> I suspect there's a design that would allow consistent names to be
> used (add(), get()), but also to be able to treat something as a
> real Collection or Map. Something Proxy-ish or Adapter-ish
> comes to mind; at least, some form of composition.

Sounds reasonable.

> (actually, if you're using addInt() it's not
> clear to me how you could use the class as a real Collection or Map
> anyway, since you can't use the substitution principle because
> you've extended the interface). 

The substitution is meant to go the other way--classes or methods that expect 
Collection or Map (or in the only concrete case here, List), can use the primitive 
version directly.  I can take an IntArrayList and pass it off to 
Collections.binarySearch or Collections.shuffle for example.

A wrapping (Adapter) approach, something like: 
 Collections.shuffle(new ListToPrimitiveListAdapter(mylist));
is a viable alternative, in fact IMO that's preferable.

Wouldn't be difficult to implement right now if we're willing postpone the collections 
release by a day or two.

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