On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 10:16, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> Some developers proposed that all Jakarta members should get Karma to
> Commons automatically.  In essence, you would have been able to commit
> directly to the Commons repository at any time, even if you had made no
> contributions to the Commons before.  I believe this was Costin's original
> stance; I don't know if he still believes this is the best course for the
> project.  For convenience's sake, let's call this the OPEN MODEL.

Funnily enough Costins model == Peters model. Go back and read stuff - I 
believe CVS should be open across the board as does Sam IIRC - Jon was 
very opposed to it though so it didn't get done ;)

> The other end of the spectrum was Peter's opinion: that each component
> should be run like a mini Jakrata subproject, complete with separate commit
> and voting rights.  We'll say this is the CLOSED MODEL.

Separate voting rights not commit rights. Only people who show commitment to 
a product should be able to have binding votes on it.



 We shall not cease from exploration, and the 
  end of all our exploring will be to arrive 
 where we started and know the place for the 
        first time -- T.S. Eliot

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