> 3) your name has replaced mine as auther of the
> smaller class, as i did 
> nothing really.
:-)) haha ....

> 1) I hate the env.put() business of JNDI.  Should we
> also provide a 
> helper factory (optional use) that will make an
> InitialContext for comon 
> types of transport? It would be a non-standard way
> of making an initial 
> context but many people do this anyway in their
> code.
Sure , sounds good . 
> 2) The URL naming scheme for JNDI is very different
> to the colon 
> delimited design that I have started in
> InterfaceLookupFactory.  Should 
> we change that to look more like JNDI ?

Hey Paul, I left some println' hanging in there 
amongst the jndi code .
Can you get rid of those.
I am sorry for that .

> 3) Tests.  I think some of the tests should be
> changed to use JNDI for 
> the lookup.  Not all, as we should show people that
> they have options...
Yaa , maybe we can have the sockete-client option,
in to express JNDI presence within the altrmi story.

V i n a y.

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