I think both Marc and dIon raise some good points.  The spec clearly allows
domain to be null in a Set-Cookie header, but also speaks to what clients
should assume to be the domain in that circumstance.

So what is a *.httpclient.Cookie, really?  A representation of the somewhate
abstract "client side state"?  A container for the parsed attributes of a
Set-Cookie header? A container for the attributes that go into a Cookie
header? Some combination of these?

Under what circumstances would we want it to have a null domain or path?  Is
it ever useful to know, for example, that the server didn't indicate a
domain, but the client "assumed" one?  (And assuming it is useful, is Cookie
the right place to go to find out, or is that really a question about
Headers?)  Is it always possible, in practice, to provide a default based
upon the context in which the Cookie/Set-Cookie headers are encountered?

(I'm really not trying to be coy, I honestly don't know the answers here.)

 - Rod

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