From: "robert burrell donkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> by my count we have 10 +1's for promotion and no -1's. so i believe that
> we've enough votes to promote betwixt :)

Cool! :-)

> how's this going to be organized?
> are we going to have a coordinate development pause, promote then push to
> the release using the version in jakarta-commons?
> or are we going to finish the release version in jakarta-commons-sandbox
> and then promote and release together?
> or is there some other possibility...?
> (i'll probably have some time to go through the documentation - at least -
> before the release but i don't want to step on other people's feet or
> indeed have my own stepped on.)

I'd like to move the code over to jakarta-commons ASAP, whenever there's a
good point at which to have a small development pause, then once its over in
jakarta-commons do the things we need for a release. It shouldn't me more
than an hour to move it across.

Right now I know Jon's doing some more testing and Martin was doing some
experimentation. So how about we pick a day & time a few days in the future,
say Monday next week, 6pm GMT when we move it over to the new CVS repo? By
all means chip in Martin/Jon if you need more time. Then once its moved over
we can all try figure out what bits need doing/documenting before the 1.0

BTW it'd be neat if we could just move all the RCS files across (and patch
the CVS/Root file) then we'd keep the history. Did anyone do anything like
that with other projects that made the transfer?


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