> Rod,
> how about the parameters passed to parse.
> From reading of the javadoc, the domain and 
> path passed to parse shouldn't be null. 
> Is this correct?

I don't see it specified one way or the other in the javadoc, but it looks
like currently none of the parse methods will accept null for domain or

The domain and path attributes of the parse methods are the domain/path of
the request that obtained the set-cookie response (for cookie-acceptence
purposes), which in the general case is not the same as the domain/path
attributes of the set-cookie header being parsed, so there are at least two
different questions here.  I don't have a strong opinion as to whether or
not the parse(...) methods should allow null host or path arguments.

I do think that Cookie.setDomain and Cookie.setPath should allow null
values, and when the corresponding member is null, getDomain and getPath
should return null. (Note that currently setDomain doesn't allow null,
although probably not by design.)  Defaults values, like "/" for null paths
should be determined by the response-reading parser or the request-writer
writer, not by the Cookie struct itself, IMO.

- Rod

> dIon Gillard

PS: Both Cookie.parse() and Cookie.setDomain() point to the risk of some of
the recent javadoc and parameter-validation patches.  The current behavior
may be circumstantial rather than intentional, and we don't want to turn
coincidental behaviours into contracts without thinking thru what those
contracts should be.

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