To add more detail:

I'm looking to add two features from my MapCArgs. The first is an
OptionType concept so that the CLI can do automatic object conversion. So
-a could have an OptionType of java.lang.Class.class or
OptionType.CLASS_TYPE and it would automatically convert '-a' to the right class, or print a standard error about it
not being on the classpath.

The second feature is a pattern to build options instead of lots of object
calls. So I could do:

Options opts = PatternOptionBuilder.create("ab:c");

where a and c are boolean flags and b has a string value. The pattern then
supports the types in that there's a whole range of characters that can
be used.

Options opts = PatternOptionBuilder.create("a!b:!d*h%");

where h is a number, a is a required boolean, b is a required string and d
is a collection of files. I'd like to add globbing to 'd' from Jakarta

Anyway, this might be considered to be a pile of crap, so let me know if
you think so. Adding them to Commons rather than Sandbox shouldn't be a
heavy issue, I just have to diff a few classes and c+p.


On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Henri Yandell wrote:

> I've some code I'm working on that I'd like to get in before a 1.0
> release. Having to re-patch it to Commons rather than sandbox is a
> medium-level hassle. Depends how quickly you want to move it.
> Hen

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