Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> We've refined the commons-logging APIs, and documented the mechanics.  In
> addition, I've heard from numerous people on various projects that would
> like to use these APIs, but are hesitant to do so without a 1.0 release.
> Therefore, I'd like to now propose that we do a 1.0 release of the
> commons-logging package, based on the current contents of the CVS
> repository for this package.  I will volunteer to act as release manager,
> following the standard process for Commons packages:
> ----- CUT HERE -----
> [ ] +1  I support the release of Commons Logging 1.0 and will help
> [ ] +0  I support the release, but cannot help
> [ ] -0  I am not in favor of the release
> [ ] -1  I am opposed to this release, and here's why (attach reasons)
> ----- CUT HERE -----


How many logger abstractions do we need?  Avalon has a perfectly good one.
(I am not a committer on commons though...).

It looks like a direct rip off of the Avalon logger abstraction, and despite
the work that Peter Donald and I put into it, we get no mention.


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