Martin Cooper wrote:

By default, I believe Mavenised projects are configured for the Sun coding
conventions. Maven also directly supports the Turbine conventions, but you
can modify either set, or define an entirely new set, on a per-project
basis. There are Commons components that use each of these alternatives.

The Commons charter allows each component to define its own set of coding
conventions, as long as the conventions are documented. The default is the
Sun coding conventions, if nothing else is stated.

It seems to me that projects tend to override bits of other styles. They say things like "[these are] coding conventions that are specific to Jakarta Commons/Net everything else not specificially mentioned here should follow the official Sun Java Coding Conventions <>".

Perhaps it would be possible to define an authorative Maven coding style and then provide a kind of cascading configuration that allows individual projects to add or override conventions? Also perhaps some statistics on which project overrides and new conventions are popular so that over time the Maven coding style could be expanded and refined? I guess Maven could even auto-generate a per-project document that outlines that projects' coding style.


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