite easy.  AltRMI's magic (not) is that it transports method calls in 
serializable classes.  There are quite a few communicated through a 
simple, single API...

     AltrmiReply handleInvocation(AltrmiRequest request);

  class MethodRequest extends AltrmiRequest {
      String methodSignature;
      Object[] args;
       Long referenceID;
  class MethodReply extends AltrmiReply{
      Object replyObj;
.. (and a few others).  The handleInvocation() method, in the impls so 
far, can tranport itself over RMI, over plain sockets (using 
objectstreams and a custom solution).  There are also very useful impls 
that transport/marshall within one JVM ('Piped' and 'Direct').

For JMS, if it can transport classes like those above via an interface 
like that above, then it is fine.  I'll have to read more. 
 Specifically, I'm not sure how the asynchronous side of things will work.


- Paul H

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