>       Are there plans to replace JOCL with Digester for this release ?
>We're using DBCP with JOCL for an application which will go to
>production soon. And we'd like to know the road-map for moving it to

As it's designed now (or as it was a month ago), pool and DBCP are 
not very Digester friendly.  The classes don't follow the javabean 
conventions, and Digester works best when it can do everything with 

When I first dipped into Pool, I casually started trying to refactor 
it to use digester, and things got tricky pretty quickly.  Of course, 
I don't know the APIs very well, so I probably would have been better 
off getting to understand them before just trying to tweak it all 

Also, the two-part variability of pool and dbcp made it hard for me 
to come up with a single digester process that would handle both 

I had to get something done, and it didn't really need to use "pool", 
so I left it at that and haven't taken the time to get back to it. 
(I have to admit that i'm also kind of waiting to see how the 
competing pool implementations thing plays out, since for most things 
I've already got a connection pooling solution that I don't need to 


* Joe Germuska    { [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
"It's pitiful, sometimes, if they've got it bad. Their eyes get 
glazed, they go white, their hands tremble.... As I watch them I 
often feel that a dope peddler is a gentleman compared with the man 
who sells records."
        --Sam Goody, 1956
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